Dorf Chapter 9

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P r o b l e m s --------1 401


Section 9.2 Differential Equation for Circuits w ith

Two Energy Storage Elements
P 9.2-1 Find the differential equation for the circuit shown in
Figure P 9.2-1 using the direct method.

2Q 1 mH

Figure P 9.2-4

P 9.2-5 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 9.2-5 is the

voltage of the voltage source, vs. The output is the capacitor
P 9.2-2 Find the differential equation for the circuit shown in voltage v(/) Represent the circuit by a second-order differen­
Figure P 9.2-2 using the operator method. tial equation that shows how the output of this circuit is related
Answer: to the input for t > 0 .
Hint: Use the direct method.
£ i L(t) + 11.000 ~ i L(/) + 1.1 x 108;L(f) = 108i,(/)
at1 at

P 9.2-6 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 9.2-6 is the

voltage of the voltage source, vs. The output is the inductor
Figure P 9.2-2 current /(/). Represent the circuit by a second-order differential
equation that shows how the output of this circuit is related to
P 9.2-3 Find the differential equation for iL(t) for t > 0 for the the input for t > 0 .
circuit of Figure P 9.2-3.
Hint: Use the direct method.

Figure P 9.2-3 Figure P 9.2-6

P 9.2-4 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 9.2-4 is the P 9.2-7 The input to the circuit showTi in Figure P 9.2-7 is the
voltage of the voltage source, Vs. The output is the inductor voltage of the voltage source, vs. The output is the inductor
current /(/). Represent the circuit by a second-order differential current i2(t). Represent the circuit by a second-order differen­
equation that shows how the output of this circuit is related to tial equation that shows how the output of this circuit is related
the input for t> 0 . to the input for t > 0 .
Hint: Use the direct method. Hint: Use the operator method.
402 I------- T h e C o m p l e t e R e s p o n s e o f Ci r c u i t s w i t h T w o E n e r g y S t o r a g e E l e m e n t s

P 9.2-11 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 9.2-11 is

the voltage of the voltage source, vs(f). The output is the
P 9.2-8 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 9.2-8 is the voltage v2(/). Derive the second-order differential equation
voltage of the voltage source, vs. The output is the capacitor that shows how the output of this circuit is related to the input.
voltage v2(0- Represent the circuit by a second-order differ­ Hint: Use the direct method.
ential equation that shows how the output of this circuit is
related to the input for t > 0.
Hint: Use the operator method.
r= 0

Figure P 9.2-8 P 9.2-12 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 9.2-12 is
the voltage of the voltage source, vs(f). The output is the
P 9.2-9 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 9.2-9 is the voltage v0(f). Derive the second-order differential equation
voltage of the voltage source, vs. The output is the capacitor that shows how the output of this circuit is related to the input.
voltage v(t). Represent the circuit by a second-order differen­ Hint: Use the operator method.
tial equation that shows how the output of this circuit is related
to the input for t > 0.
Hint: Use the direct method.

t= 0

Figure P 9.2-12

P 9.2-10 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 9.2-10 is

the voltage of the voltage source, vs. The output is the P 9.2-13 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 9.2-13 is
capacitor voltage v(t). Represent the circuit by a second-order the voltage of the voltage source, vs(/). The output is the
differential equation that shows how the output of this circuit voltage v0(/). Derive the second-order differential equation
is related to the input for t > 0. that shows how the output of this circuit is related to the input.
Hint: Find a Thevenin equivalent circuit. Hint: Use the direct method.
P ro b lem s _ ©

/= 0
100 mH

"c ^ 1/3 mF

Figure P 9.3-2

P 9.3-3 Find the characteristic equation and its roots for the
circuit shown in Figure P 9.3-3.

Figure P 9.2-13

P 9.2-14 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 9.2-14 is

the voltage of the voltage source, vs(f). The output is the
voltage v2(/). Derive the second-order differential equation
that shows how the output of this circuit is related to the input.
Hint: Use the direct method.

Figure P 9.3-3

P 9.3-4 German automaker Volkswagen, in its bid to make

more efficient cars, has come up with an auto whose engine
saves energy by shutting itself off at stoplights. The stop-start
system springs from a campaign to develop cars in all its world
markets that use less fuel and pollute less than vehicles now on
the road. The stop-start transmission control has a mechanism
that senses when the car does not need fuel: coasting downhill
and idling at an intersection. The engine shuts off, but a small
starter flywrheel keeps turning so that power can be quickly
Figure P 9.2-14 restored when the driver touches the accelerator.
A model of the stop-start circuit is shown in Figure
P 9.2-15 Find the second-order differential equation for i2for P 9.3-4. Determine the characteristic equation and the natural
the circuit of Figure P 9.2-15 using the operator method. frequencies for the circuit.
Recall that the operator for the integral is 1/s.
Answer: s2 + 20s + 400 = 0
d2i2 di2 d2vs s — —10 i y l 7.3
Answer: 3 + 4 - ± + 2 12 = - r r
dt2 J/2
1Q 2Q

1/2 F

Figure P 9.2-15

Section 9.3 Solution of the Second-Order Figure P 9.3-4 Stop-start circuit.

Differential Equation— The Natural Response
P 9.3-1 Find the characteristic equation and its roots for the Section 9.4 Natural Response of the Unforced
circuit of Figure P 9.2-2. Parallel /7Z.CCircuit
P 9.3-2 Find the characteristic equation and its roots for the P 9.4-1 Determine v{t) for the circuit of Figure P 9.4-1 when
circuit of Figure P 9.3-2. L — 1 H and vs = 0 for t > 0. The initial conditions are v(0) =
Answer: s2 + 400s + 3 x 104 = 0 6 V and dv/dt(0) = -3 0 0 0 V/s.
roots: 5 = —300, -1 0 0 Answer: v{t) = —2e~,00/ + 8e~400' V
0 - The C o m p le t e Response of Circuits with T w o En ergy Sto rag e Elem ent s

> +
»s<'> Up 80 £2 <> v(t) -

Figure P 9.4-1

P 9.4-2 An R LC circuit is shown in Figure P 9.4-2 , in which * »Sure * g **-5 Smoke detector.
v(0) = 2 V. The switch has been open for a long time before
closing at / = 0. Determine and plot v(/). Section 9.5 N atu ral Response of th e Critically
D am p ed U nforced Parallel /?Z.CCircuit
P 9.5-1 Find vc(r) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in Figure
P 9.5-1.
r= 0 A n sw e r: vc(t) = (3 + 6000 t)e~ 2(mt V
1/3 F ^ V(t) 3/4 f t ; 1 H
25 mH

Figure P 9.4-2 100 Jq > ( T ) 3 0 u ( - r ) mA vc^ - iq ^ f

P 9.4-3 Determine /j(/) and i2(t) for the circuit of Figure

Figure P 9.5-1
P 9.4-3 when ij(0) = i2(0) = 11 A.
P 9.5-2 Find vc(t) for / > 0 for the circuit of Figure P 9.5-2.
2 H Assume steady-state conditions exist at t = 0~.
Answer: vc(t) = —8te~2t\

P 9.4-4 The circuit shown in Figure P 9.4-4 contains a switch

that is sometimes open and sometimes closed. Determine the
damping factor, cr, the resonant frequency, cl>q, and the damped P 9.5-3 Police often use stun guns to incapacitate potentially
resonant frequency, of the circuit when (a) the switch is dangerous felons. The handheld device provides a series of
open and (b) the switch is closed. high-voltage, low-current pulses. The power of the pulses is
far below lethal levels, but it is enough to cause muscles to
contract and put the person out of action. The device provides
a pulse of up to 50,000 V, and a current of 1 mA flows through
an arc. A model of the circuit for one period is shown in Figure
P 9.5-3. Find v(/) for 0 < t < 1 ms. The resistor R represents the
spark gap. Select C so that the response is critically damped.
10 mH

10 4 V R= 106Q

P 9.4-5 The circuit shown in Figure P 9.4-5 is used in

airplanes to detect smokers, who surreptitiously light up before Figure P 9.5-3
they can take a single puff. The sensor activates the switch, and
the change in the voltage v{t) activates a light at the flight P 9.5-4 Reconsider Problem P 9.4-1 when L — 640 mH and
attendant’s station. Determine the natural response v(/). the other parameters and conditions remain the same.
Answer: v(t) = —1.16e~2 7t + 1.16e~37 3/ V Answer: v(/) = (6 - 1500f)e-250' V
P r o b l e m s --------( 405

P 9.5-5 An automobile ignition uses an electromagnetic trig­

ger. The RLC trigger circuit shown in Figure P 9.5-5 has a step
input of 6 V, and v{0) = 2 V and i(0) = 0. The resistance R must
be selected from 2 n < / ? < 7 H s o that the current /(/) exceeds
0.6 A for greater than 0.5 s to activate the trigger. A critically • ‘- w
damped response /(/) is required to avoid oscillations in the
trigger current. Select R and determine and plot /(/).

6 u{t) V
*W A T
ftZM ’

Figure P 9.5-5

Section 9.6 Natural Response of an Underdamped

Unforced Parallel RLCC'wcuW
P 9.6-1 A communication system from a space station uses
short pulses to control a robot operating in space. The transmitter
circuit is modeled in Figure P 9.6-1. Find the output voltage vc(t)
for / > 0. Assume steady-state conditions at t = 0_.
Answer: vc(f) = e-400,[3 cos 300f + 4 sin 300f] V

Figure P 9.6-3 (a) A 240-W power supply. Courtesy of Kepco,

Inc. (b ) Model of the power supply circuit.
P 9.6-4 The natural response of a parallel RLC circuit is
measured and plotted as shown in Figure P 9.6-4. Using this
chart, determine an expression for v(r)-
Hint: Notice that v(t) = 260 mV at t = 5 ms and that v(f) =
-2 0 0 mV at t = 7.5 ms. Also, notice that the time between
the first and third zero-crossings is 5 ms.
Answer: v{t) = 544e~276' sin 1257f V

P 9.6-2 The switch of the circuit shown in Figure P 9.6-2 is

opened at t = 0. Determine and plot v(/) when C = 1/4 F.
Assume steady state at t = 0~.
Answer: v(t) = - 4 e -2/ sin 2/ V

P 9.6-3 A 240-W power supply circuit is shown in Figure

P 9.6-3a. This circuit employs a large inductor and a large
capacitor. The model of the circuit is shown in Figure P 9.6-3 b.
Find iL(t) for / > 0 for the circuit of Figure P 9.6-3 b. Assume
steady-state conditions exist at / = 0 ~.
Answer: iL(t) = e~ 2' ( - 4 c o s t + 2 sin t) A Figure P 9.6-4 The natural response o f a parallel RLC circuit.
406 j------- j h e C o m p l e t e R e s p o n s e o f C i r c u i t s w i t h T w o E n e r g y S t o r a g e E l e m e n t s

P 9.6-5 The photovoltaic cells of the proposed space station P 9.7-2 Determine the forced response for the capacitor
shown in Figure P9.6-5a provide the voltage v(t) of the circuit voltage, vf, for the circuit of Figure P 9.7-2 when (a) v8 =
shown in Figure P 9.6-5b. The space station passes behind the 2 V, (b) vs = 0.21 V, and (c) vs = 1<?~30' V.
shadow of earth (at t = 0) with v(0) = 2 V and /(0) = 1/10 A. 7 Q 0 1 H
Determine and sketch v(/) for t > 0.

us k(/) v ( !

Figure P 9.7-2

P 9.7-3 A circuit is described for t > 0 by the equation

d2v c dv
+ 5 — + 6v = vs
dt2 dt
Find the forced response vf for t > 0 when (a)vs = 8V, (b) vs =
3e~4' V,and (c) vs — 2e~2t V.
Answer: (a) Vf = 8/6 V(b) Vf = 7 e~At V(c) Vf = 2te~2t V
S ection 9.8 C o m p le te Response of an R L C C ir c u it
P 9.8-1 Determine i(t) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in
Figure P 9.8-1.

(a) P 9.8-2 Determine i(t) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in
Figure P 9.8-2.
d2 d
Hint: Show that 1 = - 771 (f) 4- 5 — /(f) + 5/(f) for t > 0
dt2 v } dt 7
Answer: i(t) = 0.2 + 0.246 e~3 62t —0.646 e~l38r A for t > 0.
J 1Q 4Q
Space The photovoltaic
station cells connected
electric motors in parallel

Figure P 9.6-5 (a) Photocells on space station. (b) Circuit with
P 9.8-3 Determine vj(/) for / > 0 for the circuit shown in
Section 9.7 Forced Response of an /?Z.CCircuit Figure P 9.8-3.
P 9.7-1 Determine the forced response for the inductor Answer: v\ (t) = 10 + e-24xl°4' _ 6 ^~4xI°3' V forf>0
current /f when (a) is = 1 A, (b) /s = 0.5/ A, and (c) zs =
1 kQ 1 kn
2e~250' A for the circuit of Figure P 9.7-1.
r= 0
10 V i/ito =f= 1 /6 /iF u2W = T = l/1 6 /iF

s 10 mH _ _________?
) <£ 10<V65ft ! " 1 mF
Figure P 9.8-3
1 'l ,
P 9.8-4 Find v(/) for / > 0 for the circuit shown in Figure
F ig u re P 9.7-1 P 9.8-4 when v(0) = 1 V and /L(0) = 0.
P r o b l e m s --------( 407

Answer: v = 25e~ 3' - ~ [429e 4/ - 21 cos f + 33 sin t] V

1Q 1ft

P 9.8-5 Find v(/) for / > 0 for the circuit of Figure P 9.8-5. P 9.8-9 In Figure P 9.8-9, determine the inductor current i(t)
Answer: v(t) = [—\6e~‘ + \6e~3t + 8 ]«(/) when is = 5u(t) A. Assume that /(0) = 0, vc(0) = 0.
+ [\6e-C-V - 16*-3('-2) - 8 ]«(/ - 2) V Answer: i(t) = 5 + e~2x [ - 5 cos 5t - 2 sin 5/] A
1/3 F

Vs F

Figure P 9.8-5
Figure P 9.8-9
P 9.8-6 An experimental space station power supply system
P 9.8-10 Railroads widely use automatic identification of
is modeled by the circuit shown in Figure P 9.8-6. Find v</) for
railcars. When a train passes a tracking station, a wheel
t > 0. Assume steady-state conditions at t = 0~.
detector activates a radio-frequency module. The module’s
antenna, as shown in Figure P 9.8-10a, transmits and receives
a signal that bounces off a transponder on the locomotive. A

5 V
Vehicle-mounted (a)
transponder tag

Figure P 9.8-6

P 9.8-7 Find vc(t) for t > 0 in the circuit of Figure P 9.8-7

when (a) C = 1/18 F, (b) C = 1/10 F, and (c) C = 1/20 F.
(a) vc(f) = 8<r3' + 24/e-3' - 8 V
(b) vc(f) = 10<r' - 2e~5' - 8 V Wheel detector
(c) vc(r) = e - J , (8 cos t + 24 sin t) - 8 V input

— i Antenna

T) 2«(r) A ;4Q c 4= tKr)

2 H

lit) (b)
Figure P 9.8-7

P 9.8-8 Find vc{t) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in Figure
P 9.8-8.
Hint: 2 = ^ j v c( / ) + 6 ^ v e(<) + 2vc(0 for t > 0
Figure P 9.8-10 (a) Railroad identification system.
Answer: vc(t) = 0.123< r5 65' + 0.877<r0 35' + 1 V for t > 0. (6 ) Transponder circuit.
408 )------- T h e C o m p l e t e R e s p o n s e o f C i r c u i t s w i t h T w o E n e r g y S t o r a g e E l e m e n t s

trackside processor turns the received signal into useful infor­ *P 9.8-14 The circuit shown in Figure P 9.8-14 is at
mation consisting of the train's location, speed, and direction steady state before the switch closes. Determine the capacitor
of travel. The railroad uses this information to schedule voltage, v(/), for t > 0.
locomotives, trains, crews, and equipment more efficiently.
i, t= 0
One proposed transponder circuit is shown in Figure
P 9.8-106 with a large transponder coil of L = 5 H. Determine
i(t) and v(t). The received signal is is = 9 + 3e~2t u(t) A. 0.4 H
25 mF ^ vU)
P 9.8-11 Determine v(0 for / > 0 for the circuit shown in
Figure P 9.8-11.
Answer: vc(f) = 0.75 e’ 4' - 6.75 £>“36' + 16 V for t > 0
Figure P 9.8-14
iHL - vm +

P 9.8-15 The circuit shown in Figure P 9.8-15 is at steady

) 6u(t) + 10 V < i> 0.625 F: state before the switch closes. Determine the capacitor voltage,
v(t), for t > 0.

Figure P 9.8-11

P 9.8-12 The circuit shown in Figure P 9.8-12 is at steady state

before the switch opens. The inductor current is given to be

i(t) = 240 + \93e~625t cos(9.27f — 102°) mA for / > 0

Determine the values of R x, R3, C9 and L.

P 9.8-16 The circuit shown in Figure P 9.8-16 is at steady

state before the switch closes. Determine the inductor current,
/(/), for t > 0.
t= 0


Figure P 9.8-12

P 9.8-13 The circuit shown in Figure P 9.8-13 is at steady

Figure P 9.8-16
state before the switch opens. Determine the inductor current,
*(/), for t > 0.
P 9.8-17 The circuit shown in Figure P 9.8-17 is at steady
state before the switch opens. Determine the inductor current,
i2(t), for t > 0.


Figure P 9.8-13 F igu re P 9 .8 -1 7

P ro b lem s - ©

P 9.8-18 The circuit shown in Figure P 9.8-18 is at steady

state before the switch closes. Determine the capacitor voltage,
v(f), for / > 0.

t= 0

Section 9.9 State Variable Approach to Circuit

P 9.9-1 Find v(f) for t > 0, using the state variable
method of Section 9.9 when C = 1/5 F in the circuit
of Figure P 9.9-1. Sketch the response for v(t) for 0 <
Figure P 9.8-18 r < 10 s.
Answer: v(f) = -25e~' + e~s' + 24 V
P 9.8-19 Find the differential equation for vc(f) in the circuit
of Figure P 9.8-19, using the direct method. Find vc(/) for time
t > 0 for each of the following sets of component values:
(a) C = 1 F, L = 0.25 H, Rt = R2 = 1.309 H
(b) C = 1 F, L = 1 H, Rx = 3 fl, i?2 = l f l
(c) C = 0.125 F, L = 0.5 H, /?, = 1 H, R2 = 4 fl

(a) vc(f) = ^ —e-2' + ^ e “4' V

(b) *(#)« J - + V
(c) vc(z) = 0.8 - e-2/(0.8 cos 4 1 + 0.4 sin At) V P 9.9-2 Repeat Problem P 9.9-1 when C = 1/10 F. Sketch the
response for v ( t ) for 0 < t < 3 s.
iLU) Answer: v (t) = e~3,(—24 cos t — 32 sin /) -I- 24 V
L R\
—tyW - P 9.9-3 Determine the current i { t ) and the voltage v(f) for the
circuit of Figure P 9.9-3.
U) =uU)(iJ Answer: i(t) = (3.08«r2-57' - 0.08*-97 4t - 6) A

Figure P 9.8-19

P 9.8-20 Find the differential equation for v0(f) in the circuit -3a(/) A i’^ :2 0 mF < 0 .5 Q 13 A
of Figure P 9.8-20, using the direct method. Find vc(/) for time
t > 0 for each of the following sets of component values:
(a) C = 1 F, I = 0.25 H, /?, = R2 = 1.309 H Figure P 9.9-3
(b) C = 1 F, I = 1 H, *i = 1 n , R2 « 3 a
(c) C = 0.125 F, L = 0.5 H, /?, = 4 fl, /?2 = 1H
P 9.9-4 Clean-air laws are pushing the auto industry
toward the development of electric cars. One proposed
vehicle using an ac motor is shown in Figure P 9.9-4a.
<»> v0(r) = i - e- 2' + I e -4'v
The motor-controller circuit is shown in Figure P 9.9-46 with
L = 100 mH and C — 10 mF. Using the state equation
(h , v 0 ^ ) = | _ ( | + | r ) e ~ 2' V
approach, determine i(t) and v(t) where i(t) is the motor-
control current. The initial conditions are v(0) = 10 V and
(c) v0(/) a= 0.2 - e_2,(0.2 cos 4/ + 0.1 sin At) V
m = o.
410 J------- j h e C o m p l e t e R e s p o n s e o f C i r c u i t s w i t h T w o E n e r g y S t o r a g e E l e m e n t s

dc to ac inverter
Integrated interior 0
permanent magnet Sodium-sulfur Electric power
ac motor and battery
System SteeMng
automatic transaxle
(a) (b)
Figure P 9.9-4 (a) Electric vehicle. (b) Motor-controller circuit.

P 9.9-5 Studies of an artificial insect are being used to under­ P 9.10-3 For the circuit of Figure P 9.10-3, determine the roots
stand the nervous system of animals. A model neuron in the of the characteristic equation and plot the roots on the 5-plane.
nervous system of the artificial insect is shown in Figure P 9.9-5. 4 H
The input signal, vs, is used to generate a series of pulses, called
synapses. The switch generates a pulse by opening at f = 0 and
closing at / = 0.5 s. Assume that the circuit is at steady state and 4 kQ
that v(0~) — 10 V. Determine the voltage v(f) for 0 < t < 2 s.
Figure P 9.10-3

P 9.10-4 An RLC circuit is shown in Figure P 9.10-4.

(a) Obtain the two-node voltage equations, using operators.
(b) Obtain the characteristic equation for the circuit.
(c) Show the location of the roots of the characteristic equa­
tion in the 5-plane.
(d) Determine v(t) for t > 0.
Figure P 9.9-5 Neuron circuit model. 1 H

Section 9.10 Roots in th e C om plex Plane

P 9.10-1 For the circuit of Figure P 9.10-1, determine
3 6 u(t) V ( I ) V is F v(t)
the roots of the characteristic equation and plot the roots on
the 5-plane.
2 kQ 3 kQ Figure P 9.10-4

Section 9.11 H o w Can W e Check . . . ?

P 9.11-1 Figure P 9.11 -\a shows an RLC circuit. The voltage,
vs(f), of the voltage source is the square wave shown in Figure
P 9.11-la. Figure P 9.11-lc shows a plot of the inductor
current, /(f), which was obtained by simulating this circuit,
P 9.10-2 For the circuit of Figure P 9.6-1, determine the roots
using PSpice. Verify that the plot of /(f) is correct.
of the characteristic equation and plot the roots on the 5-plane. Answer: The plot is correct.
P ro b lem s - ©

100 Q M

t, ms
(a) (b)

4 0 0 mA
(5 5 0 .5 6 2 u i, 3 2 1 .8 8 6 m )
A (1 .6 4 0 5 r n, 2 5 6 .9 5 0 m ) ( 3 .6 8 5 4 m , 2 5 0 .0 3 5m )

— 4
2 0 0 mA / V -
/ (1 .0 7 8 7 m , 2 2 8 .5 1 0 m )

0 A \ %
v / ^

- 2 0 0 mA
0 s 2 .0 ms 4 .0 ms 6 .0 ms 8 .0 ms
□ /(L I) Time

Figure P 9.11-1

P9.11-2 Figure P 9.11-26 shows an RLC circuit. The voltage, current, i(f)» which was obtained bysimulating this circuit,
vs(r), of the voltage source is the square wave shown in Figure using PSpice. Verify that the plot of i(f) iscorrect.
P 9.11 -2a. Figure P 9.11-2c shows a plot of the inductor i -cl4Mllt tu i ♦ «•
r Answer: The plot is not correct.
412 )------- T h e C o m p l e t e R e s p o n s e o f C i r c u i t s w i t h T w o E n e r g y S t o r a g e E l e m e n t s

PSpice Problems
SP 9-1 The input to the circuit shown in Figure SP 9-1 is the vQ(f), across resistor, R2. The input is the pulse signal specified
voltage of the voltage source, Vj(r). The output is thevoltage graphically by the plot. Use PSpice to plot the output, vQ(f), as
across the capacitor, v0(f). The input is the pulse signal a function of t for each of the following cases:
specified graphically by the plot. Use PSpice to plot the output, (a) C = 1 F, L = 0.25 H, R x = R2 = 1.309 O
vG(r), as a function of t for each of the following cases:
(b )C = 1 F, L = 1 H, R x = 3 n , R2 = 1 O
(a) C = 1 F, L = 0.25 H, R x = R2 = 1.309 (1 (c) C = 0.125 F, L = 0.5 H j , = i a j 2 = 4 f i
(b) C * 1 F, L = 1 H, R x = 3 O, R2 = 1 H Plot the output for these three cases on the same axis.
(c) C = 0.125 F, L = 0.5 = =
Hint: Represent the voltage source, using the PSpice part
Plot the output for these three cases on the same axis. named VPULSE.

10 15 t (s)

C =4= v0(t)

Figure SP 9-1

Figure SP 9-2
Hint: Represent the voltage source, using the PSpice part
named VPULSE.
SP 9-3 Determine and plot the capacitor voltage v(f) for 0 < /
SP 9-2 The input to the circuit shown in Figure SP 9-2 is the < 300 /is for the circuit shown in Figure SP 9-3a. The sources
voltage of the voltage source, Vj(/). The output is the voltage, are pulses as shown in Figures SP 9-3/),c.
D e s i g n P r o b l e m s --------( 413

SP 9-4 Determine and plot v(/) for the circuit of Figure

SP 9-4 when vs(0 = 5u(t) V. Plot v(/) for 0 < / < 0.25 s.
3 kQ 6 kQ
----- W Vi— t— V A — i
>2kO >3kQ

»sw Q )
v ( t) 2 nF : 3 /iF

Figure SP 9-4
0.2 A 5V


100 200 100 200

tins) tins)
(b) (c)
Figure SP 9-3 (a) Circuit, (b) current pulse, and (c) voltage

Design Problems
DP 9-1 Design the circuit shown in Figure DP 9-1 so that DP 9-4 Show that the circuit shown in Figure DP 9-1 cannot be
designed so that
vc(t) = ^ + A\e~2t + A2e~4t V for t > 0 vc(f) = 0.5 + e~2t(A\ cos4r + A2 sin4r) V for t > 0
Determine the values of the unspecified constants, A\ and A 2. Hint: Show that such a design would require 1/RC + 10/?C =
Hint: The circuit is overdamped, and the natural frequencies 4 where R = R\ = R2. Next, show that 1/RC + 10 RC = 4
are 2 and 4 rad/sec. would require the value of RC to be complex.
DP 9-5 Design the circuit shown in Figure DP 9-5 so that
i L(t)
—Y vV 1
V for / > 0
vo (0 = 2 + A l e + A ^ e
vs(t) = u{t) ( v M ) Determine the values of the unspecified constants, A\ and A 2.

Figure DP 9-1

DP 9-2 Design the circuit shown in Figure DP 9-1 so that

vc(<) = ^ + (/li + A 2t)e~2' V for / > 0

Determine the values of the unspecified constants, A} and A2.

Hint: The circuit is overdamped, and the natural frequencies
Hint: The circuit is critically damped, and the natural fre­ are 2 and 4 rad/sec.
quencies are both 2 rad/sec.
DP 9-6 Design the circuit shown in Figure DP 9-5 so that
DP 9-3 Design the circuit shown in Figure DP 9-1 so that
vc(0 = 0.8 + e~2t(A i cos 4 1 + A2 sin 4/) V for t > 0 v°(/) = - + (/*! + A 2t)e~2t V for t > 0

Determine the values of the unspecified constants, At and A2. Determine the values of the unspecified constants, A\ and A 2.
Hint: The circuit is underdamped, the damped resonant Hint: The circuit is critically damped, and the natural fre­
frequency is 4 rad/sec, and the damping coefficient is 2. quencies are both 2 rad/sec.
414 )------- T h e C o m p l e t e R e s p o n s e o f C i r c u i t s w i t h T w o E n e r g y S t o r a g e E l e m e n t s

DP 9-7 Design the circuit shown in Figure DP 9-5 so that energy is in the form of ultraviolet radiation. The ultraviolet
rays, which are invisible, strike a phosphor coating on the inside
vc(/) = 0.2 4 *e~2t(A i cos 4t 4 - A 2 sin 4t) V for t > 0 of the tube. The rays energize the electrons in the phosphor
Determine the values of the unspecified constants, A x and A2. atoms, and the atoms emit white light. The conversion of one
kind of light into another is known as fluorescence.
Hint: The circuit is underdamped, the damped resonant
One form of a fluorescent lamp is represented by the RLC
frequency is 4 rad/sec, and the damping coefficient is 2.
circuit shown in Figure DP 9-9. Select L so that the current i(t)
DP 9-8 Show that the circuit shown in Figure DP 9-5 cannot be reaches a maximum at approximately / = 0.5 s. Determine the
designed so that maximum value of i(t). Assume that the switch was in position 1
for a long time before switching to position 2 at t = 0 .
vc(/) = 0.5 4 - e~2t(A \ cos 4 1 4- A 2 sin 4 t) V for t > 0
Hint: Use PSpice to plot the response for several values of L.
Hint: Show that such a design would require 1/R C 4 - 10 RC =
4 where R — R x = R2. Next, show that 1jR C 4 -10RC = 4
1 2 L
would require the value of RC to be complex.
DP 9-9 A fluorescent light uses cathodes (coiled tungsten
filaments coated with an electron-emitting substance) at each
end that send current through mercury vapors sealed in the tube. 1 0 V (T ) <4£2
Ultraviolet radiation is produced as electrons from the cathodes T =T= »/3F <
knock mercury electrons out of their natural orbits. Some of the
displaced electrons settle back into orbit, throwing off the
excess energy absorbed in the collision. Almost all of this Figure DP 9-9 Flourescent lamp circuit.

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