Dorf Chapter 8

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P r o b l e m s --------( 353


P 8.3-4 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-4 is at steady state

Section 8.3 The Response of a First-Order Circuit to
before the switch closes at time t = 0. Determine the inductor
a Constant Input
current, /(/), for / > 0 .
P 8.3-1 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-1 is at steady state
before the switch closes at time t = 0. The input to the circuit is Answer: i(t) = —2 4 - — e~°5r A for t > 0
the voltage of the voltage source, 12 V. The output of this 6Q 3Q
circuit is the voltage across the capacitor, v(/). Determine \{t)
for t > 0 .
Answer: v(t) = 6 —2e~x33/ V for / > 0

P 8.3-5 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-5 is at steady state

before the switch opens at time / = 0. Determine the voltage,
v0(/), for t > 0 .
Figure P 8.3-1
Answer: vQ(t) = 10 —5e~l2 5t V for / > 0
P 8.3-2 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-2 is at steady state
before the switch opens at time / = 0. The input to the circuit is
the voltage of the voltage source, 12 V. The output of this circuit
is the current in the inductor, /(/). Determine i{t) for t > 0.
Answer: i(t) = 1 + e ~0 5'A for / > 0

Figure P 8.3-5

P 8.3-6 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-6 is at steady state

Figure P 8.3-2
before the switch opens at time t = 0. Determine the voltage,
vc(r), for t > 0 .
P 8.3-3 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-3 is at steady state
Answer: v0(/) = Se~4000t V for / > 0
before the switch closes at time t - 0 . Determine the capacitor
voltage, v(f), for t > 0 .
Answer: v(t) = -6 + 18<r667' V for / > 0

6 Q 3 Q

Figure P 8 3 -3 Figure P 8.3-6

354 )-------The C o m p le te Response of RL and tfCC ircu its

P 8.3-7 Figure P 8.3-7tf shows astronaut Dale Gardner using P 8.3-9 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-9 is at steady state
the manned maneuvering unit to dock with the spinning before the switch closes at time t = 0. The input to the circuit is
H'estar VI satellite on November 14, 1984. Gardner used a the voltage of the voltage source, 24 V. The output of this
large tool called the apogee capture device (ACD) to stabilize circuit, the voltage across the 3-11 resistor, is given by
the satellite and capture it for recovery, as shown in Figure
v0(f) = 6 - 3e_0 35/ V when t > 0
P 8.3-7a. The ACD can be modeled by the circuit of Figure
P 8.3-7/). Find the inductor current iL for t > 0. Determine the value of the inductance, I , and of the
resistances, R\ and R2.
Answer: i\_(t) = 6e~20' A

Figure P 8.3-9

P 8.3-10 A security alarm for an office building door is

modeled by the circuit of Figure P 8.3-10. The switch repre­
sents the door interlock, and v is the alarm indicator voltage.
Find v(/) for t > 0 for the circuit of Figure P 8.3-10. The switch
has been closed for a long time at t = 0“ .

4 fi 9Q

Figure P 8.3-7 (a) Astronaut Dale Gardner using the manned
maneuvering unit to dock with the Westar VI satellite. Courtesy
of NASA. (b) Model of the apogee capture device. Assume that
the switch has been in position for a long time at t = 0_. P 8.3-11 The voltage v(t) in the circuit shown in Figure
P 8.3-11 is given by
P 8.3-8 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-8 is at steady state
before the switch opens at time t = 0. The input to the circuit is the v(f) = 8 4- 4e~2t V for / > 0
voltage of the voltage source, Vs. This voltage source is a dc voltage
Determine the values of R u R2, and C.
source; that is, Vs is a constant. The output of this circuit is the
voltage across the capacitor, vG(/). The output voltage is given by
vo(0 = 2 + 8e~05' V forr > 0
Determine the values of the input voltage, Vs, the capacitance,
C, and the resistance, R.

F igu re P 8 .3 -8
P r o b le m s ---- ^ 3 5 5 ^

P 8.3-12 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-12 is at steady P 8.3-16 The circuit in Figure P 8.3-16 is at steady state
state when the switch opens at time / = 0. Determine i(t) for before the switch closes. Find the capacitor voltage for t > 0.
t > 0. Hint: v(0) = 12 V, Voc — 12 V
t =0 Answer: v(/) = 12.0 V
/= 0
2 kO ,----o ^ o -
100 ft 200 ft
— V\Ar~ -J \ M —
Figure P 8.3-12 12 V 20 mF :

P 8.3-13 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-13 is at steady

state when the switch opens at time / = 0. Determine v(r) for
Figure P 8.3-16
/ > 0.
30 kft ^ t=0 60 kft P 8.3-17 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-17 is at steady
state before the switch closes. The response of the circuit is the
voltage v(f)- Find v(t) for t > 0.
Hint: After the switch closes, the inductor current is i{t) =
0.2 (1 - e~XSt) A
Answer: v(t) = 8 + e L8/
Figure P 8.3-13
t= 0
10 ft 40 ft 'V '
P 8.3-14 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-14 is at steady
state when the switch closes at time t = 0. Determine i(t) for
t > 0. 18 V

Figure P 8.3-17

P 8.3-18 The circuit showTi in Figure P 8.3-18 is at steady

state before the switch closes. The response of the circuit is the
voltage v(/). Find v(t) for t > 0.
Answer: v(t) = 37.5 - 97.5<?“6400' V
r= 0

Figure P 8.3-14

P 8.3-15 The circuit in Figure P 8.3-15 is at steady state

before the switch closes. Find the inductor current after the
switch closes.
Hint: i(0) m 0.1 A, 7^ = 0.3 A, Rx = 40 Cl
Answer: i(t) = 0.3 - 0.2e_2/ A / > 0 P 8.3-19 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-19 is at steady
state before the switch closes. Find v(f) for t > 0.
12 ft

I id)

Figure P 8.3-15
Figure P 8.3-19
356 )-------The C o m p lete Response of RL and /?CCircuits

P 8 3-20 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-20 is at steady

state before the switch closes. Determine i(f) for t > 0.
r= 0


Figure P 8.3-23

P 8.3-24 Consider the circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-24# and

corresponding plot of the inductor current shown in Figure
P 8.3-24b. Determine the values of Z., and R2.
Figure P 8.3-20 H in t:Use the plot to determine values of A £, F, and a such
that the inductor current can be represented as
*P 8.3-21 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-21 is at steady
for t < 0
state before the switch closes at time t = 0. The current /(/) is «(')
given by - { i 4- F e for t > 0
/(/) = 15 + 53.6 e-548' mA for/>0
Determine the values of R u R2, and L.


Figure P 8.3-21

P 8.3-22 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-22 is at steady state

when the switch closes at time t = 0. Determine i(t) for t > 0.
t, ms
t= 0
(b )
Figure P 8.3-24
, i(i)
Answers: L = 4.8 H, /?, = 200 O, and R2 = 300 Cl
P 8.3-25 Consider the circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-25a
Figure P 8.3-22 and corresponding plot of the voltage across the 40-0
resistor shown in Figure P 8.3-256. Determine the values
P 8.3-23 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-23 is at steady of L and R2.
state before the switch closes at time t = 0. The voltage v{t) is Hint: Use the plot to determine values of D, £, F, and a such
given by that the voltage can be represented as
v(t) = 12 —6e~3t V for t > 0 for t < 0
Determine the values of Ru R2, and L. -I- Fe~at for t > 0

Figure P 8.3-27

P 8.3-28 After time t = 0, a given circuit is represented by the

circuit diagram shown in Figure P 8.3-28.
(a) Suppose that the inductor current is
i(t) = 2 1 .6 + 28.4e-4'mA fo r r > 0
Determine the values of R\ and R3.
t, ms (b) Suppose instead that R x = 16 O, R2 = 20 fl, and the initial
(b) condition is i(0) = 10 mA.
Determine the inductor current for t > 0.
Figure P 8.3-25

4Q i(t)
Answers: L = 8 H and R2 = 10 O.
P 8.3-26 The voltage shown in Figure P 8.3-26 can be
represented by an equation of the form
[ D for t < 0
VM = i
I E + Fe~* for fFigure
> 0 P 8.3-28

Determine the values of the constants D, E, F, and a. P 8.3-29 Consider the circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-29.
(a) Determine the time constant, r, and the steady state
capacitor voltage, v(oo), when the switch is open.
(b) Determine the time constant, r, and the steady state
capacitor voltage, v(oo), when the switch is closed.

Answers: (a) r = 3 s, and v(oo) = 24 V; (b) r = 2.25 s, and

v(oo) = 12 V

t, s
Figure P 8.3-26

P 8.3-27 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-27 is at steady Figure P 8.3-29

state before the switch closes at time t = 0. After theswitch
closes, the inductor current is given by
Section 8.4 Sequential Switching
/(/) = 0.6 - 0.2e~5r A for / > 0 P 8.4-1 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.4-1 is at steady state
before the switch closes at time / = 0. The switch remains
Determine the values of Rx, R2, and L.
closed for 1.5 s and then opens. Determine the capacitor
Answers: rt, = 20 H, R2 = 10 fl, and L = 4 H voltage, v(0 , for t > 0 .
358 V— T he C o m p le te R esponse of RL a n d /?C C ircuits

Hint: Determine v(/) when the switch is closed. Evaluate v(/) R < 1 mO. The heart’s load resistance, RL, is 1 Id!. The first
at time t = 1 s to get v( 1.5). .5)
Use v{ 1 as the initial condition switch is activated at t = t0, and the second switch is activated at
to determine v(/) after the switch opens again. /i = + 10 ms. This cycle is repeated every second. Find v(t) for
*o ^ t < 1. Note that it is easiest to consider t0 = 0 for this
,. f 5 4- 5e~°5r Vfor 0 < t < 1.5 s
calculation. The cycle repeats by switch 1 returning to position a
Answer: v(/) = { 10 - 2.64e-2 5<"' 51 V for 1.5 s < f
and switch 2 returning to its open position.
8Q Hint: Use q ~ C v to determine v(0 ) for the 100-/xF capacitor.
Switch 2

Figure P 8.4-1
P 8.4-5 Determine and sketch i(t) for the circuit shown in
P 8.4-2 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.4-2 is at steady state
Figure P 8.4-5. Calculate the time required for i(t) to reach 99
before the switch closes at time / = 0. The switch remains
percent of its final value.
closed for 1.5 s and then opens. Determine the inductor
current, /(/), for / > 0.
f 2 + e-° SlA for 0 < / < 1.5 s
Answer: v(t) = <
I 3 - o.53^-0 667(r- 15) A for 1.5 s < t

4Q 4Q

P 8.4-6 An electronic flash on a camera uses the circuit

shown in Figure P 8.4-6. Harold E. Edgerton invented the
electronic flash in 1930. A capacitor builds a steady-state
voltage and then discharges it as the shutter switch is pressed.
Figure P 8.4-2 The discharge produces a very brief light discharge. Deter­
mine the elapsed time tx to reduce the capacitor voltage to one-
P 8.4-3 Find i(t) for / > 0 for the circuit shown in Figure half of its initial voltage. Find the current, i(t), at t — f t.
P 8.4-3. The circuit is in steady state at t = 0~.
i(t) = 2 /3e-6/ A for 0 < / < 51 ms
i(0 = i.47e-'^ '-o o 5 i) A for / > 51 ms

Figure P 8.4-6 Electronic flash circuit.

P 8.4-7 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.4-7 is at steady state

before the switch opens at t — 0. The switch remains open for
0.5 second and then closes. Determine v(/) for t > 0.

P 8.4-4 Cardiac pacemakers are used by people to maintain

regular heart rhythm when they have a damaged heart. The
circuit of a pacemaker can be represented as shown in Figure
P 8.4-4. The resistance of the wires, /?, can be neglected because
P roblem s

Section 8.5 Stability of First-Order Circuits Section 8.6 The Unit Step Source

P 8.5-1 The circuit in Figure P 8.5-1 contains a current P 8.6-1 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 8 .6 - 1 is the
controlled voltage source. What restriction must be placed voltage of the voltage source, vs(t). The output is the voltage
on the gain, R, of this dependent source to guarantee stability? across the capacitor, vo(0- Determine the output of this circuit
when the input is vs(/) = 8 - 1 5 u(t) V.
Answer: R < 400 1)
6 ft

P 8.6-2 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 8.6-2 is the

voltage of the voltage source, vs(/). The output is the voltage
P 8.5-2 The circuit in Figure P 8.5-2 contains a voltage-
across the capacitor, vD(r). Determine the output of this circuit
controlled voltage source. What restriction must be placed on
when the input is vs(f) = 3-1-3 u(t) V.
the gain, A , of this dependent source to guarantee stability?
Answer: A < 5 3Q

Figure P 8.6-2

+ v(t) P 8.6-3 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 8.6-3 is the
Figure P 8.5-2 voltage of the voltage source, vs(f). The output is the current
across the inductor, i0(/). Determine the output of this circuit
P 8.5-3 The circuit in Figure P 8.5-3 contains a current- when the input is vs(/) = —7 -I- 13 u(t) V.
controlled current source. What restriction must be placed
on the gain, B , of this dependent source to guarantee 5Q

4Q > i0( l ) |] l . 2 H

4 + 8 u(t) V Biit) 5 mH jJ'tW

Figure P 8.6-3

P 8.6-4 Use step functions to represent the signal of Figure

Figure P 8.5-3 P 8.6-4.

P 8.5-4 The circuit in Figure P 8.5-4 contains a voltage- (V)

controlled voltage source. What restriction must be placed
on the gain, A, of this dependent source to guarantee

4 + Quit) V 5 mH 3 J«l(0
8 9 t (s)
Figure P 8.5-4 Figure P 8.6-4
360 )-------The C o m p le te Response of RL and /?CCircuits

3 kQ
P 8.6-5 The initial voltage of the capacitor of the circuit
shown in Figure P 8.6-5 is zero. Determine the voltage v(/)
when the source is a pulse, described by
0 t < Is
\2u(t) V I
vs = 4V 1 < / < 2s
0 t> 2s
Figure P 8.6-8
500 kQ
P 8.6-9 The voltage source voltage in the circuit shown in
Figure P 8.6-9 is
2|iF^: v
vs(0 = 7 — 14w (t) V
Determine v(f) for t > 0.
Figure P 8.6-5 0.46 F

P 8.6-6 Studies of an artificial insect are being used to

understand the nervous system of animals. A model neuron
in the nervous system of the artificial insect is show n in Figure
P 8.6-6. A series of pulses, called synapses, is required. The
switch generates a pulse by opening at t = 0 and closing at / =
0.5 s. Assume that the circuit is in steady state and that v(0“ ) =
10 V. Determine the voltage v(t) for 0 < t < 2 s.
Figure P 8.6-9
6 Q / P 8.6-10 Determine the voltage v(0 for t > 0 for the circuit
— & o-
c shown in Figure P 8.6-10.

vs r ) 3 o v 3 q «

Figure P 8.6-6 Neuron circuit model.

P 8.6-7 An electronic circuit can be used to replace the springs

and levers normally used to detonate a shell in a handgun
(Jurgen, 1989). The electric trigger would eliminate the clicking
sensation, which may cause a person to misaim. The proposed
trigger uses a magnet and a solenoid with a trigger switch. The
circuit of Figure P 8.6-7 represents the trigger circuit with is(t) =
40 [ u(t) —u(t — /0)] A, where /0 = 1 ms. Determine and plot v(t) Figure P 8.6-10
for 0 < t < 0.3 s.
Answer: P 8.6-11 The voltage source voltage in the circuit shown in
- 1000r Figure P 8.6-11 is
480(1 0 < t < 1 ms
480(1 - e- ' ) e-iooo«-<o) / > l ms,r0 = 1 ms vs(0 = 5 + 2 0 m (t)
Determine i{t) for t > 0.

5 kQ 10 kQ
20 Q i7(r)


Figure P 8.6-7 Electric trigger circuit for handgun.

P 8.6-8 Determine vc(r) for / > 0 for the circuit of Figure

P 8.6-8. Figure P 8.6-11
P r o b l e m s ------ ( 361

P 8 . 6 - 1 2 The voltage source voltage in the circuit shown in P 8 . 6 - 1 6 Determine v(t) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in

Figure P 8.6-12 is Figure P 8.6-16.

2 u(t) A
v8(f) = 12 —6u(t) V
Determine v(t) for t > 0.


Figure P 8.6-16

P 8.6-17 Determine i(t) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in

Figure P 8.6-17.
Figure P 8.6-12 iit)

P 8.6-13 Determine /'(/) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in

Figure P 8.6-13.

< 0 - ^ ,

6Q (t)2 .5 w (f) A

Figure P 8.6-17

Figure P 8.6-13 P 8.6-18 The voltage source voltage in the circuit showii in
Figure P 8.6-18 is
P 8.6-14 Determine i(t) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in
vs(r) = 8+12w (r)V
Figure P 8.6-14.
Determine v(t) for t > 0.
1 50 Q 100 Q
18 Q
vM) 3 mF ={= v(t) 5 mF

Figure P 8.6-14 Figure P 8.6-18

P 8.6-15 Determine v(r) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in P 8.6-19 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.6-l9a has a current
Figure P 8.6-15. source as shown in Figure P 8.6-19b. Determine the current i(t)
in the inductor.
5(1 —e-10') A t< 0.2 s
32^ -io (<-o.2 )A f > 0.2 s


0 0 .2 rts)
(a) (b)
Figure P 8.6-15
Figure P 8.6-19
^ 3 6 2 ^ ) ----- T he C o m p le te Re sponse of RL and ftC C ircu its

P 8.6-20 The voltage source voltage in the circuit shown in The output is the voltage v(t). Determine v(f) for t > 0.
Figure P 8.6-20 is 3 ft

vs(f) = 25u(t) — 10 V -AAAr

Determine i(t) for r > 0.

F igure P 8.6-24

8 H P 8.6-25 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 8.6-25 is

the voltage source voltage
Figure P 8.6-20
vs = 6 + 6 u(t)
P 8.6-21 The voltage source voltage in the circuit shown in The output is the voltage vG(r). Determine vQ(t) for t > 0.
Figure P 8.6-21 is
0.125 F 10 ft
vs(/) = 30 - 24u(t)V
f------- W V --------1
Determine /(/) for t > 0.
*) 6 ft <> 2n <
100 £i *'W
^W V -
r i
Figure P 8.6-25

P 8.6-26 Determine v(t) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in

50 Q
Figure P 8.6-26.
0.5 H
Figure P 8.6-21

P 8.6-22 The voltage source voltage in the circuit shown in

Figure P 8.6-22 is
vs(/) = 10 + 4 0 m(f) V
Determine v{t) for t > 0.
100 mF

150 mF

*P 8.6-27 When the input to the circuit shown in Figure

Figure P 8.6-22 P 8 .6 -2 7 is the voltage source voltage
vs(f) = 3 - u(t) V
P 8.6-23 Determine v(r) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in
the output is the voltage
Figure P 8.6-23.
3 ft
vo(0 = 10 + 5<T50'V for r > 0
Determine the values of R\ and R2.

Figure P 8.6-23

P 8.6-24 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 8.6-24 is

the current source current
!,(/) = 2 + 4u(t) A F ig u re P 8 .6 -2 7
P r o b l e m s --------( 363

P 8.6-28 The time constant of a particular circuit is r = P 8.7-5 Many have witnessed the use of an electrical mega­
0.25 s. In response to a step input, a capacitor voltage phone for amplification of speech to a crowd. A model of a
changes from -2 .5 V to 4.2 V. How long did it take for the microphone and speaker is shown in Figure P 8.1-5a, and the
capacitor voltage to increase from -2 .0 V to +2.0 V? circuit model is shown in Figure P 8.1-5b. Find v(t) for vs = 10
(sin 100 /)w(0 , which could represent a person whistling or
Section 8.7 The Response of a First-Order Circuit to singing a pure tone.
a Nonconstant Source
P 8.7-1 Find vc(f) for / > 0 for the circuit shown in Figure
P 8.7-1 when vi = 8 e~5,u{t) V. Assume the circuit is in steady
state at / = 0 ~.
Answer: vc(t) = 4e~9* + \8e

t= 0

1Q 0.5 H


P 8.7-2 Find v(/) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in Figure
P 8.7-2. Assume steady state at / = 0“ .
Answer: v(/) = 20e \2e~ Figure P 8.7-5 Megaphone circuit.

4Q P 8.7-6 A lossy integrator is shown in Figure P 8.7-6. The

lossless capacitor of the ideal integrator circuit has been
replaced with a model for the lossy capacitor, namely, a
6 e~2tu(t) A
lossless capacitor in parallel with a 1-kfl resistor. If vs =
15e~2tu{t) V and vo(0) = 10 V, find vQ(f) for / > 0. Assume an
ideal op amp.

P 8.7-3 Find v(f) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in Figure C = V4/iF
P 8.7-3 when vx = (25 sin 4000f)w(/) V. Assume steady state
at t = 0 ~.
24 Q 8 mH

M 5 mA

P 8 7-4 Find vc(t) for / > 0 for the circuit shown in Figure
P 8.7-4 when zs = [2 cos It] u{t) mA.
Figure P 8.7-6 Integrator circuit.
10 kQ
AA/V----- P 8.7-7 Most television sets use magnetic deflection in the
cathode-ray tube. To move the electron beam across the
^ Van mF screen, it is necessary to have a ramp of current, as shown
in Figure P 8.1-la , to flow through the deflection coil. The
deflection coil circuit is shown in Figure P 8.1-lb. Find the
Figure P 8.7-4
waveform v, that will generate the current ramp, iL.
364 )-------The C o m p le te Re sponse of RL and ftC C ircu its

— Beam
Figure P 8.7-7 Television deflection circuit. _Trace
Trigger Horizontal — Focus
section section
P 8.7-8 Determine v(t) for the circuit shown in Figure — Intensity
P 8.7-8.

>4 n >2 Q

1/2 F: vit) 30V f ) e~3‘u(t) V

Figure P 8.7-8

Figure P 8.7-10 Cathode-ray tube beam circuit.

P 8.7-9 Determine v(/) for the circuit shown in Figure
P 8.7-9a when vs varies as shown in Figure P 8.7-96. The
Derive an expression for the voltage across the capaci­
initial capacitor voltage is vc(0) = 0.
tance. If v(0 = kt and Rs = 625 kfi, k = 1000, and C = 2000
pF, compute vc as a function of time. Sketch v(f) and vc(t) on
the same graph for time less than 10 ms. Does the voltage
across the plates track the input voltage?
P 8.7-11 Determine the voltage v(r) for t > 0 for the circuit
shown in Figure P 8.7-11.


Figure P 8.7-9
Figure P 8.7-11
P 8.7-10 The electron beam, which is used to draw signals on
an oscilloscope, is moved across the face of a cathode-ray tube
(CRT) by a force exerted on electrons in the beam. The basic
system is shown in Figure P 8.7-10a. The force is created from P 8.7-12 The voltage source voltage in the circuit shown in
a time-varying, ramp-type voltage applied across the vertical Figure P 8.7-12 is
or the horizontal plates. As an example, consider the simple vs(r) = 5 + 20 M(0
circuit of Figure P 8.7-106 for horizontal deflection in which
the capacitance between the plates is C. Determine i(t) for t > 0.
P r o b l e m s --------( 365

P 8.10-2 Figure P 8.10-2 shows the transient response of a

first-order circuit. This transient response was obtained using
the computer program, PSpice. A point on this transient
response has been labeled. The label indicates a time and the
inductor current at that time. Placing the circuit diagram on
the plot suggests that the plot corresponds to the circuit.
Verify that the plot does indeed represent the current of the
Figure P 8.7-12 inductor in this circuit.
P 8.7-13 Find the current / in the circuit of Figure P 8.7-13 for
t > 0 when is = \0e~5tu(t) A and /(O') = 0.
Answer: i = 10.53(e> 5t — e 100/) A

Figure P 8.7-13

P 8.7-14 An experimenter is working in her laboratory with

an electromagnet as shown in Figure P 8.7-14. She notices that
whenever she turns off the electromagnet, a big spark appears
at the switch contacts. Explain the occurrence of the spark.
Suggest a way to suppress the spark by adding one element.
t = 0 Switch
1Q V" Figure P 8.10-2

P 8.10-3 Figure P 8.10-3 shows the transient response of a

Figure P 8.7-14 first-order circuit. This transient response was obtained using
the computer program, PSpice. A point on this transient
response has been labeled. The label indicates a time and
Section 8.10 How Can We Check . . . ? the inductor current at that time. Placing the circuit diagram on
P 8.10-1 Figure P 8 .10-1 shows the transient response of a first- the plot suggests that the plot corresponds to the circuit.
order circuit. This transient response was obtained using the Specify that value of the inductance, L , required to cause
computer program, PSpice. A point on this transient response the current of the inductor in this circuit to be accurately
has been labeled. The label indicates a time and the capacitor represented by this plot.
voltage at that time. Placing the circuit diagram on the plot suggests
that the plot corresponds to the circuit. Verily that the plot does
indeed represent the voltage of the capacitor in this circuit.

Figure P 8.10-1 Figure P 8.10-3
366 )— The C o m p le te Response of RL and /?CCircuits

P 8.10-4 Figure P 8.10-4 shows the transient response of a

first-order circuit. This transient response was obtained using
the computer program, PSpice. A point on this transient
response has been labeled. The label indicates a time and
the capacitor voltage at that time. Assume that this circuit has
reached steady state before time t = 0. Placing the circuit
diagram on the plot suggests that the plot corresponds to the
circuit. Specify values of A, B, R x%R2, and C that cause the
voltage across the capacitor in this circuit to be accurately
represented by this plot.

Figure P 8.10-4

PSpice Problems
SP 8-1 The input to the circuit shown in Figure SP 8-1 is the SP 8-3 The circuit shown in Figure SP 8-3 is at steady state
voltage of the voltage source, Vi(/). The output is the voltage before the switch closes at time / = 0. The input to the circuit is
across the capacitor, vG(r). The input is the pulse signal the voltage of the voltage source, 12 V. The output of this
specified graphically by the plot. Use PSpice to plot the circuit is the voltage across the capacitor, v(t). Use PSpice to
output, vG(/), as a function of t. plot the output, v(r), as a function of t. Use the plot to obtain an
Hint: Represent the voltage source, using the PSpice part analytic representation of v(f) for t > 0.
named VPULSE. Hint: We expect v(t) = A + Be~t/r for t > 0, where A , #, and
r are constants to be determined.

Figure SP 8-1

SP 8-2 The input to the circuit shown in Figure SP 8-2 is the

Figure SP 8-3
voltage of the voltage source, Vj(r). The output is the current in
the inductor, iQ(t). The input is the pulse signal specified
SP 8-4 The circuit shown in Figure SP 8-4 is at steady state
graphically by the plot. Use PSpice to plot the output, /0(f),
before the switch closes at time t = 0. The input to the circuit is
as a function of t.
the current of the current source, 4 mA. The output of this
Hint: Represent the voltage source, using the PSpice part circuit is the current in the inductor, i(t). Use PSpice to plot the
named VPULSE. output, /(/), as a function of t. Use the plot to obtain an analytic
representation of i(t) for t > 0.
Hint: We expect i(t) = A + Be~r,r for t > 0, where A %B, and
r are constants to be determined.

F igu re SP 8-2
F ig u re SP 8-4
D es ig n P ro b le m s

Design Problems
DP 8-1 Design the circuit in Figure DP 8 - 1 so that v(t) makes DP 8-4 The switch in Figure DP 8-3 closes at time 0, 2At, 4A/,
the transition from v(/) = 6 V to v(t) = 10 V in 10 ms after the . . . 2kAt and opens at times A/, 3A/, 5Af, . . . . (2k + l)Af.
switch is closed. Assume that the circuit is at steady state before When the switch closes, v(t) makes the transition from v(t) = 0
the switch is closed. Also assume that the transition will be V to v(t) = 5 V. Conversely, when the switch opens, v(t) makes
complete after 5 time constants. the transition from v(t) = 5 V to v(t) = 0 V. Suppose we require
that one transition be 95 percent complete before the next one
/ = 0
begins, (a) Determine the value of C required so that At = 1 /is.
(b) How large must At be when C = 2 /j.F?
Hint: Show that At = - r ln( 1 - k) is required for the transition
to be 100 k percent complete.

Answer: (a) C = 6.67 pF; (b) At = 0.3 s

DP 8-5 A laser trigger circuit is shown in Figure DP 8-5. To
trigger the laser, we require 60 mA < |i| < 180 mA for 0 < t <
200 ixs. Determine a suitable value for /?, and R2.

DP 8-2 Design the circuit in Figure DP 8-2 so that i(t) makes 40 Q 40 Q

the transition from /(/) = 1 mA to /(/) = 4 mA in 10 ms after the —WV
switch is closed. Assume that the circuit is at steady state before
the switch is closed. Also assume that the transition will be
complete after 5 time constants. 20 v (T ) /?!

Figure DP 8-5 Laser trigger circuit

DP 8-6 Fuses are used to open a circuit when excessive current

flows (Wright, 1990). One fuse is designed to open when the
power absorbed by R exceeds 10 W for 0.5 s. Consider the circuit
Figure DP 8-2 shown in Figure DP 8 -6 . The input is given by vs = A[u(t) - u(t -
0.75)] V. Assume that /l(0~) = 0. Determine the largest value of A
DP 8-3 The switch in Figure DP 8-3 closes at time 0, 2A/, 4Af, that will not cause the fuse to open.
. . . 2kAt and opens at times At, 3At, 5At, . . . .(2k + I )A/. When
the switch closes, v(/) makes the transition from v(t) = 0 V to v(f) =
5 V. Conversely, when the switch opens, v(t) makes the transition
from v(t) = 5 V to v(t) = 0 V. Suppose we require that At = 5r so
that one transition is complete before the next one begins, (a)
Determine the value of Crequired so that Ar = 1 /xs. (b) How large
must A/ be when C = 2 /xF?
Answer: (a) C = 4 pF; (b) At = 0.5s
/ = (2k + 1)A/
V 49 kn
1— I °“—1P— W v —
L t - 2k Ai + Figure DP 8-6 Fuse circuit.
+N <
J 1 kQ C ^ ^ v(t)

Figure DP 8-3

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