Midterm Examination in TTL 120

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TTL 120 – Technology for Teaching and Learning 2

1st Semester; SY 2022-2023


1. CHEATING is strictly not allowed.

2. ERASURES are not allowed.
3. Refer to each of the direction found on a specific test.
4. Answers with any forms of ERASURES such as but not limited to crashing out, using correction
fluid or tape, tampering or altering, and tearing out the paper are considered WRONG.

Test I. TRUE OR FALSE. Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct. Write the
word FALSE, if the statement is wrong.

1. Baby Boomers prefer face-to-face communication for important issues.

2. Both Millennials and Baby Boomers both perform best when working as a team.

3. What Old Generation likes may not be the same as what the New Generation prefers in Life,
Work and Leisure.

4. Much of the good things enjoyed by elders when they were students are no longer available to
the new generation.

5. Life has been comfortably slower for oldies as they watch and follow television tele-nobelas
like Walang Hanggan and patronize the movies of their favorite local performers and prioritize
social activities like community outings and dance clinics.

6. The new generation is exposed to quick flicking video games, mobile phone texting, socializing
through the social websites, and downloading text/music/photos/video with adeptness and
task-switching speed.

7. New Generation follows a personal random access to hyperlinked digital information; Less
superior to elders in focus and reflection; they appear to be more easily bored and distracted
during class lectures.

8. The traditional reward system in education consists of grades, honor certificates/medals, and

9. Digital learners on their own experience more immediate gratification through immediate
scores from games, enjoyable conversation from webcam calls, excitement from email chats,
and inviting comments from their Facebook account.

10. Teachers need to connect with digital learners, and not think of them as entering their past-30
years old traditional world while there are apparent setbacks or limitations to digital learning,
there are opportunities to tap through.

11. Consider the two statements.

A. Old teachers teach students in order to help them pass tests and complete the course-

B. New digital learners simply wish to acquire skills, knowledge and habits as windows of
opportunity afford them to learn
Statements A is CORRECT; statement B is WRONG.

12. The following statements about Millennials work preferences are all CORRECT.
A. They embrace the use of technology and stay plugged in 24/7.
B. They value activities that reflect corporate social responsibility and environmental concern.
C. Enjoy multi-tasking.

13. Multi-generational workplaces don’t have a “one size fits all” approach to management.

14. The technology or digital generation read book text, enrich by illustrations and photos. In
order to research, they go to the school library, use the card catalogue for needed books and
sign up to borrow books for home reading. 

15. Our parents have greater affinity to visuals (photo and video) compared with texts. In fact,
they have been exposed since childhood to cable television and videos images especially
cartoon characters and then to compute images, in such manner and their visual fluency or
abilities have sharpened and enriched. 
TEST II. MATCHING TYPE. Below are Basic Concepts on Integrating Technology. Match the
descriptions column A with the appropriate terminology in column B. Write only the letter of
your answer.


16. ____ is a video or audio clip about a single a. Digital Learning

topic in the format of the radio talk show. b. Google Apps
17. Ability of the learner to access the internet at c. Facebook
Any point during the lesson. d. Internet
18. Any type of learning that is accompanied e. Off-line digital tools
by technology or by instructional practice that f. On-line Digital Tools
makes effective use of technology is known as __ g. Podcast
19. Common example of this concept is Skype and h. Technology
Zoom. i. Vlog
20. ___ refers to a mix process and product used in j. Voice Over Internet
the application of knowledge. Protocol
21. A video blog where each entry is posted as a k. Web Access
Video instead. l. Wikipedia
22. Most popular social media or networking site.
23. A tool used for organizational purposes, for
sophisticated word processing and editing of the
24. It connects millions of computers all over the world.
25. Most widely recognized of all wikis.


Directions: Choose the correct answer from the given choices. Write only the letter of your answer
sheet/blue book.
26. It is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization of the processes and resources
for learning.
a. Instructional technology
b. Educational technology
c. Technology Tools
d. Productivity Tools

27. The ability to use information technologies and the internet.

a. Digital tools
b. Web quest
c. Digital learning
d. Digital literacy

28. It is a way of accessing information over the medium in the internet.

a. Software
b. Multimedia
c. Internet
d. World wide web

29. Which of the following encompasses all the basic concepts in ICT?
a. web
b. internet
c. computers
d. technology

30. It allows you to reach out to others around the world.

a. Handheld devices
b. Email tools
c. Design tools
d. Calculation tools

31. Which 21st century skills is considered to be perennial and currently relevant?
a. Critical thinking
b. Communication
c. Collaboration
d. Creativity

32. Students in a class test are asked to write the definition of levers.
a. Rote learning
b. Discovery learning
c. Project based learning
d. None of the above

33. Students try to help an underweight friend in their class by researching on different diet charts
and then creating a proper diet chart for the friend.
a. Project-based and Authentic Learning
b. Combination of Problem Based learning and Project-based and Authentic Learning
c. Combination of Problem and Authentic Learning
d. None of the above

34. Students finding Air Quality Index data on the Internet for their city over a period of 2 months.
a. Authentic Learning
b. Rote Learning
c. Authentic Learning and Problem-based Learning
d. None of the above

35. Which learning theory emphasizes on the acquisition of "habits"?

a. Constructivism
b. Cognitivism
c. Connectivism
d. Behaviourism

36. Students using a given formula for height, and weight in a problem to calculate BMI.
a. Remembering
b. Applying
c. Understanding
d. None of the above

37. Which one of these is the best example of authentic learning?

a. Students listening to a podcast by a famous environmentalist on the wide-reaching effects of
deforestation on World Environment Day.
b. Students watch a video created by their seniors on methods of conserving forests on the
occasion of World Environment Day.
c. Students creating a video on effects of deforestation happening in their surroundings for
presenting in school on World Environment Day.
d. Students writing an essay on conservation of forests for the school magazine to be released on
World Environment Day.

38. Students from class- 9 as part of project work in the chapter on ‘Population and the influencing
factors’, collected data through a household survey on level of literacy in their area to find out
correlation between literacy and occupations using spreadsheets. what kind of teaching method and
which learning theory best reflects this example of student activity?Select one:
a. Survey method of learning - Information processing
b. Real life application of the concept of Correlation using ICT - Activity Based Theory of Learning
c. Real life application of the concept of Correlation using ICT - Constructivism
d. None of the above

39. If a student is able to list the capitals of all the states in India in an exam paper, which level of
learning is the student displaying?
a. Creating
b. Understanding
c. Applying
d. Remembering

40. Which example best represents the constructivist way of learning using ICT in schools?
a. Students understand the concept of gravity by using the NASA website to compare their
weights on different planets correct
b. Students watching videos to understand the concept of gravity
c. Students listening to a podcast on gravity
d. Students using PowerPoint to create a presentation on gravity
41. One of the “portable skills” acquired by students performing authentic learning activities is-
a. The ability to store information in memory and retrieve it
b. To apply the same set of solutions to any real problem
c. The judgement or ability to distinguish reliable from unreliable information
d. To follow instructions given by the teacher

42. Students were asked to create a 3D virtual reconstruction of an ancient Mohenjodaro marketplace
and were required to present a rationale for the design choices as they build the replica. They used
photos, structure measurements, and samples of tools and other items including key architectural and
artistic environments of the ancient world. This is an example suits best with which type of authentic
learning practices mentioned in the article by Marilyn M. Lombardi.
a. Working with Research Data
b. Inquiry-Based Learning
c. Student-Created Media
d. Simulation Based Learning

43. Students today use the internet for academic and personal reasons. A vast amount of information
exists online, all of which may not be from credible sources. Which 21st century skill will students
need to identify signal from noise?
a. Critical thinking
b. Creativity
c. Collaboration
d. Communication

44. Which 21st century skill requires decision-making and problem-solving skills?
a. Critical thinking
b. Communication
c. Collaboration
d. Creativity

45. Which of the following is an online system that allows instructors to create online content,
manage, and track student learning?
a. Learning Management System
b. Chat Application
c. E-mail group
d. Video calling apps

46. Information Technology is the application of _____

a. telecommunications equipment
b. computers
c. hardware
d. software

47. Information Technology, deals with the

a. storing of data
b. retrieving of data
c. transmitting of data
d. manipulating of data

48. Which of these can be considered a Telecommunications device

a. fiber optics
b. microwave ovens
c. smart phone
d. satellites

49. Information and Communications Technology focuses on all of the following except
a. Hard Drive
b. integration of telecommunication devices, computers and middleware
c. enables users to retrieve and manipulate information
d. unified communication

50. It encourages members to share their interests, ideas, stories, photos, music, and videos with
other registered users.
a. Search Engine
b. Social networking website
c. Web
d. Web searches

51. A software that finds websites, webpages, images, videos, news, maps, and other information
related to a specific topic.
a. Search Engine
b. Web Searches
c. Internet
d. Web Pages

52. It is a study of computers as data processing tools. It introduces students to the fundamental of
using computer systems in an internet environment.
a. Web Pages
b. Green Computing
c. ICT
d. Software

53. It involves having a current knowledge and understanding of computers, mobile devices, the
Internet, and related technologies.
a. Digital Litercy
b. Computer
c. Technology
d. ICT

54. The following are example of input devices except:

a. keyboard
b. LCD
c. mouse
d. web cam

55. A global library of information available to anyone connected to the Internet

a. Digital Literacy
b. technology
c. ICT
d. World Wide Web

56. It involves reducing the electricity consumed and environmental waste generated when using a
a. Green Software
b. Computer Generated
c. Computer Engineering
d. Green computing

57. Holds data, instructions, and information for future use.

a. Output Device
b. Storage Device
c. Communication Device
d. System Unit

58. ______ conveys meaning and is useful to people while Information is a collection of unprocessed
items, which can include text, numbers, images, audio, and video.
a. Data
b. Computer
c. Cassette Tape
d. Stereo

58. Presently includes advancements in communication and how information is handled, thus enabling
governments, organizations, industries and ordinary individuals to improve on their decision making,
business processes and everyday living.
a. Technology
b. Entertainment
c. Announcements
d. None of the above


Direction: For items 59-60, answer the following questions with a minimum of 40 words and a
6maximum of 70 words. Make your answer comprehensive and provide factual details and
information as possible.
59. Based on your assessment in the use of computers in the teaching and learning process in your
school, what is the most important role of computers play in education?

60. Computer security is one of the major challenges in the twenty-first century. It is commonly
associated with dire consequences, especially in the case of virus attacks. As a teacher, how will you
hurdle these challenges?

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