Vts Worksheet 3

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VTS video analysis Name:___Katie Veches___

Total:________/24 points

Answer the following questions while watching the video…

1.) How did she get started with the activity? (3points)
-Tells them what senses they will use to get them ready visually and remind them how
they will participate.
-Introduced the artwork.
-Gave the students 30 seconds to look at the piece.

2.) What kinds of questions did she ask, how did she follow up? (3 points)
-What do you notice?
-What do you see that makes you think that?
-What else can we find?

3.) What kinds of thinking strategies were practiced by the students? (3 points)

-Brainstorming, problem solving, critical thinking skills.

-Connecting prior knowledge to new concepts.

Now process what you just saw and discuss the following questions at your table…

4.) How could we connect this activity to the elements and principles? (5 points)

-This activity allowed the students to explore things like proportion, movement, texture, etc.
When students are asked to make observations in the piece, they’re identifying different
elements and principles. For example, when the students point out a tree, they can see that it’s
bigger and taller than the other scenery (proportion). As the students point out different parts
of the piece together, they’re discovering new elements and principles of art.

5.) What kinds of follow up or next step activities could we do after something like this? (5

-Have the students create their own piece of art and have a partner point out things they
notice. The students will make inferences and tell the class about their partners’ piece of art.
This would allow students to not only create their own piece of art, but also expand their
knowledge of elements and principles.
6.) Elementary Ed. how could this be used cross circularly? Art Ed. how could this transfer into a
project? (5 points)

-This activity could be incorporated with social studies by having the students look at and
analyze a portrait from the past. Students would identify what they see in the piece as well as
how it relates to a certain time in history.

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