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Part II

Electric Circuit Theory

Chapter One
Magnetically Coupled Circuits
Lecture Two
Prepared by
Dr. Abdelmageed Sharshar
1.5. The Ideal Transformer
• Two coils of wire wound around a single
closed magnetic core.
• The same core flux 𝛟, links all the turns
of both coils, with coupling coefficient=1
• Neglect wire resistance.
• The coupling equations are;

Ampere’s Law ഥ 𝑑𝑙 = 𝐼𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 = 𝑁1 𝑖1 + 𝑁2 𝑖2

ර 𝐻.
𝜓 𝜓
𝐵 = 𝜇𝐻 = → 𝐻 = Since 𝜇𝑟 ቚ → ∞, ∴ 𝐻→0
𝐴 𝜇𝐴 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒

𝑁1 𝑖1 + 𝑁2 𝑖2 = 0
𝑣1 𝑁1
= 𝑁1 𝑖1 + 𝑁2 𝑖2 = 0 Fig. (a)
𝑣2 𝑁2

𝒊𝟏 𝑵𝟐
=− 𝑣1 𝑖1 + 𝑣2 𝑖2 = 0
𝒊𝟐 𝑵𝟏

Hence the total power into the device is zero, which

means that an ideal transformer is lossless.
or 𝑣1 𝑁1
= 𝑁1 𝑖1 = 𝑁2 𝑖2
𝑣2 𝑁2

𝒊𝟏 𝑵𝟐
= 𝒗𝟏 𝒊𝟏 = 𝒗𝟐 𝒊𝟐 Fig. (b)
𝒊𝟐 𝑵𝟏
𝑉1 𝑁1 𝐼1 𝑁2
= and =
𝑉2 𝑁2 𝐼2 𝑁1
𝑁1 𝑁2
𝑉1 = 𝑉2 and 𝐼1 = 𝐼2
𝑁2 𝑁1
𝑍𝐿 =
2 2
𝑉1 𝑁1 𝑁2 𝑁1 𝑉2 𝑁1
𝑍1 = = 𝑉2 ൘ 𝐼2 = = 𝑍𝐿
𝐼1 𝑁2 𝑁1 𝑁2 𝐼2 𝑁2
𝑁1 𝑁2
𝑍1 = 𝑍𝐿 Let us define the turns ratio as: 𝑛 =
𝑁2 𝑁1
For the ideal transformer:
𝑽𝟏 = 𝑰𝟏 = 𝒏𝑰𝟐 𝒁𝟏 = 𝟐
𝒏 𝒏
Care must be exercised in using these
equations because the signs on the
voltages and currents are dependent
on the assigned references and their
relationship to the dots.

𝑽𝟏 = − 𝑰𝟏 = −𝒏𝑰𝟐 𝒁𝟏 = 𝟐
𝒏 −𝒏
Example (7)
Given the circuit shown in Fig. 1.19, we wish to determine all indicated
voltages and currents.
Because of the relationships between
the dots and the currents and voltages,
the transformer equations are

where n = 1/4. The reflected impedance at the input to the transformer is

Therefore, the current in the source is

The voltage across the input to the

transformer is then

Hence, 𝐕𝟐 is

The current 𝐈𝟐 is
Example (8)
The local transformer provides the last voltage stepdown in a power distribution
system. It is a single phase transformer that typically has a 13.8-kV rms line to
neutral on its primary coil, and a center tap secondary coil provides both 120 V
rms and 240 V rms to service several residences.
Let us find the turns ratio necessary to produce the 240-V rms secondary
voltage. Assuming that the transformer provides 200-A rms service to each of 10
houses, let us determine the minimum power rating for the transformer and the
maximum current in the primary.
If IH =200 A is the maximum current per household, then the maximum
primary current is

The maximum power delivered to the primary is then

Therefore, the transformer must have a power rating of at least 480 kVA.
To check out your results, let us calculate how much power is received at the
secondary coil

𝑆2 = 𝑉2 𝐼2 = 240 × 10 × 𝐼𝐻 = 240 × 2000 = 480000 Vrms

Example (9)
Determine 𝐼1 , 𝐼2 , 𝑽𝟏 , and 𝑽𝟐 in
the network in Fig.
The nodal equations at nodes 1
and 2 are
The first nodal equation yields
𝐼1 = 5 A and therefore 𝐼2 = 2.5 A.
The second nodal equation, together with
the constraint equations specified by the
The transformer relationships are transformer, yields
𝑉2 = 2𝑉1 and 𝐼1 = 2𝐼2 .
Thévenin’s and Norton’s Theorems for Solving ideal transformer circuits:
Transformer Eqs:
𝑽𝟏 =
𝑰𝟏 = 𝒏𝑰𝟐
𝒁𝟏 = 𝟐
𝐕𝐨𝐜 = 𝐕𝟐 = 𝐧𝐕𝟏
= 𝐧𝐕𝐬𝟏
𝐙𝐓𝐡 = 𝐧𝟐 𝐙𝟏
Recall from our previous analysis that if either dot on the transformer is
reversed, then n is replaced by −n in the equivalent circuits.
• In a similar manner, we can show that
replacing the transformer and its secondary
circuit by an equivalent circuit results in the
network shown in Fig. d.
• In general when developing an equivalent circuit
for the transformer and its primary circuit, each
primary voltage is multiplied by n, each primary
current is divided by n, and each primary
impedance is multiplied by 𝑛2 .
• when developing an equivalent circuit for the
transformer and its secondary circuit, each
secondary voltage is divided by n, each
secondary current is multiplied by n, and each
secondary impedance is divided by 𝑛2 .
• Powers are the same, whether calculated on the primary or secondary side.
Example (10)
Given the circuit in Fig. 1.23a, we wish to draw the two networks
obtained by replacing the transformer and the primary, and the
transformer and the secondary, with equivalent circuits.

From the previous analysis, we learn that if either dot on the transformer is
reversed, then n is replaced by −n in the equivalent circuits. Therefor;
𝑽𝟏 = − 𝑰𝟏 = −𝒏𝑰𝟐 𝒁𝟏 = 𝟐
𝒏 −𝒏

Thévenin's equivalent circuit seen from secondary circuit

Thévenin's equivalent circuit seen from primary circuit

Example (11)
Let us determine the output voltage 𝑽𝒐 in the circuit in Fig. 10.24a.

We begin our solution by forming a Thévenin equivalent for the primary circuit.
From Fig. 1.24b we can show that the open-circuit voltage is

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