Essay 3 Reflection Questions

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Tracy Saucedo

Trishia Briones

ENGL 1301-180

23 November 2022

Essay 3 Reflection Questions

As we conclude the semester and reflect on how far we come we start to think of how much

we have learned in English 1302. When correcting my final essay on Mental Health in College

students, I was able to see a dramatic change between my first essay and my last. We all progress

from the start of a semester to the end. We develop new skills and master old ones and, in this

case, I was able to master the skills to write better essays. TAMIU has invested in many tools and

applications on campus for students to improve on their writing skills and to get assistance with

writing assignments. Its a great thing to take advantage for your classes to keep you in good

standing with your grades.

When looking at the first essay with Ms. Briones, I can see the differences in my writing

to todays essay 3. I used the MLA format that was introduced during the first essay to stay on track

for my 3rd essay. I was also able to incorporate the better use of in text citations from essay 2 for

essay 3. I learned many new things from English 1302 on how to correct essays and what tools to

use. I did not have the same type of strategies when I worked on my essay 1 as I did on my essay

3. I used a good deal of insight from my current job to come up with the topic and examples that I

could not incorporate on my final essay.

The knowledge I have gained from my third essay I can definitely use in my future courses,

for example, I can incorporate the knowledge and the tools (ACE support) for my American

Literature class coming up in Spring 2023. As far as essays in my future, I don’t see myself using
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the same topics or research methods in my classes. The classes I will be obtaining will have more

depth and essays will be based on literature authors. During the writing process, the creation of

argument helped me in my essay in the sense of researching arguments to go with my opinions

and seeing how they intertwine. The approaches I used for the arguments helped me develop new

ways to research and get articles.

A different aspect that made this class exceptional was the comments received from the

professor and our peers. I received them during the first essay but not the last two. The examples

of my weakness on my drafts have been my grammar issues and the in-text citations. My strengths

have been the same. I have been able to incorporate examples from my life for my essays to make

it more personal. As I read all my essays, I can see how my writing grammar has improved and

how much I have utilized the ACE center to help me see the grammatical errors I cannot see. The

third essay might have been the hardest I had all semester. It was challenging to use such a general

topic that could be disputed. I did make a few changes to my last essay in hopes to bring in more

clarity to the paper. I took away a few personal examples and used more research articles.

It has been a very difficult semester and honestly mentally exhausting with the work but as

we worked on different essays, I can see how the repetition work becomes familiar and as they

say, practice makes better. I can see a difference in my work from the beginning of fall semester

to today. I plan to keep practicing what I have learned and improve further in any future essays

during my time at Texas A&M International University.

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