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Name: Via Lyn O.


Activity No. 2.3

1. Timelining
“King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table”

Morgana Le Fay the Arthur’s

half-sister threatens Camelot
Arthur was the son of the Late King Arthur institutes the Knights Morgana tells Mordred that
and Arthur with sorcery. After
King Uther Pendragon, pulls a of the Round Table after Arthur his father and that
the battles to protect the
sword from a stone. This act marrying Guinevere. Only the Mordred is heir to the
throne, Arthur must defend his
proves that he is the rightful most worthy of knights may sit at Camelot throne. Morgana
throne and prove that he is
king of England. At sixteen, the enormous table created by
worthy of leading Camelot and poisons his mind against his
Arthur is crowned as a king and Merlin. Sir Lancelot becomes one
England. He battles all of the father.
Merlin becomes one of his most of the mightiest champions for
would-be kings and nearly falls,
valuable advisers. Queen Guinevere.
but for the aid of Merlin’s

Mordred and Arthur wind up vicious

battle. Though Arthur succeeds at
Mordred begins to conjure up ways
Mordred is able to prove that killing Mordred and foiling
to destroy Arthur and claim the
Lancelot and Guinevere are having Moragana’s plan, Arthur, too is
throne for him. Mordred and
an affair. Arthur is heartbroken. mortally wounded and so ends the
Morgana plan to strike while many of
Guinevere is sentenced to burn at fairy-tale existence of Camelot,
the knights are on a quest for the
the stake, but is saved by Lancelot. Arthur and his Knights of the Round
Holy Grail.
2. Conflict Mapping

Threatens Camelot and Arthur

with sorcery

Morgan Le Fay wanted King Arthur

to die. Arthur must defend his
throne and prove that he is worthy
of leading Camelot and England. He
battles all of the would-be kings
and nearly falls, but for tha aid of
Merlin's magic. Morgana's evil
works against Arthur in the battles,
but Merlin is more powerful.

Protagonist Antagonist

King Arthur Morgana Le Fay

Conscientious and slightly

Legend of one of England's Arthur’s half sister, the She gives Excalibur to her lover
timid young boy who
most famous and arguably daughter of Arthur’s mother Accolon so he can use it against
becomes king of England
most beloved king Igraine and her first husband, King Arthur
the Duke of Cornwall.

Believes in justice and

doing what is right Resolution
Portrayed as a witch who can
Mordred and Arthur wind up in a fly and change into shapes.
vicious battle. Though Arthur succeeds
at killing Mordred and foiling
Morgana’s plan, Arthur, too, is mortally
wounded and so ends the fairy-tale
existence of Camelot, Arthur and his
Knights of the Round Table.
3. Annotating Bibliography

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table

Pyle, H., & Alyward, W. J. 1. (1933). The story of King Arthur and his knights. New York: C.
Scribner's Sons.

King Arthur is one of the most famous legends in history. This imaginative retelling of the
classic Arthurian legends follows Arthur's formation of the Knights of the Round Table, his
acquisition of the enchanted sword Excalibur, and his courtship of Lady Guinevere. The legends
of Sir Pelleas, the story of Sir Gawaine's pursuit of the White Hart, and tales of Merlin the
magician, Morgana Le Fay, the Lady of the Lake, and many others are also included.
The Round Table represented the equality that existed at Arthur's court. It was allegedly
patterned after a table made to commemorate Jesus Christ's Last Supper.

The Canterbury Tales

Chaucer, G. (2003). The Cabterbury tales (N. Coghill, Trans.). Penguin Classics.

Chaucer created one of the great touchstones of English literature in The Canterbury Tales. The
occasion for a series of tales ranging from the Knight's account of courtly love and the ebullient
Wife of Bath's Arthurian legend to the ribald anecdotes of the Miller and the Cook is a story
telling competition among a group of pilgrims from all walks of life.
This masterful and vivid modern English verse translation captures all of Chaucer's fourteenth-
century Middle English vigour and poetry.

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