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Name: Via Lyn Verdadero

Activity 2.2

Geoffrey Chaucer

Geoffrey Chaucer was the first discoverer of our language and the outstanding English poet before
Shakespeare. He was born around 1342/43 and died at the age of 53 in 1366 or 1367. The name Chaucer
is derived from the French word Chaussier, which means a shoemaker. He improved his Latin and Italian
skills. In 1357, he advanced in society by joining the royal court of Elizabeth, Countess of Ulster. During
the 1360 peace negotiations, the king contributed to his ransom, and Chaucer served as a messenger
from Calais to England. "The Caterbury Tales" is one of his most famous works in English.

He was widely regarded as the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages, best known for his
Canterbury Tales. He is also regarded as the "Father of English Poetry." Before Shakespear, Chaucer was
the greatest English poet. A witty observer of humanity, storyteller, and satirist. Chaucer used a variety
of poetic forms and genres in his writing. I discovered that honor and honesty are highly valued in
Canterbury. And I admire Chaucer for being a good poet despite only a few anonymous short works.

Chaucer was the first to write what became well-known poems and stories. A very well educated
individual who was holy in his thought, intelligent, and attempted to bring souls to God. Chaucer's works
are all sophisticated meditations on language and deception. Chaucer created a language and fiction
model based on concealment rather than communication. Geoffrey Chaucer was a well-known writer of
the fourteenth century.

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