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Name: Gleazel C.


Program/Year: BSE 3B Date Submitted: October 5, 2021

Activity 2.4

1. Paraphrasing Sonnet

Sonnet 18

I should compare you to a summer's day?

You are more lovely and more calm;

Coarse winds move side by side the spring up of May,

And summer is contracted into a brief of day.

Too hot sometimes, the heaven brighten,

And Frequently his gold type of skin become less bright;

And each fair sometimes rejected,

By chance, the nature will use another method untrimm'd,

But your endless summer shall not fade,

Nor miss out the possession of that fair you be in debt;

Nor shall death boast you to roam you in his shade,

If everlasting lines to time you develop;

As men can breathe, and eyes can see

So live long this, and this gives life to you.

2. Writing Chapter 0

There was a beautiful, lovely and rich girl named Juliet where his father want her to marry into a rich
man like them. And there was a man who fell in love with Juliet , and it was their gardener who is
Romeo. Romeo was just a simple handsome guy who came from a poor family. Juliet was closed to
Romeo because of his treatment to Juliet. But one time, the father of Juliet noticed the closeness of
Juliet to Romeo he immediately arrange the marriage between the rich man and Juliet.

3. Annotating Bibliography

Romeo and Juliet

Shakespeare, W. (2003). Romeo and Juliet. New York: SparkNotes.

Romeo and Juliet is the most famous love story in the English literary tradition. Love is naturally the
play’s dominant and most important theme. The play focuses on romantic love, specifically the intense
passion that springs up at first sight between Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet, love is a violent,
ecstatic, overpowering force that supersedes all other values, loyalties, and emotions.

A drama well known by William Shakespeare is Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare’s play is about the
doomed romance of two teenagers from feuding families and is the most famous love story written. For
the K12 learning competencies, students will be able to learn the language that being used of
Shakespeare and this story there are lots of lesson life that we can learn and we can apply in our daily

Shakespeare, W. (1992). The tragedy of Hamlet, prince of Denmark (New Folger's ed.). Washington
Square Press/Pocket Books.

Hamlet's combination of violence and introspection is unusual among Shakespeare's tragedies. It is also
full of curious riddles and fascinating paradoxes, making it one of his most widely discussed plays.
Professor Hibbard's illuminating and original introduction explains the process by which variant texts
were fused in the eighteenth century to create the most commonly used text of today. Drawing on both
critical and theatrical history, he shows how this fusion makes Hamlet seem a much more 'problematic'
play than it was when it originally appeared in the First Folio of 1623.

For K12 this will give a lesson to a students to not revenge because it can not solve the problem. It will
give the ideas to use the language that must use in Shakespeare time.

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