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Field Experience Log & Reflection

School of Instructional Technology & Innovation – Updated Fall 2021

Candidate: Shelly Carter Mentor/Title: School/District:

Heather Ivers/ 3rd Grade Lead Clark Creek ES/ Cherokee
Teacher County
Course: Professor/Semester:
ITEC 7485 Dr. Jason Harron / Fall

(This log contains space for up to 5 different field experiences for your 5 hours. It might be that you complete one field
experience totaling 5 hours! If you have fewer field experiences, just delete the extra pages. Thank you!)

PSC Standard(s)/ISTE Standard(s)

Date(s) 1st Field Experience Activity/Time
Ex: (PSC-IT 1.1, ISTE-E 1a)
11/9/22 2:20-3:30 PM (70 minutes) 8.1 Relationships
After school, I was able to sit with one of members on my team and
show her how to use scratch. I was able to show her exactly how to Candidates establish coaching relationships to support
use scratch and explain that you can use scratch for a lot of things. I
educators as they explore new instructional strategies and
explained to her that I actually explained to her that I will be using
scratch during our math lessons this week. I told her that her students integrate technology to improve student learning. (PSC-IT
can create games that include math addition and subtraction word 8.1)
problems. I showed her my example that I created and how I was
going to implement and teach it. I gave her step-by-step instructions
on how to use it and how her students can create an account.
First Name/Last Name/Title of an individual who can verify this Signature of the individual who can verify this experience:
Heather Ivers

(Place an X in the box representing the race/ethnicity and subgroups involved in this field experience.)
Ethnicity P-12 Faculty/Staff P-12 Students
P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12
Black X
Hispanic X
Native American/Alaskan Native
White X X
Students with Disabilities
Limited English Proficiency
Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals X
(Minimum of 3-4 sentences per question)
1. Briefly describe the field experience. What did you learn about technology integration and/or technology coaching from completing this field

For this field experience, I learned how important it is to include technology into daily lessons. It has taught me to implement the PSC and ISTE standards in
all my lessons. I was happy to be able to coach another teacher so she could implement scratch in her classroom.

2. How did this learning relate to the knowledge (what must you know), skills (what must you be able to do) and dispositions (attitudes, beliefs,
enthusiasm) required of a technology facilitator or technology leader? (Refer to the standards you selected above. Use the language of the
PSC/ISTE-E standards in your answer and reflect on all 3—knowledge, skills, and dispositions.)

Knowledge – You need to know how to get to the website and create an account.
Teachers need to understand and teach the technology standards as well as the content standards.

Skills -You must be able to create an account and create a project. You need to understand and learn the different types of coding on scratch.
Teachers need to also teach students how to use technology correctly in the classroom.

Dispositions -
Teacher will be able to use scratch in her classroom. Teacher will model and facilitate authentic learning.
3. Describe how this field experience impacted school improvement, faculty development or student learning at your school. How can the impact be

It gave me a better idea on how to coach and explain how to use scratch to others.

PSC Standard(s)/ISTE Standard(s)

Date(s) 2nd Field Experience Activity/Time
Ex: (PSC-IT 1.1, ISTE-E 1a)
11/28/22 Math: 12:30-1:55 PM 5.2/5b Authentic & Active Learning
My students learn, practice and review multiplication and division
word problems by using digital tools that align with the math Candidates design authentic learning activities that align
standards. My students used Boom Cards and Nearpod mainly as
with content area standards and use digital tools and
their digital tools. By using these digital tools, my students are able
to receive an active, deep learning during math. resources to maximize active, deep learning. (PSC- IT 5.2,
Boom cards and Nearpod’s keep my students engaged and ISTE-E 5b)
First Name/Last Name/Title of an individual who can verify this Signature of the individual who can verify this experience:
Heather Ivers

(Place an X in the box representing the race/ethnicity and subgroups involved in this field experience.)
Ethnicity P-12 Faculty/Staff P-12 Students
P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12
Black X
Hispanic X
Native American/Alaskan Native
White X X
Students with Disabilities
Limited English Proficiency
Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals X
(Minimum of 3-4 sentences per question)
1. Briefly describe the field experience. What did you learn about technology integration and/or technology coaching from completing this field

For this field experience, I learned the importance of incorporating technology with many standards.

2. How did this learning relate to the knowledge (what must you know), skills (what must you be able to do) and dispositions (attitudes, beliefs,
enthusiasm) required of a technology facilitator or technology leader? (Refer to the standards you selected above. Use the language of the
PSC/ISTE-E standards in your answer and reflect on all 3—knowledge, skills, and dispositions.)

Knowledge –Students will need to know how to properly use technology so they can assess Boom Cards and Nearpod. Students will need to know how to
solve word problems (the steps). Students need to be somewhat familiar with their multiplication facts.
Teachers need to understand and teach the technology standards as well as the math standards.

Skills -Students will need to use technology to use Boom Cards and Nearpod. Students will use Boom Cards and Nearpod to solve multiplication and
division word problems.
Teachers need to also teach students how to use technology correctly in the classroom

Dispositions -
Students will show at the end how to solve multiplication and division word problems by using technology. Teacher will model and facilitate authentic

3. Describe how this field experience impacted school improvement, faculty development or student learning at your school. How can the impact be

Incorporating technology has created a more engaging learning experience for my students. The impact can be assessed with Post assessments. Also with
their Boom Card and Nearpod results.
PSC Standard(s)/ISTE Standard(s)
Date(s) 3rd Field Experience Activity/Time
Ex: (PSC-IT 1.1, ISTE-E 1a)
9/27/22 Preplanning 8:35 to 9:20 AM (45 minutes) 4.1/4a Collaborate w/ Colleagues: Candidates dedicate
Preplanning with science/social studies team. planning time to collaborate with colleagues to create
authentic learning experiences that leverage technology.
Collaborate with my team regarding our science standard that we (PSC-IT 4.1, ISTE-E 4a)
needed to teach. Our standard was about identifying adaptations that
allow plants and animals to survive in their specific habitat. For this
specific standard, the upcoming week, we were planning to only
focus on how certain animals hibernate and how polar animals
survive the cold. I found a great way where we could include
technology into our standard. We discussed that we could use the
online tool: Mystery Science for the week. Students are able to
watch the video and interact with the video and activity that follows.
Mystery science has step-by-step instructions for the hands-on
activity. As we collaborated, each member had different roles. One
member would add the videos to our slides, one member would print
and have the activities ready for our team, and one member would
post the lessons to our team lesson plan template for the week.
Students would also be researching independently to find more
information about a how animals hibernate and how they survive. I
suggested to my team that we should pick specific animals so we can
help with gathering websites. Students would be able to research
from a list of animals that the teachers picked. I suggested to use an
online tool called: Wakelet. Wakelet is a tool where I can add
specific websites or articles for students to use during their
information gathering. I told my team I would work on this. I embed
the link into canva for easy access.

First Name/Last Name/Title of an individual who can verify this Signature of the individual who can verify this experience:
Heather Ivers

(Place an X in the box representing the race/ethnicity and subgroups involved in this field experience.)
Ethnicity P-12 Faculty/Staff P-12 Students
P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12
Black X
Hispanic X
Native American/Alaskan Native
White X X
Students with Disabilities
Limited English Proficiency
Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals X
(Minimum of 3-4 sentences per question)
1. Briefly describe the field experience. What did you learn about technology integration and/or technology coaching from completing this field
For this field experience, I learned a lot discussing with my team ways we can integrate technology. It has taught me to implement the PSC and ISTE
standards in all my lessons. Planning and collaborating with my team has really helped me ensure that the science lesson would be the best it can be.

2. How did this learning relate to the knowledge (what must you know), skills (what must you be able to do) and dispositions (attitudes, beliefs,
enthusiasm) required of a technology facilitator or technology leader? (Refer to the standards you selected above. Use the language of the
PSC/ISTE-E standards in your answer and reflect on all 3—knowledge, skills, and dispositions.)

Knowledge - Students need to learn about plants, animals and how they survive in their habitat. Students will be learning about different animals and plants.
Students will be learning how animals adapt and survive in their environment.
Teachers need to understand and tach the technology standards as well as the science standards.

Skills -
Students need to learn how to research using technology, to find information about animals and plants in specific habitats. Students will need to learn how to
use wakelet to conduct their research.
Teachers need to also teach students how to use technology correctly in the classroom.

Dispositions -

Students will show at the end how animals adapt and survive in their environment. Teacher will model and facilitate authentic learning

3. Describe how this field experience impacted school improvement, faculty development or student learning at your school. How can the impact be
Incorporating technology has created a more engaging learning experience for my students. Students are able to use technology for research. The impact can
be assessed with Post assessments.
PSC Standard(s)/ISTE Standard(s)
Date(s) 4th Field Experience Activity/Time
Ex: (PSC-IT 1.1, ISTE-E 1a)
11/8/22 ELA 7:40 – 8:30 AM (50) & 9:20 to 10:30 AM (70) 6.4/6d Creativity
Social Studies: 10:30-11:15 (45 mins) total: 2 hours and 45 mins
During ELA and social studies: Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to
My students are learning about informative writing and Native
communicate ideas, knowledge, or connections. (PSC- IT
American Tribes. The informative writing was also going to align
with our social studies standard about Native Americans. During 6.4, ISTE-E 6d)
Social Studies, Students first needed to find online tools to conduct
research on their tribe as their choosing. Students used the online
tools provided by teacher.
Last week we have been learning about the tribes so this week will
be focusing on a specific tribe’s food, shelter, and clothing. My
students are working to complete task 2 this week. For 11/8/22, I
modeled task 2. I picked a tribe and modeled exactly what we were
supposed to be doing. As I modeled, I asked questions like: Where
did this tribe live? How did this tribe use the environment to
make/create their shelter? I connected to students and asked how do
we build our homes today? What resources do we have available for
us to build our homes? I also asked more questions like:
What food did they have? How did they use the environment to
obtain food? We had a whole group discussion on how they may
have used bark from the trees to make a shelter or use snow to make
igloos. I also modeled what informative writing was. I asked
students first, what does it mean to be an expert? I waited for student
responses. We shared ideas and then I modeled informative writing.
My students will have a whole week to work on this.
During 9:20-10:30, students continued finding information and then
start working on their informative writing piece. I expressed to my
students to be as creative as they want with their expert topic about
their tribe!
First Name/Last Name/Title of an individual who can verify this Signature of the individual who can verify this experience:
Heather Ivers

(Place an X in the box representing the race/ethnicity and subgroups involved in this field experience.)
Ethnicity P-12 Faculty/Staff P-12 Students
P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12
Black X
Hispanic X
Native American/Alaskan Native
White X X
Students with Disabilities
Limited English Proficiency
Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals X
(Minimum of 3-4 sentences per question)
1. Briefly describe the field experience. What did you learn about technology coaching and technology leadership from completing this field

For this field experience, I learned a lot discussing with my team ways we can integrate technology. It has taught me to implement the PSC and ISTE
standards in all my lessons.

2. How did this learning relate to the knowledge (what must you know), skills (what must you be able to do) and dispositions (attitudes, beliefs,
enthusiasm) required of a technology facilitator or technology leader? (Refer to the standards you selected above. Use the language of the
PSC/ISTE-E standards in your answer and reflect on all 3—knowledge, skills, and dispositions.)

Knowledge -

Students need to learn what informative writing is and about native American tribes. Teachers will need to make sure to teach technology and ELA

Skills -
Students will need to learn how to use technology to conduct research about the native American tribes. Students will conduct research to find information
about a specific information about the tribe’s shelter, food, and clothing. Students will also learn about informative writing. Their informative writing piece
will align with the social studies standard. Students will use RAZ or EPIC to gain information about specific tribes.

Dispositions -
Students will show at the end what they know about the native American tribes and how to write an informative writing piece ahout the tribe they have
selected. Teacher will model and facilitate authentic learning.

3. Describe how this field experience impacted school improvement, faculty development or student learning at your school. How can the impact be
It gave me a better idea on how to make sure my students are able to learn the standards using technology. The impact will be assed with Post assessments
and writing piece.

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