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Actual or compensatory damages
are those awarded in satisfaction
THREE-FOLD LIABILITY OF of, or in recompense for, loss or
PUBLIC OFFICERS injury sustained. They simply
 A public officer is under a three- make good or replace the loss
fold liability for violation of a caused by the wrong.
duty or for a wrongful act or (Mariano Mendoza vs. Leonora
omission: civil, criminal, and Gomez, G.R. No. 160110, June
administrative. 18, 2014)
> If such violation or wrongful
act results in damages to an MORAL DAMAGES
individual, the public officer
may be held civilly liable to Moral damages are awarded to
reimburse the injured party. enable the injured party to obtain
means, diversions or amusements
> If the law violated attaches a that will serve to alleviate the
penal sanction, the erring moral suffering he has
officer may be punished undergone, by reason of the
criminally. defendant’s culpable action.
(Kierulf vs. Court of Appeals,
> Finally, such violation may G.R. No. 99301, 13 March 1997)
also lead to suspension, removal
from office, or other EXEMPLARY DAMAGES
administrative sanctions. Exemplary or corrective damages
are imposed, by way of example
KINDS OF DAMAGES or correction for the public good,
• Actual or compensatory in addition to moral, temperate,
Damages liquidated or compensatory
• Moral Damages damages.
• Exemplary or corrective (Article 2229 of the Civil Code)
• Liquidated Damages LIQUIDATED DAMAGES
• Nominal Damages
• Temperate or moderate
Liquidated damages are those The objective is not to punish
agreed upon by the parties to a but to protect and improve the
contract, to be paid in case of public service
breach thereof.
(Article 2226 of the Civil Code)
NOMINAL DAMAGES  Are penal nature.
Nominal damages are  The highest sanction for
adjudicated in order that a right administrative cases is removal
of the plaintiff, which has been from office; whereas in criminal
violated or invaded by the cases, the penalty may be
defendant, may be vindicated or imprisonment.
recognized, and not for the
purpose of indemnifying the SHOULD A PERSON
plaintiff for any loss suffered by CRIMINALLY CHARGED
him. ALSO BE
(Article 2221 of the Civil Code) ADMINISTRATIVELY
Temperate or moderate damages, Mere filing of criminal charges
which are more than nominal but against an employee should not
less than compensatory damages, be considered as necessarily
may be recovered when the court requiring the suspension from
finds that some pecuniary loss office of the accuse.
has been suffered but its amount As a rule, especially where the
cannot, from the nature of the criminal act with which the
case, be provided with certainty. officer or employee is charged
(Article 2221 of the Civil Code) has no relation with the
accused’s official duties as a
ADMINISTRATIVE public servant, proceedings for
 Administrative proceedings are the removal of the employee
tools of executive, managerial or should not be instituted until
administrative functions after verdict shall have been
 Are remedial measures, not rendered by the courts.
penal in nature.
CHARGED ALSO BE (Art. XI, Accountability of

When the act constituting the CHARACTERISTICS

neglect of duty, oppression, of Administrative Discipline
corruption or other form of
misconduct in office amounts to 1. Administrative Offenses do not
a transgression of the penal laws, prescribe (Floria vs. Sunga, 386
then it becomes the duty of the SCRA 551)
prosecuting officer to take a 2. Flexible concept of the right to a
hand in the case by instituting “speedy disposition of cases”
the corresponding investigation (Ombudsman vs. Jurado, G.R.
and prosecution of the guilty No. 154155 dated August 6,
person to the full limit of the 2008)
law. 3. Administrative cases are not
subject to settlement (Modified
DISCIPLINE 4. The withdrawal of the
complainant is not a ground for
A part of Administrative Law the dismissal of the case
which deals with administrative 5. The complainant is a mere
infractions or grounds for witness to the commission of the
disciplinary actions, Offense, hence, anybody can file
administrative penalties and an administrative complaint
administrative disciplinary
“Public office is a public trust.
Public officers and employees A public official’s resignation
must at all times be accountable does not render moot an
to the people, serve them with administrative case that was
utmost responsibility, integrity, filed prior to the official’s
Loyalty, and efficiency, act with resignation.
patriotism and justice and lead
modest lives” The jurisdiction of the Court at
the time of the filing of the
administrative complaint was not 12. Violation of Civil Service Law
lost by the mere fact that the and rules or reasonable office
respondent public official had regulations;
ceased in office during the 13. Falsification of official
pendency of his case. document;
14. Frequent unauthorized
absences or tardiness in
GROUND FOR reporting for duty, loafing or
DISCIPLINARY ACTION frequent unauthorized absences
Executive Order No. 292 from duty during regular office
[BOOK V/Title I/Subtitle hours;
A/Chapter 7-Discipline] 15. Habitual drunkenness;
16. Gambling prohibited by law;
1. Dishonesty 17. Refusal to perform official duty
2. Oppression or render overtime service;
3. Neglect of duty 18. Disgraceful, immoral or
4. Misconduct; dishonest conduct prior to
5. Disgraceful and immoral entering the service;
conduct; 19. Physical or mental incapacity or
6. Being notoriously undesirable; disability due to immoral or
7. Discourtesy in the course of vicious habits;
official duties; 20. Borrowing money by superior
Inefficiency and incompetence officers from subordinates or
in the performance of official lending by subordinates to
duties superior officers;
9. Receiving for personal use of a 21. Lending money at usurious
fee, gift or other valuable thing rates of interest;
in the course of official duties or 22. Willful failure to pay just debts
in connection therewith or willful failure to pay taxes
10. Conviction of a crime involving due to the government;
moral turpitude; 23. Contracting loans of money or
11. Improper or unauthorized other property from persons
solicitation of contributions with whom the office of the
from subordinate employees employee concerned has
and by teachers or school business relations;
officials from school children; 24. Pursuit of private business,
vocation or profession without
the permission required by Civil rule for which such authority
Service rules and regulations; is given.
25. Insubordination;
26. Engaging directly or indirectly
in partisan political activities by NEGLECT OF DUTY
one holding a non-political Also known grave abuse of
office; discretion.
27. Conduct prejudicial to the best The use of authority in a
interest of the service; wantonly and capriciously
28. Lobbying for personal interest excessive and extravagant
or gain in legislative halls or manner contrary to law or
offices without authority; rule for which such authority
29. Promoting the sale of tickets in is given.
behalf of private enterprises
that are not intended for MISCONDUCT
charitable or public welfare Misconduct is "a
purposes and even in the latter transgression of some
cases if there is no prior established and definite rule
authority; of action, more particularly,
30. Nepotism unlawful behavior or gross
negligence by a public
DISHONESTY In Grave Misconduct, as
 Refers to the concealment or distinguished from Simple
distortion of truth, which Misconduct, the elements of
shows lack of integrity or a corruption, clear intent to
disposition to defraud, cheat, violate the law or flagrant
deceive or betray and an disregard of established rules,
intent to violate the truth. must be manifest and
established by substantial
OPPRESSION evidence.
Also known grave abuse of
discretion. NOTORIOUSLY
The use of authority in a UNDESIRABLE
wantonly and capriciously In the administrative offense
excessive and extravagant of Being Notoriously
manner contrary to law or Undesirable, a two-fold test is
employed, to wit:
(1) whether it is common knowledge DISGRACEFUL, IMMORAL OR
or generally known as DISHONEST CONDUCT
universally believed to be true or PRIOR TO ENTERING THE
manifest to the world that the SERVICE
employee committed the acts
imputed against him; and
(2) whether he had contracted the The Commission has defined
habit for any of the enumerated Disgraceful and Immoral Conduct as
misdemeanors an act which violates the basic norm of
decency, morality and decorum
abhorred and condemned by the society.
It is that conduct which is willful,
flagrant or shameless, and which shows
Moral turpitude has been defined as a moral indifference to the opinions of
everything which is done contrary to the good and respectable members of
justice, modesty, or good morals; an act the community.
of baseness, vileness or depravity in the
private and social duties which a man
owes his fellowmen, or to society in Insubordination is defined as a refusal
general. to obey some orders, which a superior
officer is entitled to give and have
obeyed. The term imports a willful or
Adultery, concubinage, rape, arson, intentional disregard of the lawful and
evasion of income tax, barratry, bigamy, reasonable instructions of the employer.
blackmail, bribery, criminal conspiracy
to smuggle opium, dueling,
embezzlement, extortion, forgery, libel,
making fraudulent proof of loss on Any act designed to promote the
insurance contract, murder, mutilation election or defeat of a particular
of public records, fabrication of candidate/s to a public office.
evidence, offenses against pension laws,
perjury, seduction under the pro mise EXHAUSTION OF
of marriage, estafa, falsification of ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES
public document, and estafa thru It calls for resorting first to the
falsification of public document. appropriate administrative authorities
in the resolution of a controversy
falling under their jurisdiction and CONCURRENT
must first be appealed to the JURISDICTION
administrative superiors up to the  Jurisdiction which two or
highest level before the same may be more bodies may exercise.
elevated to the courts of justice for
The civil service embraces
Non-exhaustion of administrative all branches,
remedies results to prematurity*. subdivisions,
instrumentalities, and
*Prematurity : the cause of action is agencies of the Government,
not ripe for judicial determination, including government-owned
thus, a ground for dismissal of the or controlled corporations
case. with original charters.

[1987 Constitution, Art. IX-

Under the Administrative
Code of 1987, the CSC has
the power to hear and decide
administrative cases
 Jurisdiction to take
instituted before it directly
cognizance of appeals from a
or on appeal, including
decision of a lower deciding
contested appointments.
Its decisions, orders, or
ruling shall be final and
executory. Such decisions,
rulings, or rulings may be
brought to the Supreme
 Jurisdiction which cannot be
Court on certiorari by
exercised by another body
aggrieved party within thirty
days from receipt of a copy before it directly or on
thereof. appeal, including contested
appointments, and review
CIVIL SERVICE decisions and actions of its
COMMISSION (CSC) offices and of the agencies
attached to it.
The civil service embraces Its decisions, orders, or
all branches, rulings shall be final and
subdivisions, executory. Such decisions,
instrumentalities, and orders, or rulings may be
agencies of the Government, brought to the Supreme
including government-owned Court on certiorari by the
or controlled corporations aggrieved party within thirty
with original charters. (30) days from receipt of a
copy thereof.
[1987 Constitution, Art. IX-
B, Sec. 2(1)]. APPELLATE
Agencies The Commission shall decide
upon appeal all
The CSC may motu propio* administrative disciplinary
initiate disciplinary cases. cases involving the
*action taken without a imposition of a penalty of
formal request from another suspension for more than
party thirty days, or fine in an
The original jurisdiction of amount exceeding thirty
the CSC over non- days’ salary, demotion in
presidential appointees is rank or salary or transfer,
exercised concurrently with removal or dismissal from
head of agencies. office.


Hear and decide
administrative cases The civil service embraces
instituted by or brought all branches,
subdivisions, agencies of the Government,
instrumentalities, and including government-owned
agencies of the Government, or controlled corporations
including government-owned with original charters.
or controlled corporations
with original charters. [1987 Constitution, Art. IX-
B, Sec. 2(1)].
[1987 Constitution, Art. IX-
SECTION 47, BOOK V, The exercise by the CSC of
Title I, Subtitle A, Chapter its original jurisdiction may
7-Discipline: be exercised by it through its
A complaint may be filed regional offices.
directly with the
Commission by a private
citizen against a government
official or employee in which
case it may hear and decide
the case or it may deputize
any department or agency or
official or group of officials
to conduct the investigation.
The results of the
investigation shall be
submitted to the Commission
with recommendation as to
the penalty to be imposed or
other action to be taken.


The civil service embraces

all branches,
instrumentalities, and

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