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The Wax Man Name: _____________

We will use this worksheet to answer questions while Mr. Stant reads The Wax Man by Olga Loya.

1. Look at the picture on page 3. What can you learn about the story from it?
Is it night or day? Circle one: NIGHT or DAY.
How do you know? __________________________________________________
What can we learn about the place? _______________________________________
What can we learn about the fox? ________________________________________

2. What do you think will happen next?

Prediction: ___________________________________________________________
Clue: _______________________________________________________________

3. Do you think the wax man will give the fox a chicken? Circle one: YES or NO
Why? _______________________________________________________________

4. What do you think will happen next?

Prediction: ___________________________________________________________
Clue: _______________________________________________________________

5. What do you think will happen when fox kicks the wax man?
Prediction: ___________________________________________________________
Clue: _______________________________________________________________

6. What do you think the author’s purpose is? Circle A, B, or C:

A. To inform (the author wrote this to teach you about foxes)
B. To entertain (the author wrote this to tell you a story that you will enjoy)
C. To persuade (the author wrote this to make you want to steal chickens)

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