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“October 2021”
Contact: MaKenzie Brown
Phone: 810-836-3049
Web: [2022 Michigan County Health Rankings]

Saginaw County Rated One of the Least Healthy

Lower End of Health

UNIVERSITY CENTER, MI – Saginaw County is seventy-one out of eighty-three counties in

Michigan for overall health outcomes according to the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps
2022 State Report, Michigan. Saginaw County is fifty nine out of eighty-three counties in
Michigan for overall health factors according to the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps 2022
State Report, Michigan. This information and rankings are available at
CHR2022_MI_0.pdf gs.

In the 2022 State Report of Michigan Muganda et al stated, “the rankings help us understand
what influences how long and how well we live” (Muganda et al., 2022). They also stated, “they
provide measures of the current overall health (health outcomes) of each county in all 50 states
and the District of Columbia” (Muganda et al., 2022). There are many rankings that are included
in the 2022 State Report of Michigan. “Communities use the Rankings to build support for local
health improvement initiatives by engaging many sectors including public health, health care,
business, policymakers, and local residents” said Muganda et al (2022). “Saginaw is ranked
among the least healthy counties in Michigan (lowest 0%-25%), according to County Health
Rankings and Roadmaps. According to County Health Rankings and Roadmaps “Saginaw is
ranked in the lower middle range of counties in Michigan (Lower 25%-50%)”.

Many factors influence these rankings such as population, age, race, language, sex, and area.
These factors vary from county to county and state for example the population of Saginaw
County is 189,868 while the state of Michigan’s population is 9,966,555. Many health outcomes
and health factors are based on the differences of these rankings. All health outcomes in
Saginaw County are higher percentages or numbers than those among the State of Michigan.
The health outcomes are significantly related to health factors.

There are certain health factors that need to be considered such as sexually transmitted
infections, adult obesity, air pollution, children in poverty, and children in single-parent
households. These health factors are much higher in Saginaw County than the State of
Michigan. There are multiple factors that can be preventable or correctable such as sexually
transmitted infections, adult obesity, and air pollution. By properly educating individuals in
Saginaw County, we can lower the percentage of individuals in these health factors. As for
children in single-parent households and children in poverty we can help to educate and
provide resources to help these individuals succeed.
“October 2021”
Contact: MaKenzie Brown
Phone: 810-836-3049
Web: [2022 Michigan County Health Rankings]
University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. County Health Rankings Michigan State
Report 2022.

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