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Bullying status Among Grade 10 students of Pag-asa National High School


Bullying is a worldwide issue happening in school that affect the behaviour

and the interest of the student in activities. (This study determined how strictly
observed the rules that given by the school if it were based on bullying status.
The study Entitled “Bullying Status Among Grade 10 student of Pag-asa
National High School” focuses on the status of the Grade 10 students). the
study aimed to determine the a.) profile of the respondents in terms of age,
gender and financial status. b.) bullying status Among Grade 10 students of
Pag-asa National High School in terms of physical bullying, verbal bullying,
and cyber bullying, and c.) Implication can be given from the findings, the
study used descriptive design to determine the bullying status Among Grade
10 students of Pag-asa National High School. 232 respondents from Grade
10 students provided answer on the structured questioner distributed by the
researchers. The study showed that majority of the respondents are female.
55.7% or 128 out of 232 respondents are 16 years old 71.12% or 165 out of
232 respondents has 5000-10 000 in financial status. It was found out that the
level of bullying status in terms of physical and verbal bullying is often. The
respondents often experienced physical and verbal bullying than cyber
bullying which the respondents respond as seldom experienced. The
researcher implies that bullying status of respondents in terms of physical and
verbal bullying is often experience by the respondents answered the
questioner and the cyber bullyings seldom experience based on the answered
of 232 respondents. Based on the findings and conclusion the researchers
have recommendations to the future researcher wherein the researcher highly
recommended that the researcher must conduct a survey in every grade level
about bullying so that the school will be aware of the bullying inside the school
and to take an action to prevent it. The researcher may distribute fliers to
prevent bullying in school.

After some months painstaking, we have finally brought this research

paper into existence. The researchers wish to gave thank and deepest

gratitude to the following people who in one way or another were instrumental

to success of the study.

First of all, we would like to thank our Almighty God, for giving the

researchers an endless blessings, knowledge and strength to make this

research possible and also for guiding us always wherever were been or


We would like to express our gratitude to our dearest principal Mr. Jeremy

A. Cruz and Mr. Jolan B. Toress, our Assistant Principal. They are the one

who gave us the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic

“Bullying Status Among Grade 10 student of Pag-asa National High School”. it

helped us as a learner on many things while doing this research and we are

thankful for them.

To the research advisers, Mrs. Nelly Bien and Mr. Jeson Balingbing,

because of their full guidance and support we made our research well and we

learned a lot how to do it properly. They made themselves available and their

assistance to us while we dealt this paper.

To our dearest Panelist, Mr. James Felix Bien, Mr. Jeson Balingbing and

Mrs. Nelly Bien, our group would like to gave a big gratitude for correcting our

research, for the suggestion and for guiding us with our research paper. This
is a big help to us as a researcher and student, without our dearest panelist,

our research would be messed up. Thank you for contributing your knowledge

to our research for the time that you gave to this program.

To our parents who gave their full support and guidance all throughout

especially in our financial needs and for motivating us to have the courage to

finish this academic endeavour.

To our friends that motivate us who cheer up us too when there are times

that we want to give up because of tiredness,especially to Ma. Angeline

Martinez, our friend she gave a lot of help to us to edit our research and gave

us time that suffer from sleeping too.

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