Ps Iips III Final Report Rebecca Killoran

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University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education

Final Report

PS II practicum offers a focus on unit planning and allows for the development of competence in the areas of
planning & preparation, instruction, classroom leadership & management, and assessment. PS III is a five-
course equivalent integrated semester including half-time teaching and professional study in curriculum design,
leadership, advanced methods, and reflective practice. In this PS II/III final practicum experience, Intern
Teachers are assigned full time to schools for the semester during which they assume responsibility for
approximately one-half of the teaching day. PS III professional study is designed to complement and enhance
the internship. The professional study components may occur on or off-campus and are coordinated by the
University Consultants in collaboration with Intern Teachers and school personnel.

This final report is a summation of the PSII/III final practicum experience. The information reflects the student’s
growth and progress that demonstrates they have met the learning outcomes, expectations and responsibilities
identified for both Professional Semester II and Professional Semester III which are aligned with the
Alberta Teaching Quality Standards.

Intern Teacher: Rebecca Killoran

Course Title: Education 4572: Secondary Education

School: Senator Joyce Fairbairn Middle School

Grade Level(s): Grade 7 Foods, Grade 6 Numeracy Intervention

Teacher Mentor: Sheanne Johnston

Administrator: Craig DeJong

University Consultant: Howard Gamble

Final Conference Date: X Date:
Review the Portfolio: X

Review the Professional Inquiry Project X

U of L: PS II/III Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

DocuSign Envelope ID: 4A5CA6F3-6667-4B48-A312-F0F883BEED08

University Consultant Comments:

I found Becky to be very cooperative and easy to work with. She had great classroom management skills. The
students liked her as a teacher which made managing the class easier.
Becky's food demonstrations were very well thought out and planned. She even thought to take into account
allergies and lactose intolerant students. Becky has a very acute sense of humor that will fair well as a

Howard Gamble

I have read the complete Final Report and certify that the assigned grade is Pass

University Consultant Signature Date

U of L: PS II/II Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

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University Consultant comments (Page 2 continued):

I have read the complete Final Report and certify that the assigned grade is Pass

University Consultant Signature Date

U of L: PS II/III Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

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Intern Teacher’s Descriptive Report:

My teaching assignments at Senator Joyce Fairbairn (SJF) included Foods 7 (2 classes) and Grade 6
numeracy intervention. My teacher mentor was Foods teacher Sheanne Johnston, who was an inspirational
and very supportive force during my practicum. SJF is a tech-based education facility where students have
one-to-one laptops and use Microsoft teams for their daily learning. I feel very fortunate to have been placed in
this incredible school with fantastic staff and administration.

While teaching Foods, I accommodated a primarily digital approach to assignments and provided hands-on
learning in the kitchens. Many assignments were self-directed to allow half the students to work independently
while I coached the other half through their practical cooking in the kitchen. I set up classroom structures,
expectations, and routines that fostered students to work independently, allowing me to be able to work with
students directly when needed. I was able to supervise students in multiple locations, including the classroom
space, the atrium, and the kitchens while they completed their respective tasks.

My methods of instruction included live demonstrations of skills including anticipated problem-solving. Students
cooked twice a week to maximize their experiential learning. When not in the kitchen, I utilized a project-based
learning approach including an assignment where students had the opportunity to explore career possibilities
by researching and designing a Food Truck. My priority was also to integrate several technological resources
including Blooket, Padlet, Microsoft Forms, various websites and Youtube videos, power point, and Canva
which allowed students to explore technology. I used Microsoft Teams and Powerschool extensively for
communicating, delivering assignments, and marking.

Formative evaluation was my primary source of evaluation in Foods class, especially with practical kitchen
labs. Students were not judged on their final products, but on the processes including how well they worked
with others, followed recipes, participated in class, and applied their knowledge and skills. When it came to
assignments, there were summative evaluative procedures to assess student knowledge and skills including
quizzes, power point presentations, and creating a final product reflective of their knowledge. In numeracy
intervention periods, I used “Foundational Skills Interviews” to assess and record student performance and
needs to better inform classroom practices and Individualized Support Plan (ISP) goals.

While teaching grade 7 foods I was able to incorporate First Nations, Metis, and Inuit (FNMI) knowledge. One
assignment asked students to research the history of some indigenous foods using the SAPDC Indigenous
Education padlet and then make Bannock in their kitchen lab. In another project, students learned about
natural paints and Indigenous Veteran’s Day. They painted poppies using natural paints. FNMI knowledge was
also used in my classroom when we had our Indigenous Liaison, Jenna Bruised Head, speak about traditional
and plant-based medicines. Additionally, I used FNMI resources and knowledge in my Professional Inquiry
Project (PIP) to highlight the value of incorporating FNMI knowledge in curriculum, for first-time Foods


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U of L: PS II/III Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

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Intern Teacher’s Descriptive Report (Page 2 continued):

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Teacher Mentor Comments:

Rebecca Killoran joined my class at the beginning of the year and, to be honest, after our initial meeting I was
a bit worried that she would not have enough of a presence to be able to handle a middle school class. I gave
her two classes of grade seven foods as well as a class of grade six numeracy intervention. Within the first
month, I realized that I had been wrong about my initial assessment of Becky's abilities. Becky is thoughtful,
intuative, and determined. She cares deeply about her own professional success, but she cares even more
about helping the students around her find success. I have watched her struggle to find her way and develop
her persona as a teacher in this round. It has not always been easy, but Becky was absolutely determined to
become the best teacher she could be by watching the best teachers around her. She put in the time, asked
many questions, and reflected on best practice. And she learned. From initailly being nervous and a bit timid,
Becky now has complete command of two rather boisterous grade seven classes. They view her completely
as their teacher and she has guided their learning in the foods masterfully. From differentiating instruction for
students on adapted programs to creating engaging assignments that kids want to do, Becky has created a
classroom environment of success and respect and compassion. The kids love her but also want to do well in
her class and try to meet her expectations.

One of her particular strengths that may be overlooked is the way she quietly makes connections with kids
who are struggling academically or socially. Becky takes the time to make connections with these students in
the hallways, in the clubs she is involved with, and during her time working in numeracy intervention. She
makes students feel safe and makes them feel like they have a place here at SJF. When reading through her
report card comments it struck me how well she knows and understands the students she teaches. She is a
quiet and reflective thinker who tries her hardest to find the best way to connect with kids. My initial mistake
was to not give her enough credit to carve out her own path in her own time and to misjudge her kindness for
weakness. It is most certainly not; she is tougher than she knows and she can handle tough situations with
grace and compassion.

Becky understands what a struggle learning can be for many students. She has an abundancee of patience
and is willing to take the time to help students find success. I have watched her become more confident in
abilities to organize and manage a classroom and maintain authentic and meanifngul assessment. She has a
gentle yet commanding presence in classroom and has garnered the respect of her students by creating
honest connections with each of them. I admire how hard she has worked to make these connections real and
not forced. What a difference this has made! I believe Becky will be an asset to our profession. She is a quiet
leader who will make a positve change to a school's culture by being a fierce advocate for kids. It has been my
distinct pleasure to be her teacher mentor and colleague during her time at SJF. I am extremely proud of the
work she has done here.

Teacher Mentor Signature Date

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Teacher Mentor Comments (Page 2 continued):

Teacher Mentor Signature Date

U of L: PS II/III Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

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Administrator Comments:
Rebecca demonstrated significant growth throughout her placement for PSII/PIII at Senator Joyce
Fairbairn. She did not come with a background in Food Studies or related disciplines but was very keen
and took on all of the advice and guidance from her teacher mentor like a sponge.

After PSII/PSIII Rebecca is prepared to take on teaching roles that are in her skillset, she is dedicated
enough to learn new content areas should be needed in future roles. I would be comfortable having
Rebecca teach Food Studies at the secondary level as she finishes her round at SJF.

Rebecca runs an efficient classroom, where all students know what is expected of them. She has
well-developed routines that serve her well. Students are on task and perform well in what is being asked
of them. Students demonstrated an ability to follow routines to carry out cooking projects, as well as
academic-style assignments that are also expected of the student.

Rebecca can work well with challenging students. She became a go-to person for students who needed
self-regulation to begin the school day. Students with special needs found success in her room as
lessons were designed to be accessible by all students.

She is dedicated to the school she is assigned to and demonstrated that with her involvement in
tournaments and other school activities. She also worked as a team with other interns to create our
Remembrance Day ceremony which was an excellent event. She is willing to put in the time necessary to
make the school a better place both inside and outside of the classroom.

Rebecca is a reflective educator who is planned, prepared, and thorough. She is ready to take on the
next step of her career, and take on a teaching role of her own. Her dedication to her teaching practice,
kids, and her school will make her a valuable addition to any staff.

We appreciate Rebecca's dedication to her role in PSII/PSIII and wish her the best in the future.


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U of L: PS II/III Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

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Administrator Comments (Page 2 continued):

Administrator Signature Date

U of L: PS II/III Final Report: (Revised: November 2022)

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