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Mother of Good Counsel Seminary

Senior High School Department

Harvey D. Alfonso Rev. Fr. Dudley Villanueva

Gr. XII – Unitas Intro to World Religion
“Why Karma is Appealing to Filipinos?”
Karma for me can be good or bad. It can be considered as negative or positive.
Karma is a consequence of every action that individuals act. But why do Filipinos believe
or rely in karma when it comes to others’ certain action towards them? Is it kind of
satisfaction to every Filipino when karma strikes their fellows?

Well, I believe most of us, Filipinos, believe that karma is a consequence in

every action that we act or we do. We can compare it with the mirror. When you look at
the mirror, you can see your reflection. Whatever you do in front of the mirror you will
see it in the mirror. Also, karma is a reflection of our every action towards others. It can
good or bad actions, therefore, karma can be also good or bad when it strikes us. When
we do good to others we usually hear “thank you” “may God bless you” or even simply
saying “bless you”, it feels like you do good to other people and as return they will wish
for your luck or for more blessings to come whether it will come from God or by just
accidentally. They wish that what you did good to them will do by others to you. The
opposite side is when you do bad things or actions to others, they will wish for your bad
luck to come to you or maybe we can say that they will curse you. It seems like they
want karma to strike you for the bad things you did to them for the sake or revenge.
When we talk about revenge, we are referring to the negative action that we can do for
our enemy. If we, Filipinos, believe in karma, because it is influence by our religion. It is
widely influence by the Christian beliefs. Filipinos are known as religious people and they
believe that do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The main reason of
why do Filipinos believe in karma, it is because they also believe that there is God that
watching us and our actions and he is the one who will decide of what consequences will
be allow to us. We can say that those consequences that God will allow to us will be serve
as karma. Then, lastly, most important is the golden rule to have peace and only gain a
good karma, Matthew (7:12): “In everything, do to others what you would have them do
to you.

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