The X and Y, Is There An Inequality

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Title: The x and y, is there an inequality?

Are men and women equal? Is the wage gap real? Physically is there something

that differentiates women from men? Biologically men and women are not the same,

because, for example, naturally the strength in a man is greater than that of a woman,

although there are exceptions. In addition, before the law there are some small

differences that are also due to biological tendencies, since women within jobs have a

time for motherhood, which men do not have, because they cannot give birth. On the

other hand, people use this biological data to invalidate the qualities that a man or a

woman can have, simply due to the gender that it grants. Additionally, this is unfair for

two reasons, first, the human being does not have the right to choose the gender of

birth, and on the other hand, there are tasks that primarily men or women have more

affinity due to their physical or mental traits. , but it does not mean that the opposite

gender cannot carry out these tasks.

Within the inequality between men and women, there is a term that is widely

used, which is the wage gap. The term wage gap refers to the fact that within the same

occupation with the same hours between a man and a woman in a job, the man earns

more than the woman (2021). In many countries this phenomenon is observed regularly

since there is no law which restricts the contract of two people from the same job

position, and in cases like this, the only way to take action on the matter is through

protest. However, there are countries like Luxembourg and Costa Rica, where if any
kind of wage gap occurs, the employee can sue the company for gender discrimination

(2020). For example, in 2021, four reporters from "Telenoticias" filed a complaint with

Telemundo, demanding equal pay for the same job (2021). Additionally, in 2017 the

multinational company, Google, had to pay around 118 million dollars due to gender

discrimination in the contracts of female employees (Castaño, J.). However, many

economists indicate that the wage gap is a lie for feminism to support itself (2019). In

several studies carried out, they indicate that men earn 25% more than women, which

at first glance would be a reason to think that it is discrimination, but there are reasons

which indicate that this is a fallacy. For example, the distribution of productivity and the

duration of the days, 24% of women work part-time, while 7% of men work part-time. In

addition, 24% of women give up a full-time job in order to care for the family, while 3%

of men do the same (2019).

In the social inequality between men and women, the physical capacities of each

gender are called into question. Something that is obvious is that the construction of the

body of a woman and a man is totally different, the body of a woman is approximately

10% lighter, 8% smaller and 7% smaller than that of a man. man, although this is not

the case in all cases, there are exceptions (2020). For example, Laura Carolan is

considered the first female bodybuilder, which won awards and inspired many women to

enter this world, which is an exception to the rule (Freak Fitness). On the other hand,

many men rely on this type of physical "advantages" to ignore women in more physical

activities, when women have shown that they are more than capable of having the
same jobs as men, since there is no drastic difference that invalidates your work.

Additionally, there is a problem that women have to face, which is sexual harassment,

since many men tend to sexualize women just because they are women and sometimes

with the excuse of "provocative" clothing they have to put up with things that are not

necessary. For example, some television journalists sued their employers due to wage

inequality, gender discrimination and sexual harassment. In addition, a Puerto Rican

journalist who sued her employer explained that in her time working for the company,

she never received a full-time job offer despite the hundreds of compliments she

received on her work (Rosa, K.).

One of the problems that exists the most in the world is gender violence, such as

rape, physical abuse, psychological abuse, etc. This problem happens to both genders,

but it resides more from men to women. The men who carry out these acts feel that they

have the power to dictate what a woman should do because they feel superior due to

gender and the physical strength that they can possess instead of a woman. In Puerto

Rico, studies were carried out that reported that out of every 100,000 inhabitants, 56

inhabitants suffer sexual assaults, which means that 5 people suffer sexual assaults

daily. In addition, in 2018, 45 cases of rape were reported, which for a country like

Puerto Rico is a lot, due to its few inhabitants (2018). A very famous case on the island

is the case of Félix Verdejo, who is a former boxer who allegedly killed a woman

because she was going to have his child and the family took action and with a large

group of people, they marched on the Teodoro Moscoso bridge. , which was in the place

where they found the girl's body, a verdict against Verdejo is still expected, but this is a
sample of the gender violence suffered by this country (2022). On the other hand, on

November 14 of this year, a woman was found stabbed to death in Juncos by her

partner. The woman did not die, but she is in the hospital in delicate health (2022).

Human beings are all different since we do not biologically possess the same

aptitudes, for which each one is a world with its things and its different thoughts.

However, this does not make some better than others, under ethics, morals and the law,

we are all equal, since we are human, and not because you are a man you will be better

than a woman, and vice versa. Additionally, with this essay that contains statistics and

data, it can be seen that there really is a fairly marked inequality in certain aspects,

although on the other hand things like the wage gap, it is something that is unknown. In

conclusion, all humans have to respect each other and show each other respect even if

we have things that push us away.

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