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Puerto National Highway, Puerto, Cagayan De Oro City


A.Y. 2021-2022

Name: ______________________ Date: ______________

Strand: _____________________
Teacher: _____________________

TEST I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before
the number.

_____1. Died in an airplane crash in 1957.

a. Carlos P. Garcia c. Ramon Magsaysay

b. Fidel V. Ramos d. Ferdinand Marcos

_____2. Famous on his war on illegal drugs.

a. Joseph Ejercito Estrada c. Corazon Aquino

b. Rodrigo Duterte d. Fidel V. Ramos

_____3. Convened a summit with the leaders of Malaysia and Indonesia in the hope of
developing a spirit of consensus.

a. Carlos P. Garcia c. Rodrigo Duterte

b. Fidel V. Ramos d. Diosdado Macapagal

_____4. Initiated K-12 education in the Philippines.

a. Fidel V. Ramos c. Benigno Aquino III

b. Carlos P. Garcia d. Corazon Aquino

_____5. The AFP Chief of staff and secretary of national defense during the Aquino

a. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo c. Diosdado Macapagal

b. Fidel V. Ramos d. Ferdinand Marcos

_____6. The party leader of Nacionalista that got elected as president on 1965.

a. Carlos P. Garcia c. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

b. Corazon Aquino d. Ferdinand Marcos

_____7. Estrada’s successor on the day of his departure.

a. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo c. Corazon Aquino

b. Ferdinand Marcos d. Diosdado Macapagal

_____8. He advanced the nationalist theme of “Filipino Theme”.

a. Rodrigo Duterte c. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

b. Carlos P. Garcia d. Diosdado Macapagal

_____9. He declared winner of the snap election held on February 7, 1986.

a. Corazon Aquino c. Fidel V. Ramos

b. Diosdado Macapagal d. Carlos P. Garcia

_____10. He is the first president to be impeached out of the office.

a. Gloria-Macapagal Arroyo c. Ramon Magsaysay
b. Joseph Ejercito Estrada d. Rodrigo Duterte

_____11. It is the power of the President over non-Filipinos in the Philippines.

a. Power of ordinance power c. Power of appointment

b. Power of eminent domain d. Power over aliens

_____12. It is the main function of the EXECUTIVE branch.

a. to create laws c. to read laws

b. to interpret laws d. to implement laws

_____13. The congress is composed of how many houses?

a.1 c. 2
b. 3 d. 4

_____14. The senate is often referred as _______?

a. Lower House c. Side House

b. Upper House d. Above House

_____15. If the law is unclear or vague, it is the power that will be used by the judiciary

a. Power of Eminent Domain c. Power to Apply Law

b. Power to Revise Law d. Power to Interpret Law

_____16. The _____ Constitution expands and strengthens the judicial power of the
Judiciary Branch,

a. 1984 c. 1986
b. 1985 d. 1987

_____17. It is the lowest level of the local government.

a. Provinces c. Barangay
b. Cities d. Municipalities

_____18. It is the Highest level of the local government.

a. Clustered Provines c. Cities

b. National Government d. Municipalities

_____19. It is the acquiring of citizenship determined by the place of birth.

a. Jus Soli c. Jus Terra

b. Jus Sanguinis d. Jus Continenti

_____20. It is the acquiring of citizenship determined by the citizenship of his parents.

a. Jus Soli c. Jus Citis

b. Jus Sanguinis d. Jus Parente

TEST II. TRUE or FALSE. Write True if the statement is true and write false if the
statement is false

___T__ 21. The President is the head of state and functions as the Commaner-in-Chief
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
___T__ 22. To be able to read and write is one of the qualifications when running for a
___F__ 23. The main function of EXECUTIVE branch is to create laws.
___F__ 24. The senators have the control over all the executive secretaries.
___F__ 25. Power of eminent domain is the power of the President over non-Filipinos in
the Philippines
___T__ 26. The Congress is composed of 2 houses.
___T__ 27. The lower house is composed of different district representatives.
___F__ 28. The Senate is composed of 18 Senators.
___F__ 29. The main function of LEGISLATIVE branch is to interpret laws.
___T__ 30. To be able to read and write is one of the qualifications when running for a
senatorial slot.

Test III. Essay. Answer in less than 4 sentences. (5 points each)

31-35. Evaluate at least one achievement of Diosdado Macapagal.

35-40. Why is there a need to reconciliate contradicting laws?

41-45. Describe the relevance of the barangays in the entirety of the Local

46-50. If a Filipina woman gives birth on a plane while it is on the aerial domains of
Singapore, what will be the citizenship of the baby? Elaborate your answer.

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