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When people struggle, I want to do something to improve their lives.

am joyful when I can help others have a better life. For me, helping
others is a top priority. Being able to provide others with a path toward
success makes me feel valuable. Helping others is one of my greatest
joys. When I help others, I also help myself see the joy and beauty to be
found in life. Others can succeed in all types of ways. I look for ways to
help others realize their goals and dreams. These can be small or large,
but they are all important. Everyone has dreams and goals that they want
to see come to pass, so I help them when I can. Because I give to others,
they give back to me. I get so much joy, peace, and love from other
people. They see how much I do for others, and they appreciate me.
When we all work together, we can do amazing and important things. I
enjoy being part of the success of others. Seeing their joy makes me
overjoyed myself! I have love and happiness in my heart, and I enjoy
giving it away to others. It always comes back to me. The life is more
meaningful if you live not only for yourself, but help others.
Nevertheless, people sometimes forget about others and selfishly pursue
only their own interests, while helping poor people is one of the best
things everyone can do. Poor people are an integral part of our society
and everyone should not turn a blind eye towards them, but think over
what they can do in order to help. Unfortunately, there are many poor
people within any society, which is why they need much help from those
who have a better life. The inequality gap between the rich and poor has
been only growing from year to year irrespective of the fact that the
governments have been trying to do something in order to improve the
situation. Everyone can help people in some way. First, I would like to
mention that helping poor people is related to personal sacrifice as an
individual might not give all his or her money to the poor person but
allocate some part of it. It is about volunteering and the desire to make a
change. I would like to mention that helping poor people is not that easy
as it might be a heart-breaking experience. Sometimes, a person can
decide to donate money and have nothing to do with that due to the
feeling of deep distress for those who are not that successful in life.
There are so many people who do not have food to eat. Now, that is
something, you cannot bear as a human. This world offers food to
everyone and you everybody has that right. Hence, you must feel the
pain. The hunger pain is quite disturbing and painful.  You can donate a
little amount to feed someone. Your community must have people who
are starving; you can give them one-time food. It is a fact that it will
give you immense happiness. Just do it once and see how it feels to
spread happiness and smiles around. There are government
organizations across the world trying to get rid of this dreadful problem
but we need to find out how can we help. Our small efforts can make big
changes in the world. We have a certain responsibility towards the world
and the people. You must take that responsibility. Our small steps and
efforts can make huge differences.

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