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JUNE 28, 2022

It does not take a rocket science to see how the educational landscape and its terrain has
tremendously changed over the course of the life altering pandemic that we all had to face and hurdle.
Though as it may seem, it is still with pride and honor to present to you the major successes and battles
won in the arena of our beloved school, Bulua National High School and beyond..

But first, let me congratulate all of you for successfully completing Junior High School and
graduating Senior High School. I, together with all of your teachers and parents/guardians, have heard
your struggles and difficulties in answering the modules by yourself without the presence of a teacher
beside you. Therefore, it is only right to commend all of you for rolling up your sleeves and braving up to
the challenge of finishing your academic requirements these last 2 years. As we slowly inch into the
regular face-to-face classes, let this formal completion and graduation mark the start of hopefully
integrating normalcy in the next school year’s classroom learning set up.

This State of the School Address is an opportunity for me to give you a crystal-clear view over
what has transpired this current school year. This is an opportunity for all our valued partners and stake
holders to know our accomplishments and further bring about and develop strong partnership geared
towards our commonly desired future.

Let me now begin presenting our achievements and Key Performance Indicators for the School
Year 2021-2022.

A. 3 – year comparative Enrollment Hi Ma’am Anelyn!

B. 3 – year drop out rate
C. Promotion Rate (%) Kindly provide the numbers po.
D. Failure Rate (%) Thank you.
E. Graduation Rate
F. Retention Rate (%) - L
G. Repetition Rate (%)

In September of 2021, a list project goals was targeted for this SY. We are more than happy to announce
that these projects were successfully implemented.

1. Continued upskilling and retooling of teachers. 2 INSETS were done and LAC sessions for the
Online Distance Learning classes were done.
2. Teachers promotion – three Junior High School teachers have applied for the SHS vacancies and
1 junior High School have applied for t2 vacancy
3. STEM Strand in the Senior High School is now 100% implemented.
4. ODL Class – we now have full implementation of the ODL class in all grade levels both Junior and
Senior High School and was awarded OURSTANDING Implementers
5. Provision for TVBI and SPA work shop is now underway with budget allocation for SBAC
6. School Campus WIFI Connectivity – 100% implemented
7. Upgrading of 1M equipment and tool, with budget allocation for SBAC processing
8. Improvement of Admin, accounting, supply and SBAC offices – 100% accomplished
9. Improvement of Clinic, Guidance and Teen Center – 100% accomplished
10. Improvement of Drainage system and fence – 100% accomplished

Additional Projects carried and taken:

1. Brigada Eskwela under the leadership of Mrs. Edna Lamco. Outstanding performance with the
highest rating of 5.0
2. Stage repair sponsored by the Bulua Local Government Unit
3. Implementation of the hand washing area sponsored by 1 CISP
4. Pilot Implementation of Limited Face to face classes with additional funding from the Central
Office of the Department of Education
5. Installation of Entrance Gate and Triage
6. Special Projects
a. Project Heard
b. Project INSPIRE
c. Project SPHERE, TOP Awards Thanksgiving and GAD activity, 100% accomplished
7. Improvement of SBM Office – 100% Accomplished
8. Partial Implementation of Landmark Project of GPTA
9. BEAUTIFICATION: Science ParK, Landscaping of of SHS c/o Fe Helstad, SPA exhibit, wall mural
painting c/o Miss Pearl Lopez
10. Gulayan sa Paaralan c/o _________________________.
11. School Partnership of Stake holders
a. Smart Infocast
b. Globe Telecom
d. Kagayhaan Eagles Club
e. Philippine Airforce Reserve
12. MOOE Utilization of Funds

The drumbeat does not stop on the accomplishments delivered by the office. This trickles down to the
winnings by our very own students and dear teachers as coaches.

1. National Level 80th Araw ng Kagitingan and Philippines Veterans Week . March 31, 2022
Essay Writing Contest
TOP 20: Jasmine Bliss Samantha S. Ladera
Coach: Amre-An P. Jadman

2. Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Week, November 19, 2021

Onlize Quiz bowl
5th Place: Mrs. Maria Mayra C. Daing

3. POPDEV Club Festival of Talent Song WritingCompetition, December 13, 2021

Top 6: Bulua National High School with a song title; a TEEN to”
Coach: Mrs. Maria Mayra C. Daing

4. CD0 2022 Young Artists and Authors Showcases Digital Art, March 25, 22
Finalist: Rembrant S. Pintor
Coach: Rosemary Grace J. Balayo

5. #STEMtoxperiment SHS Category

Participant: Mhecaela P. Bacadon
Coach: Delber R. Ibarat

My congratulations to all of you.

Moving forward, I am proud to share with you the brilliance of some of our very own teachers who went
out of their busy way and proceeded to do the hustle of Action Research. The following teachers
qualified for the BERF or Basic Education Research Fund:

1. Dr. Santos Ombay

2. Miss Agnes B. Ladera
3. Miss Anelyn E. Labadan
4. Miss Arlen B. Villarte
5. Mr. Alie T. Naingue
6. Miss Eleanor D. Orog
7. Miss Ivory Grace B. Jaraula, and
8. Dr. Ritchie Razel M Celestial

Furthermore, indulge me in sharing with much pride, our very own Academic Coordinator, Dr. Francesca
Aguilar for bagging the Regional Finalist for Most Outstanding Public Teacher last December 10, 2021.
at the CDO NHS Learning Event Center.

To end, let me celebrate with you, as you have always been the inspiration to do better in my calling as
an administrator, the Outstanding Performance as School Head, Mega School Category, was awarded to
yours truly during the CDO Golden Seal Award of Excellence at the CDO NHS Learning Event Center last
December 10, 2021. It was an award I have received with much humility and appreciation. It is with joy
in telling you that in this achievement, along with the Father Almighty, I have all of you in mind and in
my heart.
Thank you very much, congratulations and have a great day ahead.

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