Overwatch D&D

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Reinhardt's Maul (req.

● Dormant: +1 maul, deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage to any hostile creatures within 5ft of target
● Awakened: +2 maul, once per short rest the wielder may use an action to shoot a stroke of fire
50ft long and 5ft wide in a direction they choose. Each creature in the line must make a DEX save
(vs 8+prof+STR) or 6d6 fire damage. Successful save = half damage
● Exalted: +3 maul, once per long rest the wielder may use an action to unleash a wave of
destructive force in a 30ft cone in a direction they choose. Each creature they choose must
succeed on a CON save (vs 8+prof+STR) or take 5d6 thunder damage and 5d6 fire damage and
be knocked prone. Successful save = half damage, no prone.

Hanzo's Bow (req. attunement):

● Dormant: +1 longbow, deals an additional 2d8 lightning damage on crits
● Awakened: +2 longbow, once per short rest the wielder can declare an Oracle Shot, allowing
them to project their sight through the arrow they fire from the bow for up to 10 minutes
● Exalted: +3 longbow, once per long rest the wielder may use an action to fire a Dragon Shot,
allowing them to conjure the spirits of the dragons within the bow in a 100ft long, 15ft wide stroke.
Each creature in the path of the dragons must make a DEX save (vs 8+prof+DEX) or take 10d8
lightning damage. Success = half damage

Genji's Katana (req. attunement):

● Dormant: +1 shortsword, doubles the wielder's movement speed and deals an additional 2d6
damage if the target has not yet taken a turn in combat.
● Awakened: +2 shortsword, once per short rest the wielder may use a bonus action to teleport 30ft
in any direction and make an additional weapon attack.
● Exalted: +3 shortsword, once per long rest the wielder may use an action choose up to 5
creatures they can see within 30ft and make a melee spell attack against each one. On hit, a
target takes 6d10 force damage. The wielder can then teleport to an unoccupied space they can
see within 5ft of one of the creatures they chose.

Mei's Ice Cannon (req. attunement):

● Dormant: +1 light crossbow, deals cold damage and target's speed is reduced by 10ft until the
start of the wielder's next turn. This speed reduction does not stack if the same target is attacked
multiple times in a single round.
● Awakened: +2 light crossbow, once per short rest the wielder may use an action to choose a
target within 60ft and attempt to freeze them solid. Target must make a CON save (vs
8+prof+DEX) or be frozen solid until the start of the wielder's next turn. Whilst frozen they are
considered restrained and have vulnerability to fire/bludgeoning damage. Success = No effect
● Exalted: Once per long rest, the wielder may use an action to create a wall of ice on a solid
surface within range. It may be formed into a hemispherical dome or sphere with a radius of up to
10 feet, or a flat surface made up of ten 10-foot-square panels. Each panel must be contiguous
with another panel. In any form, the wall is 1 foot thick and last for 1 minute. The wall is an object
that can be damaged and thus breached. It has AC 12 and 60 hit points per 10-foot section and it
is vulnerable to fire damage. Reducing a 10-foot section of wall to 0 hit points destroys it.

McCree’s Peacekeeper (restriction: Fighter, req. attunement):

● Dormant: +1 revolver (1d10+DEX pierce, 80/320ft, Reload 6, Misfire 2). Can be reloaded as a
bonus action
● Awakened: +2 revolver, once per short rest the wielder may use an action to Fan the Hammer,
expending all remaining bullets in the Peacekeeper against a single opponent. The wielder must
make a disadvantaged attack roll for each shot.
● Exalted: +3 revolver, once per long rest the wielder may use an action to Deadeye Fan the
Hammer, making a single attack against up to six creatures they can see within range. They must
make an attack roll for each shot. If the attack hits, it is considered a critical.

Ana’s Rifle (req. attunement):

● Dormant: +1 rifle (2d12 pierce+DEX, 200/800ft, 2H, Reload 1, Misfire 3), ignores three-quarters
● Awakened: +2 rifle, once per short rest the wielder may use an action to fire a Healing or Sleep
Dart - if an ally within range is hit with a Healing Dart the attack automatically hits and the ally is
healed 2d12+DEX hitpoints. If an enemy is hit with a Stun Dart they must make a CON save (vs
8+prof+DEX) or take 2d12+DEX damage and be stunned until the start of the wielder's next turn.
Successful save = no stun.
● Exalted: +3 rifle, once per long rest the wielder may use an action to target an ally within range
with an Adrenaline Dart. For 1 minute their movement speed is doubled, their AC is raised by 2,
they have advantage on DEX saves, they gain an additional action (can be used for 1 weapon
attack, dash, disengage, hide, use an object) and they regenerate 2d12 hitpoints per round

Moira’s Wand (restriction: Warlock, req. attunement):

● Dormant: +1 to Warlock Spell Attack and DC, heals you for ¼ of damage dealt
● Awakened: +2 to Warlock Spell Attack and DC, once per short rest you may fire a ball of healing
light to a point within 60ft. of you. Any friendly creatures within 30ft of the point are healed 1d4 +
● Exalted: +3 to Warlock Spell Attack and DC, once per long rest you may summon a howling
beam of eldritch energy. This beam is 5ft wide and 100ft long and lasts for up to 18 seconds,
originating from you and requiring concentration. Enemies caught in the beam make a DEX save
(vs. 8+Prof+CHA) or take 6d6 radiant/necrotic (your choice) damage (half on success), whilst
allies receive receive 6d6 temporary hitpoints. Each turn for the duration, you may use a bonus
action to re-summon the beam.

Mercy’s Staff (restriction: Cleric, req. attunement):

● Dormant: The staff has 8 charges and regains 1d4+2 charges at dawn. While holding the staff,
the wielder can expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using their
spell save DC and spellcasting ability: Bless (1 point), Beacon of Hope (3 points)
● Awakened: The staff’s charges increase to a maximum of 12 and it now regains 1d6+2 charges
at dawn. The following spells can also be cast from the staff: Death Ward (4 points), Raise Dead
(5 points). Additionally, whenever you cast a healing spell whilst wielding the staff, you may re-roll
any 1s on the dice. You must use the new roll.
● Exalted: The staff’s charges increase to a maximum of 20 and it now regains 1d6+4 charges at
dawn. The following spells can also be cast from the staff: Heal (6 points) and Holy Aura (8
points). Additionally, your spell DC is increased by 1 whilst wielding the staff.

Doomfist’s...Fist (gauntlet, restriction: Monk, req. attunement):

● Dormant: +1 to hit and damage rolls for unarmed attacks. Upon successfully making an attack,
you gain 3*Proficiency temporary hitpoints.
● Awakened: +2 to hit and damage rolls for unarmed attacks, once per short rest you can leap into
the air and thunderously slam the gauntlet into the ground. Enemies within a 10ft sphere centred
on you must make a CON save (vs 8+Prof+DEX/STR) or take 3d8 thunder damage and be
pushed back 10ft. Success = half damage, no knockback.
● Exalted: +3 to hit and damage rolls for unarmed attacks, once per long rest you may teleport
yourself to an empty space you can see. Each creature within 10 feet of the space you left must
make a CON save (vs 8+Prof+DEX/STR) or take 5d10 thunder damage. Success = half damage

Sombra’s Amulet (restriction: Rogue, req. attunement)

● Dormant: Advantage on Stealth checks, +10ft movement speed, can spend an action to
determine enemy’s HP
● Awakened: Can use an action to turn invisible until the start of your next turn, +20ft movement
speed, once per short rest can cast Counterspell or Dispel Magic at third level
● Exalted: +30ft movement speed, once per long rest can create a Disruptor Field centred on the
amulet. Enemies within 20ft of the amulet must make a WIS save (vs. 8+prof+INT) prior to
casting a spell. Upon failure, the magic slips from their grasp and they are unable to cast the
spell, losing the spell slot. Upon success, there is no effect. The field lasts up to 1 minute and
requires concentration.

Zenyatta’s Mask (circlet, restriction: Monk, req. attunement)

● Dormant: +1AC. The mask has 3 charges and regains 1d4-2 (min 1) charges at dawn. While
wearing the circlet, the wielder can expend some of the charges to cast one of the following spells
from it, using WIS as their spellcasting ability: Hex (1 charge), Healing Word (1 charge). Grants
the wearer levitation, allowing them to hover ~2ft off the ground. Whilst levitating, they do not set
off pressure plates, tripwires etc.
● Awakened: +2AC. The mask’s charges increase to a maximum of 5 and it now regains 1d4
charges at dawn. The following spells can also now be cast from the circlet: Mass Healing Word
(3 charges), Melf’s Minute Meteors (3 charges). Whilst levitating, the wearer is no longer affected
by difficult terrain.
● Exalted: +3AC. The mask’s charges increase to a maximum of 7 and it now regainst 1d4+2
charges at dawn. The following spells can also now be cast from the circlet: Circle of Power (5
points). Whilst levitating, you can now move your full speed across open air before beginning to

Reaper’s Hellfire (restriction: Rogue, req. attunement)

● Dormant: +1 hand crossbow, whenever your Sneak Attack hits you gain temporary hitpoints
equal to your rogue level.
● Awakened: +2 hand crossbow, whenever you crit your movement speed is doubled and you gain
resistance to all damage until the end of your next turn.
● Exalted: +3 hand crossbow, once per long rest you unleash a furious barrage of death. Each
creature targeted within 30ft of you must make a CON saving throw (vs. 8+Prof+Dex) or take 8d8
necrotic damage. Creatures within 10ft of you make this save with disadvantage. Success = half

Widowmaker’s Rifle (req. attunement)

● Dormant: +1 rifle (2d12 pierce+DEX, 200/800ft, 2H, Reload 1, Misfire 3), deals an extra damage
dice on criticals.
● Awakened: +2 rifle, once per short rest you may cast Spider Climb on yourself
● Exalted: +3 rifle, once per long rest you may use an action to activate Infravision. This grants you
and up to 5 creatures of your choosing advantage on their attacks until the end of your next turn.

Torbjorn’s Ring (restriction: Wizard, req. attunement)

● Dormant: +1AC. The ring has 3 charges and regains 1d4-2 (min 1) charges every day at dawn.
While wearing the ring, the user may use a reaction to expend a single charge and grant
themselves or an ally +5 AC until the start of your next turn.
● Awakened: +2AC. The ring’s charges increase to a maximum of 5 and it now regains 1d4
charges at dawn. While wearing the ring, the user may expend 3 charges to summon a stationary
turret construct of medium size (AC 15, 30hp, +7 to hit, 80/320, 2d6+3 magical piercing,
Multiattack 2, immune to poison/psychic/sleep/fear), which acts on the wearer’s initiative and lasts
until destroyed. Casting the Mending cantrip on the turret restores 10hp for each casting.
● Exalted: +3AC. The ring’s charges increase to a maximum of 7 and it now regains 1d4+2 charges
at dawn. While wearing the ring, the user may expend 5 charges to summon a stationary turret
construct of large size (AC 17, 45hp, +9 to hit, 100/400, 3d6+4 magical piercing, Multiattack 3,
immune to poison/psychic/sleep/fear, resistant to non-magical pierce/bludgeon/slash), which acts
on the wearer’s initiative and lasts until destroyed. Casting the Mending cantrip on the turret
restores 15hp for each casting.

Zarya’s Shield (req. attunement)

● Dormant: +1 shield, as a reaction when you take damage you can reduce it by 1d12. Additionally,
the next time you hit with a melee attack, the target takes an extra 1d12 damage.
● Awakened: +2 shield, as a reaction when you or an ally within 20ft takes damage you can reduce
it by 2d12. Additionally, the next time you hit with a melee attack, the target takes an extra 2d12
● Exalted: +3 shield, once per long rest when you or an ally within 20ft takes damage you can
create a 30ft radius gravitational vortex centred on a point within 120ft of you. Until the effect
ends, that area is difficult terrain and any creature that starts its turn there must succeed on a
STR saving throw (vs 8+Prof+STR) or take 3d12 bludgeoning damage and be pulled 10 feet
towards the centre of the vortex. Lasts for up to 1 minute, concentration required.

Orisa’s Plate (req. attunement)

● Dormant: +1 plate armour, renders you immovable and immune the prone condition
● Awakened: +2 plate armour, once per short rest you can use your reaction to become resistant to
all damage until the end of your next turn.
● Exalted: +3 plate armour, once per long rest you may place a Supercharger (AC 17, 45HP,
resistant to all non-magical damage) on the ground at a point within 5ft of you. Whilst the
Supercharger is intact, all allied creatures within 30ft of the Supercharger deal an extra 1d6 on
each of their attacks.

Junkrat’s Launcher (req. attunement)

● Dormant: +1 heavy crossbow, deals 1d4 fire damage to all creatures within 5ft of target
● Awakened: +2 heavy crossbow, deals 1d6 fire damage to all creatures within 5ft of target. Once
per short rest the wielder can fire a weighted net shot, forcing the target to make a DEX save (vs
8+Prof+DEX) or be completely paralysed. They may re-attempt the save to pick their way out of
the net at the end of each of their turns or their allies may attempt to destroy the net (AC 15,
30HP). The wielder also gains resistance to fire damage.
● Exalted: +3 heavy crossbow, deals 1d8 fire damage to all creatures within 5ft of target. Once per
long rest the wielder may fire a Rip Tyre, a bizarre magical projectile, at a point within 60ft. Upon
landing, they may choose to use a bonus action to move the tyre up to 20ft or detonate the tyre,
forcing all creatures within 20ft to make a DEX save (vs 8+prof+DEX) or take 8d6 fire damage.
Moving the tyre requires concentration, but increases the damage by 2d6 per round (max of
12d6). If concentration is broken, the tyre immediately detonates.

Pharah’s Cape (restriction: Ranger, req. attunement)

● Dormant: +1AC, triples your long/vertical jump distance and grants advantage on all Acrobatics
● Awakened: +2AC, once per short rest you can magically take flight. You gain a flying speed of 60
for up to 10 minutes. Whilst flying, you may spend a bonus action to make a ranged attack and
hurl a fiery projectile up to 120ft, dealing 2d10 fire damage on hit.
● Exalted: +3AC, once per long rest whilst flying you may use an action to unleash a furious
barrage of fiery projectiles, targeting a point within 150ft. All creatures within a 40ft radius, 20ft
high cylinder centred on the chosen point must make a DEX saving throw (vs. 8+prof+WIS) or
take 8d8 fire damage. Success = half

Lucio’s Armour (Restriction: Bard, req. attunement)

● Dormant: +1 leather armour, every time you cast a spell of 1st level or higher you receive 5*spell
level temp HP
● Awakened: +2 leather armour, once per short rest you can cast either Haste or Aura of Vitality.
You may also use a bonus action to dash.
● Exalted: +3 leather armour, once per long rest you can grant up to 5 allied creatures you can see
50 temp HP each. You may also use a reaction to grant advantage on a spell save to an ally.

Symmetra’s Diadem (circlet, restriction: spellcaster, req. attunement)

● Dormant: The wearer may use an action to construct up to 6 stationary turrets (1HP, 10AC,
immune to psychic/poison) of small size and place them at any location within a 60ft radius
sphere. The turrets will remain in place for 1 minute or until destroyed. No more than 6 turrets at
any given point. If a hostile creature passes within 15ft of a turret, they immediately take 1d4
force damage and their speed is reduced by 5ft until the start of their next turn.
● Awakened: Once per short rest, the wearer may use an action to construct an invisible barrier of
pure force centred on a point within 5ft of the wearer. The barrier appears in any orientation you
choose, as a horizontal or vertical barrier or at an angle, and can be formed into a semicircular
barrier with a radius of up to 10ft or a flat surface formed of four 10x10ft panels. Each panel must
be contiguous with another panel. The barrier (100HP, 15AC, resistant to all damage, immune to
psychic/poison) blocks all physical attacks and spells until it is destroyed or 1 minute has passed.
Additionally, turret damage is increased to 1d6.
● Exalted: Once per long rest, the wearer may use an action to construct two linked portals - one at
a point within 10ft of the wearer and another within 500ft of the wearer. The portals are
two-dimensional rings 10ft in diameter, hovering perpendicular to the ground, and last for 1
minute. Additionally, a friendly creature within 5ft of one of your constructs gains temporary HP -
5HP from a turret, 10HP from a barrier, 15HP from a portal

Brigitte’s Rocket Flail (req. attunement)

● Dormant: +1 Flail, reach 10ft, on criticals targets must make a CON save (vs 8+Prof+STR) or be
Stunned until the start of your next turn.
● Awakened: +2 Flail, once per short rest the wielder may use an action to make a melee attack
against an opponent within 20ft, dealing an additional 3d8 thunder damage. Target must make a
STR save (vs 8+prof+STR) or be knocked back 20ft. Success = no knockback
● Exalted: +3 Flail, once per long rest the wielder can use an action to emit a heroic aura of radius
30ft. All friendly creatures within this radius gain +1AC, have advantage against Fear effects and
heal 1d4 HP per round. The aura lasts for one minute.

Roadhog’s Chain Hook (restriction: Barbarian, req. attunement)

● Dormant: +1 Chain Hook (1d10+STR pierce, 2H, Heavy, Special), grants advantage on Athletics
checks, wielder may use an action to make a hook attack against a target within 30ft, dealing
1d10+STR damage and forcing the target to make a STR save (vs 8+prof+STR) or be dragged
30ft directly towards the wielder. Success = no pull
● Awakened: +2 Chain Hook, once per short rest the wielder can use a bonus action to heal 1d10 +
Barbarian level. Additionally, whilst wielding this weapon your Constitution is raised by 2, to a
maximum of 20.
● Exalted: +3 Chain Hook, once per long rest you can go Full Hog whilst raging, granting you +10ft
movement speed, an extra attack and any enemies within 5ft must make a CON save or be
knocked back 10ft each round for the duration of the rage.

Tracer’s Breastplate (req. attunement)

● Dormant: +1 Breastplate, the wearer gains advantage on all Acrobatics checks and is able to
Dash as a bonus action
● Awakened: +2 Breastplate, once per short rest the wearer may cast Blink. Additionally, the
wearer does not provoke attacks of opportunity whilst under the effects of Blink.
● Exalted: +3 Breastplate, once per long rest the wearer may use a bonus action to reverse time
briefly, retreating to their position at the start of their last turn and restoring any health they may
have lost since the start of their last turn. Any spell or status effects applied to the wearer since
the start of their last turn are also removed.

Soldier: 76’s Visor (Helmet, Restriction: Fighter, req. attunement)

● Dormant: Grants advantage on ranged attack rolls made by the wearer when an ally is within 5ft
of the target. Removes disadvantage from ranged attack rolls made by the wearer on creatures
within melee range.
● Awakened: Extends critical range by 1. Once per short rest, the wearer may cast either Healing
Spirit or Scorching Ray (spell attack modifier = prof+DEX) at third level.
● Exalted: Once per long rest, the wearer may access the full power of the visor for 1 minute,
requiring concentration. For the duration, all attacks made by the wearer automatically hit, but
they cannot crit. Additionally, their movement speed is doubled for the duration.

Bastion’s Half Plate (req. attunement)

● Dormant: +1 half plate, if the wearer has not been damaged since the end of their last turn they
receive level+CON modifier temp HP
● Awakened: +2 half plate, once per short rest the wearer can use a bonus action to enter a
fortified state until the end of their next turn. Whilst in this fortified state, the wearer’s AC is
increased by 5, every attack they make deals an extra weapon dice of damage, their speed drops
to 0 and they have Disadvantage on DEX saves.
● Exalted: +3 half plate, when entering a fortified state the wearer’s speed no longer drops to 0 and
they no longer have Disadvantage on DEX saves. Additionally, for the duration of their fortified
state, all weapon attacks deal an additional 2d6 fire damage.

Winston’s Bracers (Gloves, Restriction: Barbarian, req. attunement)

● Dormant: Whilst wearing these bracers, the wearer gains +1 to all attack and damage rolls as
long as they are wearing no other armour and not wielding a shield. Additionally, whilst the
wearer is raging all hostile creatures within a 10ft radius of the wearer take 1d6 lightning damage
per round
● Awakened: Whilst wearing these bracers, the wearer gains +1AC as long as they are wearing no
other armour and not wielding a shield. Additionally, whilst the wearer is raging they may use a
bonus action to leap 40ft forwards or 20ft vertically.
● Exalted: Whilst wearing these bracers, the wearer gains +2 to all attack and damage rolls and
+2AC as long as they are wearing no other armour and not wielding a shield. Additionally, whilst
the wearer is raging they grow a size as per the Enlarge spell and any creature they successfully
attack must make a STR save (vs 8+prof+STR) or be knocked back 10 ft.

D.Va’s Headset (circlet, restriction: spellcaster, req. attunement)

● Dormant: Once per day, the wearer may summon a mechanical construct of large size (AC 15,
45HP, speed 30ft, +8 to hit, 30/120, 2d8+4 magical piercing, resistant to non-magical
piercing/bludgeoning/slashing, immune to poison/psychic/sleep/fear). As a bonus action, the
wearer may direct the construct to move and take 1 action (attack/dodge/dash/help/disengage).
Whenever the wearer takes damage, as a reaction they may force the construct to take the
damage in their place. The construct lasts until destroyed. Casting the Mending cantrip on the
construct restores 10hp for each casting.
● Awakened: The mechanical construct is now more powerful (AC 17, 60HP, speed 40ft, +9 to hit,
30/120, 2d10+5 magical piercing, resistant to non-magical piercing/bludgeoning/slashing,
immune to poison/psychic/sleep/fear/) and, once per short rest, the wearer may use a bonus
action to direct the construct to move and unleash a barrage of attacks, forcing all creatures in a
60ft cone to make a DEX save (vs spellcasting DC) or take 3d8 piercing damage. Success = half
damage. Casting the Mending cantrip on the construct now restores 15hp for each casting.
● Exalted: The mechanical construct is now more powerful (AC 19, 75HP, speed 50ft, +10 to hit,
30/120, 2d12+5 magical piercing, Multiattack 2, resistant to non-magical
piercing/bludgeoning/slashing, immune to poison/psychic/sleep/fear/). As a bonus action, the
wearer may direct the construct to move and initiate a self-destruct protocol, forcing all creatures
within a 20ft radius to make a DEX save (vs spellcasting DC) or take 12d6 fire damage. Success
= half damage. Upon self-destructing, the construct is destroyed and may not be re-summoned
until the following day. Casting the Mending cantrip on the construct now restores 20hp for each

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