2022-2023 Lesson Plan 2-Day LP Hep Template

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Lesson Plan # 1 Secondary History / Social Studies

Course Lesson Topic & Unit Name Instructor Date(s)
American History Rising Tensions that lead to the American Ms. King 8/30-9/1
American Revolution through War of 1812
Lesson Essential Question (LEQ) Why did colonists distrust the British Government?
Learning Objective (LLO)
Content Standards ● AH.C&G.1.I Explain how various views on freedom and equality contributed to the development of
Identify at least two NCS content strands (History, American political thought and system of government.
Civics & Government, Economics, Geography, ● AH.C&G.1.3 Explain how various individuals and groups strategized, organized, advocated, and protested to expand
Behavioral Sciences), with one content objective as or restrict freedom and equality.
a main focus and content objectives from other
areas as supporting focus
Inquiry (Skill) Standard ● I.1.3 b Identify a variety of primary and secondary sources in support of compelling and supporting
Enter objective(s) from NCS Inquiry Strand questions.
Activity Details of Activities Purpose-Rationale Time
The questions below serve as guideposts for each What are the students doing? Provide the necessary Why are students doing this activity? How does the activity Provide estimated
section. If your lesson requires, you may want to setting, steps, materials, and prompts. Be explicit so any align to the content and skill standards and/or LEQ/ LLO? minutes in each
rearrange or repeat Acquisition and/or Extending & substitute teacher can effectively conduct your lesson. row
Refining (leave Pre-Lesson & Closure as is).
Pre-Lesson Show this google slides Students will use context clues from the 5 minutes
How do you prepare students for content & skills Notecards to write down ideas. information they may already know. This is a
acquisition, or use students’ prior knowledge? How good way to get a general gauge of where the
do you open this new lesson? play. Fish and Tea
class is starting knowledge-wise. Students should
write their names on their answers so I can also
compare where each student starts and ends.
This also starts their process of directing sources
from this period. The picture of the soldiers
firing guns is a primary source.
Acquisition Use google slides this will cover big key events This will be used to give background for in-class 15 minutes
How will students acquire new content or skills? Is such as Acts, Patriot vs. Loyalists, Boston Tea activities, so students have some understanding.
acquisition teacher or student-centered? Party, and Boston Massacre. It should be short and concise without much
[Explain lesson goals by emphasizing LEQ/LLO] Students should take notes, putting down rambling. It is important for students to take
important information. (there is also a notes, so they have reference information
note-taking guide that students may use) throughout the unit and to look back on it
before the final. This is why the incentive of being

ASU Dept. of History· History Education Program· 2022-2023

able to use notes for the final
assignment/assessment is used. There is also a
note-taking paper that students may use. The
note-taking guide is for students who may
struggle to take notes. This is to guide them in
the right direction for what they should be
writing down.
Extending & Refining I (group) Number off students by 3’s(groups should The purpose of this activity is to allow students 45 minutes
How will students practice new content and skills contain one 1, one 2, one 3) to work together to formulate ideas. This also
by working with classmates? How does this activity
students will be given three different allows some students who may not have fully
promote historical thinking skills and using understood what to do to observe their peers
primary/secondary sources? documents
and learn different ways than what I explained. It
After 13 minutes, students will be able to ask
also allows for collaboration. The reason they
questions, then change groups and do the
will switch groups is so they can maybe hear
same process with their next group.
different ideas or think a different way. This will
After another 13 minutes, students will do it a also help students to begin to gain more notes
final time with one last group. for their unit assessment. While also gaining
At the end of this assignment, students will information for the next day's lesson plan. The
turn in their packets reason students will turn this assignment in is, so
In total, students should have made three they are not lost for the next day.
switches and sat with three different sets of
Extending & Refining II (individual) Students will return to their desks and be This is a time for students to try unpacking by 15 minutes
How do students apply the knowledge they have handed a final packet. This packet will have themselves. This will allow students who may be
learned in acquisition and group work? In this three different pictures that they should begin afraid to ask peers questions time to ask the
section, students begin to work independently with to unpack. These pictures will cover the instructor questions. Students should also turn
the goal of demonstrating their understanding on
their own.
Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party. These this document in so it is also not lost. The reason
are to be done individually. they are doing this separately is so the instructor
can see where everyone is at ruffly and can assign
some groups to help students who may be
struggling with the topic.
Students are welcome to ask questions if they
are unsure about how to dissect the document
though the questions should not necessarily be
focused on the right or wrong answer.
Closure Exit Ticket: Students will get back their This exit ticket is more fact-based because if 10 minutes
How do students put it all together for today’s original note card. They will put down on students are struggling to grasp a concept, I will
lesson? The closure activity helps tie this lesson to another side one key part of at least 2 Acts or know by the next day and can touch back on it.
the overall unit. Re-emphasize LEQ/LLO, key differences between Loyalists and Patriots. This way, when they begin the next assignment
UEQ/ULO, and “big picture” understanding

ASU Dept. of History· History Education Program· 2022-2023

they are not lost since they will be building on
one another.

Activity Details of Activities Purpose-Rationale Time
The questions below serve as guideposts for each What are the students doing? Provide the necessary Why are students doing this activity? How does the activity Provide estimated
section. If your lesson requires, you may want to setting, steps, materials, and prompts. Be explicit so any align to the content and skill standards and/or LEQ/ LLO? minutes in each
rearrange or repeat Acquisition and/or Extending & substitute teacher can effectively conduct your lesson. row
Refining (leave Pre-Lesson & Closure as is).
Pre-Lesson The question “Was the American Revolution a This bell ringer will be used to bring students 5 minutes
How do you prepare students for content & skills revolution?” will be on the board. back to what we learned the previous day. They
acquisition, or use students’ prior knowledge? How
Students will go onto linked document and are also answering the question on the board,
do you open this new lesson? which is a key question for this unit. This
question will remain on the board until the
lessons on the Constitution, as students will gain
more context to the question.
Acquisition Since the content is the same for both days, This allows students to continue to jog their 10 minutes
How will students acquire new content or skills? Is this time should be used as a discussion to memory.
acquisition teacher or student-centered? clear up unclear points/short presentation to
[Explain lesson goals by emphasizing LEQ/LLO] recap
Extending & Refining I (group) Students will work in groups of 3. They will The purpose of the instructor's explanation is so 45 minutes
How will students practice new content and skills use their unpacking documents to create a students can understand the assignment better.
by working with classmates? How does this activity new act to be imposed on Colonists. Students But also to reinforce rising tensions between the
promote historical thinking skills and using should be given materials such as 11x17 paper British Government and Colonists.
primary/secondary sources?
and writing utensils. Ideas for acts could be The main idea of this assignment is for students
things like a paper tax, tax on textiles(clothes), to understand why Colonists were upset. Most
and tax on various imported goods. Students acts were imposed on basic goods the Colonists
should choose a way to express their ideas used. This also allows them to see rising tensions
Students will work on this assignment for 35 between Colonists and the British government.
minutes(every 10-15 minutes, students should However, it also connects to oppressive
be checked on and asked questions). Students governments.
should brainstorm first and then begin the
They will need to be able to explain why their act
assignment. On a first come, first serve basis,
could upset the Colonists and the potential ways
students will choose their intended acts, as
Colonists could react.
acts can not be repeated.
They should try to write like they are the
monarch of Britain.

ASU Dept. of History· History Education Program· 2022-2023

Extending & Refining II (individual) Students will work on their own to write a Students should touch on and explain the idea of 25 minutes
How do students apply the knowledge they have 2-3 paragraph reflection on the past two days. rising tensions between Colonists and the British
learned in acquisition and group work? In this They should include some content-based Government. Which is mentioned in the learning
section, students begin to work independently with information, but they will also reanswer the objective. The questions that are answered are
the goal of demonstrating their understanding on
their own.
same question of do they think the American open-ended to allow for multiple answers as
Revolution is a revolution. Why do they there is no true right or wrong answer. The
believe what they believe? Who was at fault? reason for 25 minutes is that students are being
Why? asked to make a stand on a side and some
students may be on the fence and will be
encouraged to choose one side or another.
Closure In the last 5 minutes of class, students will be The student will do this to provide me with a 5 minutes
How do students put it all together for today’s given a sticky note they should evaluate one response to the lesson. Things that should be
lesson? The closure activity helps tie this lesson to thing they think they did really well with and changed and adjusted. Or things that worked
the overall unit. Re-emphasize LEQ/LLO, one thing they did not do well with. really well.
UEQ/ULO, and “big picture” understanding
Accomodations: What adjustments are you making for diverse learners (ELLs, struggling readers, gifted & talented)?
Target Group of Student At risk students Strategies These activities allow for a decent amount of feedback.
This is a good time to give them positive reinforcement.
This also allows time to talk to any students who may
be struggling with outside-of-class things. Also with this
being a participation assignment, it allows for low-stakes
participation. So they can feel included without adding
any more stress.
Assessments: How do formative assessments measure progress? How do summative assessments learned skills & content?
Formative - Informal The exit ticket at the end of lesson 2 and the google form at the beginning of lesson 2 is the formative assessments.
Which activities act as formative assessments? They have students use inquired knowledge to answer questions or to give their opinion. Another formative
How might you, or the students, use FAs in this assessment in this unit is the group assignment from lesson 2. This will test the student's understanding of the
lesson as learning tools?
unpacking documents and see if they can come up with a tax that would have upset the colonists the way the taxes
imposed by the British Government did.
Summative - Formal The short quiz at the end of lesson 2 will act as the summative assessment. While it will be no more than 10
Which activities act as summative assessments? questions, it will focus mainly on content to see if there were any main points that were missed.
How will SAs in this lesson prepare students for the
unit summative assessment?
Materials & Supplies ● Google Doc ● Fish and Tea link to youtube ● google form for bell ● Paper(9x11) ,
● Link to note taking ringer on lesson 2 colored
document pencils,
crayons, etc.
Sources & Notes Sources (cited in Chicago Manual of Style) Notes to self (post-lesson)

ASU Dept. of History· History Education Program· 2022-2023

Where did you research content for today’s lesson?
Where did you find helpful information, primary & ● Chapters, All, and All Chapters. “The
secondary sources, and lesson plan ideas? American Revolution.” The American yawp,
May 22, 2013.
● Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum. “The Tea
Act: Boston Tea Party Facts: 1773.” Boston
Tea Party Ships, June 15, 2022.

ASU Dept. of History· History Education Program· 2022-2023

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