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The Course

Launch Checklist
By Cody Burch
Hey! My name is Cody
I created this handy checklist to help you launch your online
course the smart way.

I launched my signature course, The One Hour Funnel, in 2018.

Then, I leveraged the course to write a book, host live seminars

and even launch a membership and coaching program.

…All from concepts taught in my course. How cool is that?

Since then I’ve helped lots of people launch courses.

This checklist is how we do it.

Print it out and use it as a guide as you go from idea to


And if you want to learn the easy way to launch your course,
click here to learn how to do a Laid Back Launch.
The 4 Phases of Course Launching




Make: build the course
Market: sell the course
Manage: operate the course business

Before we jump into course creation we have to do some pre-work.

Here’s the wrong way to build and launch a course:

Start making a course.

Wrong. Nope. Not yet.

You don’t have permission to start making your course until you
clearly identify the course promise.

What will your course allow your customers to do?

What skill will they have when they’re done?

Who will they become when they finish your course?

Before we jump into the making, marketing, and managing of your

course, start here.

q Identify the course promise q Set launch date
q Research client pain points q Gather relevant testimonials,
q What keeps them up at case studies or success
night stories
q Identify common pain q Collect endorsements
points q Past clients
q Research competitors offers q Well-known names in
q What do they sell your space
q What do they charge q Finalize deliverables
q Identify common pain q What all is included?
points + language patterns (Group, Interactivity,
q Create over-arching course Accountability?
framework q Choose tech platforms
q Decide evergreen/on-demand? q Landing Page builder
q Finalize course branding q Video hosting
q Course name q Video recording
q Course logo q Online storage
q Course colors q Membership platform

Now, I want to be honest with you:

You’re not going to make 100% of your course before you start
marketing it.

I’m a huge fan of a “laid back launch” as you’ll see in my Course

Launch Coaching.

With that method, my wife pre-sold her course to 20 founding

members at $100 a piece. They got a lower lifetime price in exchange
for their feedback and testimonials.

So as you go through your course creation, start to make it… and

then presell it using a Laid Back Launch.

Separate the decision from the details and gather some founding
members so you can validate your course idea, get feedback, and get

q Brain dump – what are ALL the things you could teach?
q Organize common ideas into course modules
q Finalize lessons – delete unnecessary lessons
q Create downloads, handouts or worksheets
q Create an online drive to store your online assets
q Create Founders Launch Pitch Deck + Explainer Document
q Create Payment link for Founders Launch
q Make slide presentations for course
q Film all lessons
q Edit video lessons
q Upload video lessons
q Configure videos
q Set the thumbnail
q Add any annotations or links
q Configure branding of the videos
q Create sales page
q Create order form
q Create thank you page
q Create members area
q Lesson Sections / Modules
q Lessons
As mentioned in the previous section – once you have enough of a
course framework and a big idea for your course promise, it’s time to
get some founding members with a Laid Back Launch.

You’ll make some basic elements, then market the course. Then
back to the make phase based on the feedback you receive.

All you need for the 1st round of marketing is a handful of emails, a
landing page (or even just a Google Doc) and a payment link.

Then once the course is complete I recommend a “ribbon cutting”

ceremony where you release it to the world (typically at a slightly
lower price or with additional bonuses that won’t be added to the
main, final course).

The marketing of a course is where most people get stuck. It’s why I
created the Laid Back Launch Workshop which you can learn more
about here.

q Put link to sales page in bio in all social media
q Run video view ads on social media to create retargeting audiences
q Run page post engagement ads (with images) to create more
retargeting audiences
q Run retargeting ads to the sales page
q Create a lead magnet to grow an email list of potential buyers
q Create an opt-in page for the lead magnet
q Create a thank you page that includes a sales video of new course
q Create the email sequence for new leads that directs them to buy your
new course
q Test retargeting ads from your warm audience that promote the free
lead magnet
q Test cold ads to your lead magnet funnel
q Create scarcity and urgency for your course launch
q Founders price if they buy by a deadline
q Email your existing list of subscribers to sell the course
q Email your existing list with the new lead magnet (to re-engage them)

This is another area that is often overlooked.

Getting new students enrolled is just the first part of the journey.

We want to help them make progress through our courses and

coaching so they implement and get results.

Course completion will help students send referrals, buy more of our
stuff, and stay loyal to the brand.

Plus, most importantly, we help them get results which can change
their lives.

q Create customer journey
q What happens when they buy your course?
q What emails do they get?
q What do you want them to do next (is there an ascension plan?)
q What tags / segmentation do you need in your CRM?
q Clarify how people will access the course materials post-purchase
q Once they buy, how do they gain access to the members area?
q What do you want course buyers to do upon completing your course?
q Is there something else you can sell (i.e. a membership, live
event, coaching, etc)?
q Configure buyer emails to aid in course completion
q Configure customer service flow (emails, support)
q Manage payments, payouts, refunds and receipts
q Configure course progress reminders
q Create course completion recognition and gamification
q What happens when they complete your course?

That’s it!

You now have the entire checklist I use to go from idea to

implementation your next course or membership.

And if you’re ready to learn the easy way to validate your idea,
scoop up your first round of buyers, and create momentum and
social proof to your next promotion...

Check out the Laid Back Launch here.

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