01 Computer Vision

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Computer Vision

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‫ آﯾﺎت ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﻧﺠﯿﺐ‬/‫دﻛﺘﻮر‬

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Office hours: Thu 9-11 at G03
4 Overlapping Fields

´ Computer Vision
´ deals with developing a system in which the
input is an image/video and the output is some
´ Computer graphics
´ deals with the formation of images from object
models, rather than capturing the image by
some device.
´ Artificial intelligence
´ Is the study of mimicking human intelligence by
´ Image Processing
´ deals with developing a digital system that
performs operations on an digital image
5 Computer vision systems

´ are used in many and various types of

environments such as manufacturing,
agriculture, hospitals, and security
´ quality control:
´ scanning manufactured items for defects and
provide control signals to a robotic manipulator to
remove defective parts automatically.
´ target tracking and identifications
´ Satellites orbiting the earth collect massive amount
of image data every day and these images are
automatically scanned to aid in making maps
predicting the weather, and helping us to
understand the changes taking place on our home
6 Image Analysis

´ Involves the examination of the image data

to facilitate solving a vision
´Description (feature extraction)
´Pattern classification and Recognition
7 Image Processing

´ The major topics within the field of image

processing include :

´Image Restoration
´Image Enhancement
´Enhancement and Restoration are similar
in aim, to make an image look better, they
differ in how they approach the problem
´Image Compression
´involves reducing the typically massive
amount of data that are visually necessary
8 Computer Imaging

´ Can be defined as the acquisition and

processing of visual information by Computer

´ Note : Acquisition means that: converting the

images into a form suitable for computer
´ ( From analog to digital form)
9 Components of general-purpose
Image Processing System
Components of general-purpose
Image Processing System

´ With reference to image sensing, two

elements are required to acquire digital

´The first is a physical device that is sensitive

to the energy radiated by the object we wish
to image.
´The second, called a digitizer, is a device for
converting the output of the physical sensing
device into digital form.
´For instance, in a digital video camera, the
sensors produce an electrical output
proportional to light intensity.
11 Components of general-purpose
Image Processing System
´ The computer in an image processing system is a
general-purpose computer and can range from a
PC to a supercomputer

´ Software for image processing consists of

specialized modules that perform specific tasks.

´ A well-designed package also includes the

capability for the user to write code that, as a
minimum, utilizes the specialized modules
´ More sophisticated software packages allow the
integration of those modules and general-
purpose software commands from at least one
computer language.
Components of general-purpose
Image Processing System
´ Mass storage capability is a must in image
processing applications. An image of size
1024*1024 pixels, in which the intensity of each
pixel is an 8-bit quantity, requires 1MB of
storage space if the image is not compressed
´ Digital storage for image processing applications
falls into three principal categories:

1. Short-term storage to be used during

2. On-line storage for relatively fast recall, and
3. Archival storage, characterized by infrequent
13 Components of general-purpose
Image Processing System
´ Storage is measured in bytes (eight bits),
Kbytes (one thousand bytes), Mbytes (one
million bytes), Gbytes (meaning giga, or one
billion, bytes), and Tbytes (meaning tera, or
one trillion, bytes).

´ Image displays in use today are mainly color

(preferably flat screen) TV monitors.
´Monitors are driven by the outputs of image
and graphics display cards that are an integral
part of the computer system.
14 Components of general-purpose
Image Processing System
´Hardcopy devices for recording images
include laser printers, film cameras, heat-
sensitive devices, inkjet units, and digital
units, such as optical and CD-ROM disks.

´ Film provides the highest possible

resolution, but paper is the obvious
medium of choice for written material.
For presentations, images are displayed on
film transparencies or in a digital medium
if image projection equipment is used.
15 Components of general-purpose
Image Processing System

´ Networking is almost a default function in

any computer system in use today.
´ Because of the large amount of data inherent
in image processing applications, the key
consideration in image transmission is
bandwidth. In dedicated networks, with
remote sites via the Internet are not always as
´ Fortunately, this situation is improving
quickly as a result of optical fiber and other
broadband technologies.
26 Fundamental Steps in Digital Image

Segmentation And

Knowledge Recognition
Input base And
27 Image Acquisition

´Two elements are required:

1) Physical device that sensitive to a
band in the electromagnetic energy
spectrum ( x-ray, ultraviolet, visible,
infrared, …..) are produces an
electrical signal output proportional
to the level of energy sensed.
2) Digitizer: is a device for converting
the electrical output into digital form.
´The above two elements can be replaced
by recent technology such as Digital camera
28 Digitization process
´ The standard video signal is in analog form (
frames of video information, each frame
corresponds to a full screen of visual information ),
interlaced and non-interlaced as in the following
figure: One frame, two fields.
29 Digitization process
´ The solid lines represent one field of information and the dotted lines
represent the other field.
´ These two fields make up one frame of visual information.
´ This two-fields-per-frame model is referred to as interlaced video.
´ Some types of video signals, called noninterlaced video, have only one
field per frame.

Analog signal for one line

One line of information

Horizontal sync pulse

Electrical video signal

35 Image Segmentation

´Partitions an input image into its similar

parts or objects.
´The output is a raw pixel data, similar
either the Boundary or as a complete
region .
´Boundary is appropriate when the focus is
on external shape characteristics, such as
corners and infections.
´Regional representation is appropriate
when the focus is on internal properties.
36 Image Representation & Description

´Choosing a representation is only part of

the solution for transforming a raw data
into a form suitable for subsequent
computer processing ( description the data
so that features of interest are
´Description ( feature selection), deals with
extracting features that result in some
quantitative information of interest or
features that differentiating one class of
objects from another
37 Image Recognition & interpretation

´Recognition is the process that assigns a

label to an object based on the information
provided by its descriptors.

´Interpretation involves assigning meaning

to an ensemble of recognized objects.
38 Knowledge base

´Knowledge about a problem domain is

coded into an image processing system in
form of a knowledge database, it controls
the operation and the interaction between
the processing modules.
39 Examples of Digital Images

´ One of the simplest ways to develop a basic

understanding of the extent of image processing
applications is to categorize images according to
their source (e.g., visual, X-ray, and so on).
´The principal energy source for images
in use today is the electromagnetic energy
´ Other important sources of energy include
acoustic, ultrasonic, and electronic (in the form
of electron beams used in electron microscopy).
´ Synthetic images, used for modeling and
visualization, are generated by computer
1-Gamma-Ray Imaging
2- X-ray Imaging:
3- Imaging in the Ultraviolet Band
4- Imaging in the Visible and Infrared
5- Imaging in the Microwave Band
6-Imaging in the Radio Band
7- Examples of ultrasound imaging.
48 Summary
´ We separate the field of Computer imaging into:
1. Computer vision
2. Image processing
´ One of the major topics within the field of computer vision is:
Image Analysis
´ Image analysis process involves 4 topics :
´ Segmentation,
´ Representation,
´ Description (feature extraction) , and
´ Pattern classification and Recognition.
´ The major topics within the field of image processing include :
´ image restoration,
´ image enhancement, and
´ image compression .
Components of an Image Processing System
Fundamental Steps in Digital Image Processing
Segmentation And

Knowledge Recognition
base And image
image Image
51 Summary: Fundamental Steps
in Digital Image Processing

1) Image Acquisition:
2) Digitization process:
3) Preprocessing
4) Segmentation
5) Representation
6) Description
7) Recognition
8) Interpretation
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