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蒙古布罗巨特 2x150MW 电厂项目一期工

Mongolian Buuruljuut 2x150MW
Power Plant Project Phase I

施工图设计 电气专业
Detailed design stage Electrical

第 01 卷 第 04 册
Volume 1 book 4
Safety measures for electrical




2022 年 10 月 October 2022

批 准

审 核

校 核

编 写
目 录

1 基本规定
1 Basic regulations

2 施工安全技术基本要求
2 Basic requirements for construction safety technology

3 施工安全技术措施建议要点
3 Suggestions on technical measures for construction safety
1 基本规定
1 Basic regulations
1.1 根据发改委28号令《电力建设工程施工安全监督管理办法》的要求“勘
1.1 According to the requirements of the NDRC Order No. 28 "Measures for the
Supervision and Management of Construction Safety of Electric Power
Construction Projects", "the survey and design unit shall, according to the
requirements of construction safety operation and protection, indicate the key
parts and links related to construction safety in the design documents, and
propose guidance for preventing production safety accidents." For the electrical
construction of thermal power generation projects, in order to ensure the safety
of construction workers Prevent and reduce production safety accidents in
project construction, and prepare the Technical Measures for Construction Safety
of Electrical Discipline of the Project.
1.2 电气施工的安全生产工作除应符合本技术措施外,还应符合《电力建设
安全工作规程 第1部分:火力发电》(DL 5009.1-2014)等国家、行业及当
1.2 In addition to the technical measures, the safety production work of electrical
construction shall also comply with the requirements of relevant national,
industrial and local current standards, procedures, specifications and regulations,
such as the Code for Safety Work in Electric Power Construction (DL 5009-
2014). At the same time, it shall also meet the safety construction measures
prepared by the Employer and the safety technical measures prepared by the
Contractor, and accept the supervision of the supervision unit and the safety
supervision of safety supervision departments at all levels.
1.3 电力建设工程施工安全应贯彻“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”的方
1.3 The principle of "safety first, prevention first and comprehensive treatment"
shall be implemented for the construction safety of power construction projects,
and the implementation shall be carried out in combination with the scale, nature
and characteristics of construction and production.
1.4 施工单位应具备与承建项目相适应的资质。
1.4 The construction unit shall have the qualifications appropriate to the project
1.5 施工单位应为作业人员提供符合国家现行标准要求的工作环境、工作条
1.5 The construction unit shall provide the operating personnel with the working
environment, working conditions and labor protection articles that meet the
requirements of the current national standards, and handle the relevant insurance.

1.6 施工单位严禁使用国家明令淘汰的安全技术、工艺、流程、装备和材料
1.6 The construction unit is strictly prohibited to use safety technologies,
processes, processes, equipment and materials that have been explicitly
eliminated by the state.
1.7 施工单位应建立、健全安全生产责任制,制定安全生产规章制度,完善
1.7 The construction unit shall establish and improve the safety production
responsibility system, formulate safety production rules and regulations, and
improve safety production conditions.
1.8 电力建设工程开工前,施工单位应当开展现场查勘,编制施工组织设计
1.8 Before the commencement of the power construction project, the construction
unit shall carry out site survey, prepare the construction organization design,
construction scheme and safety technical measures, and submit them to the
construction unit and the supervision unit for approval in accordance with
relevant regulations on technical management.
1.9 工程所有参建人员应接受安全生产教育培训,提高安全生产意识。未经
1.9 All personnel participating in the construction of the project shall receive
safety production education and training to improve their awareness of safety
production. Personnel who have not received safety production education and
training and failed in the examination shall not be allowed to work.
1.10 施工单位应对施工现场存在的危险和有害因素进行辨识,采取有效措施
1.10 The construction unit shall identify the hazards and harmful
factors existing in the construction site and take effective
measures for dynamic control.
1.11 施工单位应对安全生产工作进行检查、定期开展隐患排查,制定整改措
1.11 The construction unit shall inspect the safety production work, regularly
carry out hidden danger investigation, formulate rectification measures and
control, and eliminate the accident hidden danger.
1.12 施工单位应在有较大危险因素的场所或部位及有关设施、设备上设置明
1.12 The construction unit shall set up obvious safety warning signs on the
places or parts with large risk factors and relevant facilities and equipment, and
the safety signs must comply with the current national standards.
1.13 调试单位应根据工程施工特点和范围,制定生产安全事故应急救援预案
1.13 The commissioning unit shall, according to the characteristics and scope of
the project construction, formulate an emergency rescue plan for production
safety accidents, establish an emergency rescue organization, allocate personnel
and necessary equipment, and organize regular drills and evaluations.
1.14 不符合现行相关安全技术规范或标准规定的施工技术,应提请建设单位

1.14 The construction technology that does not conform to the current relevant
safety technical specifications or standards shall be submitted to the construction
unit for organizing a special technical demonstration and to the corresponding
competent department for approval.
1.15 施工过程中,对不能满足安全生产要求的设计,施工单位应及时通知设
1.15 During the construction, the construction unit shall timely notify the design
unit to make design changes if the design fails to meet the safety production
2 Basic requirements for construction safety technology
2.1 施工单位在编制施工组织设计时,应根据承建工程特点制定相应的安全
2.1 When preparing the construction organization design, the construction un
shall formulate corresponding safety technical m
characteristics of the construction project.
2.2 季节性施工应编制安全专项技术措施。
2.2 Special safety technical measures shall be prepared for seasonal construction.
2.3 The construction project shall have a construction sche
instruction, which shall be implemented after approval.
2.4 达到或超过一定规模的危险性较大的分部分项工程,应符合以下规定:
2.4 The dangerous divisional and sub divisional works of a certain scale or above
shall meet the following requirements:
1) A special construction scheme shall be prepared
subdivisional works of a certain scale with high risks.
2) Experts shall be organized to demonstrate the special construction scheme
for divisional and subdivisional works with greater risks exceeding a certain

3) The divisional and subdivisional works with greater risks that re
exceed a certain scale shall also comply with
Regulations on Safety Management of Divisional and Subdivisional Works
with Greater Risks (ZJB [2018] No. 37).
2.4.1 达到一定规模的危险性较大的分部分项工程,包括但不限于以下内容
2.4.1 The dangerous divisional and subdivisional works of a certain scale include
but are not limited to the following:
1) Generator stator.
2) The auxiliary power is supplied.
3) Load rejection test.
4) Adopt five new and dangerous divisional and subdivisional works without
relevant technical standards.
2.5 重要临时设施、重要施工工序、特殊作业、危险作业项目应编制专项安
2.5 Special safety technical measures shall be prepared for important temporary
facilities, important construction procedures, special operations and dangerous
2.5.1 重要临时设施、重要施工工序、特殊作业、危险作业项目,包括但不限
2.5.1 Important temporary facilities, important construction procedures, special
operations and dangerous operations, including but not limited to the following:
1) Important temporary facilities: including construction power supply and
2) Important construction procedures: the generator passes through the rotor,

large parts of the generator are hoisted, large transformer transportation,
hanging cover, core pulling inspection, drying and withstand voltage test,
large motor drying and withstand voltage test, high-voltage lines and plant
equipment are charged, main electrical equipment withstand voltage test,
temporary power supply equipment installation and maintenance, important
rotating machinery test run, steam turbine generator test run, and the
generator is connected to the grid for the first time.
3)特殊作业:大型设备、构件起吊运输 ( 超重、超高、超宽、超长物
3) Special operations: hoisting and transportation of large equipment and
components (overweight, super high, super wide and super long objects),
cross operation of high-voltage live lines, construction adjacent to ultra-high
voltage lines, and operation in high-voltage live areas, power plant operation
areas, cable trenches and live lines.
4) Dangerous work items: the mobile crane works under and near the high-
voltage line, lifts dangerous goods, loads and transports overweight,
ultrahigh, ultrawide, ultralong objects and precision, expensive equipment,
works in the power generation and transformation operation area, high-
voltage live working and adjacent high-voltage live working.
2.6 施工作业前必须进行安全技术交底,交底人和被交底人应签字并保存记
2.6 Safety technical disclosure must be carried out before construction, and the
disclosure person and the person to be disclosed shall sign and keep records.
2.7 施工前必须办理施工作业票的项目,作业票内容应包括作业可能存在的
2.7 For the items that must be handled with the construction work ticket before
construction, the work ticket shall include the possible risks and prevention and
control measures. The filling and approval of safe construction work ticket shall
be standardized, and disclosure shall be organized before operation.
2.7.1 施工前必须办理安全施工作业票的项目,包括但不仅限于以下内容:
2.7.1 Items for which safe construction work permit must be obtained before
construction, including but not limited to the following:
1) Hoisting and transportation of overweight, super high, super

super long objects, precision and expensive equipment and components.
2) The hoisting machinery works under or near the power transmission line.
3) The generator passes through the rotor.
2.8 施工单位应用“五新”时,应掌握其安全技术特性,编制专项施工方案
2.8 When the construction unit applies the "five new", it shall master its safety
technical characteristics, prepare a special construction plan, and mak
technical disclosure to the operators.
2.9 当施工工艺、工序、作业环境发生变化时,施工单位应重新编制施工方
2.9 When the construction process, procedure and
change, the construction unit shall re prepare the construction plan, perform the
approval procedures and organize the disclosure.

3 施工安全技术措施建议要点
3 Suggestions on technical measures for construction safety
3.1 General provisions for construction electricity:
1 施工用电的布设应符合国家现行相关电气设计规范和当地供电部门的有
1 The layout of construction electricity shall comply with the current national
electrical design specifications and the relevant provisions of the local power
supply department, and shall be implemented according to t
construction organization design.
2 Construction electrical equipment and materials shall comply with relevant
national and industrial product technical standards.

3 During the storage and use of construction electric
materials, moisture-proof, waterproof and dust-pro
4 施工用电设施的施工、验收和运行应严格按国家现行相关标准执行。
4 The construction, acceptance and operation of construction power facilities
shall strictly comply with the current national standards.
5 Construction power facilities shall be accepted by relevant units and can be
put into use only after they are qualified.
6 After installation and acceptance of construction po
electrical system diagram, layout plan and com
acceptance data shall be complete and complete.
7 The management department, responsibilities and management sco
construction electricity shall be clarified.
8 The construction electricity management department shall
formulation of relevant management systems and safety operation procedures
for electricity use, operation, inspection, maintenance, etc.
9 E l e c t r i c f a c i l i t i e s f o r c o n s t r u c t i o n s h a l l
maintained by electrical professionals, and the operators shal
10 施工用电运行、维护人员作业前应熟悉作业环境,正确佩戴、使用合

10 The operation and maintenance personnel for construction electricity shall
be familiar with the working environment before operation, and c
wear and use qualified electrician's labor protection articles.
11 电气作业不得少于两人,必须设监护人。严禁监护人参与作业。
11 There shall be at least two persons for electrica
supervisor must be assigned. Guardians are not allowed to participate in the
12 建设工程项目应建立施工用电安全技术档案。
1 2 T h e c o n s t r u c t i o n p r o j e c t s h a l l e s t a b l i s h
construction electricity safety.
3.2 Electrical installation
3.2.1 General provisions for electrical installation:
1 远控设备的调整应有可靠的通信联络。
1 T h e a d j u s t m e n t o f r e m o t e c o n t r o l e q u i
2 凡具有双回路及远控回路必须经过校核,确认其一次及二次回路均对应
2 All double circuits and remote control circuits must be checked, and can
only be started after confirming that their primary and secondary circuits are
3 所有转动机械的电气回路,应经操作试验,并确认控制、保护、测量、
3 All electrical circuits of rotating machinery shall be started after operation
test and confirmation that control, protection, measurement, signal and other
circuits are reliable. When the rotating machinery is started for the first time,

an emergency stop device shall be set locally.
4 干燥电气设备或元件,均应控制其温度。干燥场所不得有易燃物,并应
4 When drying electrical equipment or components, their temperature shall
be controlled. The dry place shall be free of combustibles
equipped with applicable fire-fighting equipment.
5 It is forbidden to climb or work on the combined valve type arrester.
6 6kV及以上升压站(配电室)进行扩建时,已就位的设备及母线应接地
6 When the 6kV and above booster station (distribution room) is expanded,
the equipment and bus in place shall be grounded or shielded.
7 在运行的升压站及高压配电室内搬动较长物件时,应放倒搬运,并应与
7 When moving long objects in the operating booster station and high-voltage
distribution room, they should be carried upside down and kept a
distance from the live parts.
8 邻近带电体作业时,应使用绝缘梯子,严禁使用铝合金材质或其他易导
8 When working near electrified body, insulated ladders shall be used, and
aluminum alloy or other conductive ladders are strictly prohibited.
9 Steel tape or leather tape with metal wire shall not be used around the live
equipment for measurement. Wood tape or other insulation measuring tools
shall be used.
10 电气设备设施拆除:
10 Demolition of electrical equipment and facilities:
1) 应确认被拆的设备或设施不带电,并做好安全措施。

1) It shall be confirmed that the dismantled equipment or facilities are not
electrified, and safety measures shall be taken.
2) 不得破坏原有安全设施的完整性。
2) The integrity of the original safety facilities shall not be damaged.
3) 防止因结构受力变化而发生破坏或倾倒。
3) Prevent damage or toppling due to changes in structural stress.
4) 拆除旧电缆时应从一端开始,严禁在中间切断或任意拖拉。
4) The old cable shall be removed from one end. It is strictly forbidden to
cut or drag it in the middle.
5) 拆除有张力的软导线时应缓慢释放,严禁突然释放。
5) When removing the flexible conductor with tension, it shall be released
slowly, and sudden release is strictly prohibited.
6) 弃置的废旧动力电缆头,除有短路接地线外,应一律视为有电。
6) The discarded waste power cable head, except for the short
grounding wire, shall be regarded as electrified.
11 起吊、装卸大型或精密设备,应事先由专业技术人员制定安全技术措
11 For hoisting, loading and unloading of large or precisio
professional technicians shall formulate safety technical measures in advance
and handle safe construction work tickets.
12 应满足《国家电网公司防止电气误操作安全管理规定》要求,采取措
12 It shall meet the requirements of Safety Management Regulations of State
Grid Corporation of China on Preventing Electrical Misoperation, and take
measures to realize the "five prevention" function.
1)  防止误分、误合断路器; 
1) Prevent false opening and closing of circuit breaker;
2) 防止带负荷拉、合隔离开关或手车触头;
2) Prevent pulling and closing disconnector or handcart c

第 10 页
3) 防止带电挂(合)接地线(接地刀闸);
3) Prevent the electrified hanging (closing) of
(grounding switch);
4) 防止带接地线(接地刀闸)合断路器(隔离开关);
4) Prevent the circuit breaker (disconnector
(grounding knife switch) from closing;
5) 防止误入带电间隔。
5) Prevent from entering the live compartment by mistake.
3.2.2 盘、柜的安装应符合下列规定:
3 . 2 . 2 T h e i n s t a l l a t i o n o f p a n e l s a n d c a b i n e t
1 动力盘、控制盘、保护盘等应在土建条件满足安装要求后方可进行安装
1 The power panel, control panel and protection panel can be installed only
after the civil engineering conditions meet the installati
Protective measures shall be taken for cross operation
2 盘柜拆箱后应立即将箱板等杂物清理干净。
2 After unpacking the cabinet, the box board and other sundries
cleaned up immediately.
3 The spare panel and cabinet holes shall be provided with m
prevent personnel from stepping empty and objects from falling.
4 新装盘的小母线在与运行盘上的小母线接通前,应采取隔离措施。
4 Isolation measures shall be taken before connecting the newly i
small bus with the small bus on the operation panel.
5 高压开关柜、低压配电屏、保护盘、控制盘 及各式操作箱等需要部分

第 11 页
5 When hi gh-voltage swi tchgear, low-vol tage dist ribut ion panel, prot ect i
panel, control panel and various operation boxes
1) 带电前应清除杂物 ,电缆防火施工应完善。
1) The sundries shall be removed before electrification, and the cable fire
prevention construction shall be improved.
2) 应有围栏或门禁 、防雨、防潮、防火等措施。
2) There shall be fence or access control, rain proof, moisture-proof, fire
prevention and other measures.
3) 需要带电的系统应安装、调试、检查完毕,设置明显的盘柜己带电
3) The system requiring electrification shall be installed, debugged and
inspected, and obvious warning signs for electrification of pa
cabinets shall be set.
4) 带电系统与非带电系统应有明显可靠的隔离措施,确保非带电系统
4) The electrified system and the non electrified system shall be provided
with obvious and reliable isolation measures to ensur
electrified system has no possibility of cross electrification, and warning
signs shall be set.
6 在已带电的盘、柜上作业时,应办理工作票,带电部分与非带电部分用
6 When working on electrified panels and cabinets, work tickets s
handled, and live parts and non live parts shall be reliably iso
insulating materials.
7 在带电体周围安装盘柜时,应采取隔离措施,保持与带电部分的安全距
7 When installing panels and cabinets around the electrified body, isolation
measures shall be taken to keep a safe distance from the electrified part.

第 12 页
3.2.3 Cables shall meet the following requirements:
1 电缆敷设应符合下列规定:
1 Cable laying shall meet the following requirements:
1) 敷设电缆前,电缆通道、电缆沟及电缆夹层内应清理干净,无杂物
1) Before cable laying, the cable channel, cabl
i nt er l ayer shal l be c le aned wi t hout sundr i es a nd pondi ng, and adequat
safety lighting shall be provided.
2) 高处敷设电缆时,作业面应安全可靠、作业人员应系好安全带,严
2) When laying cables at heights, the working surface shall be safe and
reliable, operators shall wear safety belts, and climbing cable rac
hangers is strictly prohibited.
3) 进入带电区域内敷设电缆时,应取得运行单位的同意,办理工作票
3) When laying cables in the electrified area, the consent of the operation
unit shall be obtained, the work ticket shall be handled, safety measures
shall be taken, and a supervisor shall be appointed.
4) 用机械敷设电缆时,应按有关操作规程执行,加强巡视,并有可靠
4) When laying cables by machinery, relevant operating procedures shall
be followed, patrol inspection shall be strengthened, and reliable contact
signals shall be provided. During cable laying, special attention shall be
paid to the connection and coordination of multiple machines in operation
and the situation at the corners.
5) When laying cables, do not climb or walk on the cables.

第 13 页
6) When the cable goes through the live panel, the
connected by a specially assigned person, and isolation measures shall be
taken to prevent the cable from touching the live part.
2 电缆头制作及接线应符合下列规定:
2 The fabrication and wiring of cable head shall
1) 制作铠装电缆的电缆头时,应做好截取部位的绑扎。
1) When making the cable head of armored cable, bind the cut part.
2) 邻近带电体接线时,应做好隔离和绝缘措施,设专人监护。
2) Isolation and insulation measures shall be taken and special personnel
shall be assigned for monitoring when connecting adjacent e
3.2.4 The installation of storage battery shall meet the following requirements:
1 蓄电池室应在设备安装前安装好照明、通风和温度调节设施,照明和通
1. Lighting, ventilation and temperature regulation facilities shall be installed
in the battery room before equipment installation. The contr
lighting and ventilation facilities shall be installed outside the battery room
and clearly marked.
2 蓄电池设备安装完成后,室内严禁明火作业。
2 After the installation of the storage battery equ
prohibited to work with open fire indoors.
3 蓄电池设备充电后,作业人员进入室内应穿着防静电服。
3 After the battery equipment is charged, the operators shall wear anti-static
clothes when entering the room.
4 蓄电池室应配备足够、适用的消防器材。

第 14 页
4 The battery room shall be equipped with sufficient and applica
fighting equipment.
3.2.5 The installation of generator and motor (electrical part) s
following requirements:
1 在干燥房内对电动机进行干燥时,应有防火措施。干燥房内不得有易燃
1 Fire prevention measures shall be taken when drying the mo
d r yi ng r o om . T h e dr yi n g r o om s ha l l b e f r e e o f c om bu s t i bl es an d e qu i pp e
with applicable fire-fighting equipment.
2 开启式电动机在安装期间应有防止杂物掉入电动机内的措施。
2 During installation of open motor, measures shall be take
sundries from falling into the motor.
3 在滑环上打磨碳刷时,应在不高于盘车的转速下进行。打磨碳刷时,操
3 When polishing the carbon brush on the sli p ring, t he speed shal l not b
higher than the turning speed. Operators shall wear masks and safety glasses
when polishing carbon brushes.
4 发电机引出线绝缘包扎时,应加强通风,严禁烟火。操作人员应使用必
4 When the generator out going line i s wrapped with i nsulati on, vent il at io
shall be strengthened, and fireworks are strictly prohibited. Operators sha
use necessary protective equipment, and special personnel shall be assigned
for supervision during operation.
5 发电机现场干燥应符合制造厂技术说明书的要求。
5 The on-site drying of the generator shall meet the requireme
manufacturer's technical instructions.
3.2.6 变压器安装应符合下列规定:
3.2.6 The installation of transformer shall meet the following requirements:

第 15 页
1 大型油浸式变压器在放油及滤油过程中,外壳及各侧绕组应可靠接地。
1 During oil drainage and oil filtering of large oil immersed transformers, the
shell and windings at each side shall be reliably grounded.
2 检查变压器铁芯时,应搭设脚手架或梯子,严禁攀登引线绝缘支架上下
2 Scaffolds or ladders shall be erected when inspecting the transformer core.
It is strictly forbidden to climb up and down the lead insulation support.
3 变压器引线焊接不良需在现场 进行补焊时,应采取绝热和隔离措施,
3 If the lead wire of the transformer is poorly welded and needs to be repaired
on site, thermal insulation and isolation measures
applicable fire-fighting equipment shall be provided.
4 储油和油处理现场应配备足够可靠的消防器材,制定具体的消防管理方
4 The oil storage and oil treatment site shall be equipped with sufficient and
reliable fire-fighting equipment, and specific fire management plan shall be
formulated; The site shall be flat and clean, and there shall be no kindling,
inflammables and explosives within 10m.
3.2.7 断路器及互感器安装应符合下列规定:
3.2.7 The installation of circuit breaker and transformer shall meet the following
1 在调整、检修开关设备及传动装置时, 应有防止开关意外脱扣的可靠
1 During adjustment and maintenance of switchg
devices, reliable measures should be taken to prevent accidental tripping of
switches. Operators should avoid the action space of
2 对于液压、气动及弹簧操作机构,严禁在有压力或弹簧储能的状态下进
2 For hydraulic, pneumatic and spring operating mechanisms, it is str

第 16 页
forbidden to disassemble, assemble or repair them under pressure or spring
energy storage.
3 放松或拉紧开关的返回弹簧及自动释放机构弹簧时,应使用专用工具,
3 When loosening or tightening the return spring of the switch and the spring
of the automatic release mechanism, special tools should be used, and quick
release is not allowed.
4 凡可慢分慢合的开关,初次动作时不得快分快合。空气断路器初次试动
4 Any switch that can be opened and closed slowly shall not be opened and
closed quickly during the initial action. The air circuit breaker shall be started
from low air pressure during the initial test operation. Th
per s onnel shal l keep a cer ta i n saf et y di st anc e fr om t he t est e d swi t ch or s
protective isolation facilities.
5 在调整断路器、隔离开关及安装设备连线和引下线时,严禁攀登套管绝
5 When adjusting the circuit breaker, disconne
equipment wiring and downlead, it is forbidden to
6 隔离开关采用三相组合吊装时,应检查确认框架强度符合起吊要求。
6 When the disconnecting switch is hoisted by three-phase co
check and confirm that the frame strength meets the hoisting requirements.
7 断路器、隔离开关安装时,在隔离刀刃及动触头横梁范围内不得有人作
7 During the installation of circuit breaker and disconne
allowed to work within the range of disconnector blade and moving contact
beam. If necessary, the operation can only be carried out after the switch is
reliably locked.

第 17 页
8 室内设备充装六氟化硫气体时,应开启通风系统。严禁用明火加热气瓶
8 When the indoor equipment is filled with sulfur hexafluor
ventilation system shall be opened. It is strictly forbidden to heat cylinders
with open flame.
9 检修六氟化硫断路器时,设各内的六氟化硫气体不得向大气排放,应采
9 D u r i n g m a i n t e n a n c e o f s u l f u r h e x a f l u o
hexafluoride gas in each set shall not be discharged to the atmosphere, bu
shall be recovered by purification device, and can be reused
treated and tested as qualified. When recycling, operators shall stand on the
windward side. When it is necessary to take the adsorbates in the container,
the staff shall wear rubber gloves, goggles and other labor protection articles.
3.2.8 GIS安装应符合下列规定:
3.2.8 GIS installation shall meet the following requirements:
1 室内设备安装时,建筑门窗、孔洞应封堵完成,照明、通风设施良好,
1 During the installation of indoor equipment, the doors, windows and holes
of the building shall be blocked, the lighting and ventilation facilities shall be
good, and the conditions for use shall be met.
2 室外设备安装时,工作区域内应设防风、防尘的围挡,现场应整洁千燥
2 During the installation of outdoor equipment, the working area sh
provided with wind proof and dust-proof enclosures, and the site sh
clean and free of water and polluted gas. Holes and trenches in the area shall
be provided with protective measures and warning signs.
3 预充氮气的箱体应先经排氮,然后充干燥空气,箱体内空气中的氧气含

第 18 页
3 The box pre filled with nitrogen shall be discharged with nitrogen first, and
then filled with dry air. Only when the oxygen content in the air in the box
reaches more than 18% can the installation personnel ente
inspection or installation.
4 室内设备充注六氟化硫气体时,周围环境相对湿度应不大于80%,同时
4 When the indoor equipment is filled with sulfur hexafluor
relative humidity of the surrounding environment shall not be greater th
8 0 % , a n d t h e v e n t i l a t i o n s y s t e m s h a l l b e o
hexafluoride gas from leaking into the working area.
5 GIS充装六氟化硫前应经过真空严密性检查,合格后方可充入,应设专
5 Before filling sulfur hexafluoride into GIS, vacuum tightness insp
shall be carried out, and the GIS can be filled only after it is qualified, and
special personnel shall be assigned to take charge of it.
6 夜间施工时,应有足够的照明,器身内照明应使用24V以下安全电压。
6 During construction at night, there should be enough lighting, and the safe
voltage below 24V should be used for lighting inside the device.
7 GIS气室内部有六氟化硫气体时严禁打开气室。
7 It is forbidden to open the GIS gas chamber whe
hexafluoride gas inside.
8 焊接时,应有防火、防爆、防烧伤、防触电的措施,易燃易爆物品离焊
8 Duri ng welding, measures shall be taken to prevent fi re, explosion, bur
and electric shock. Inflammables and explosives shall be at least 10m away
from welding points.
9 进行六氟化硫充气时,气室应干燥,工作人员应戴手套,严禁用明火加
9 When conducting sulfur hexafluoride inflation, the air chamber sh

第 19 页
dry, the staff shall wear gloves, and it is prohibited to heat the cylinder with
open fire. The air shall be filled slowly and the pressure of the air chamber
shall be monitored by a specially assigned person.
3.3 General provisions for electrical test:
1 电气试验过程中,试验人员不得中途离开。
1 During the electrical test, the tester shall not leave midway.
2 在变电站户外和高压室内搬动梯子、管道等长物,应放倒后搬运,并与
2 When moving long objects such as ladders and pipes outside the substation
and in the high-voltage room, they should be moved after being put down,
and a sufficient safety distance should be kept from the live parts.
3 在临近带电线路处或变电站的带电区域内, 严禁使用金属梯子。
3 It is strictly prohibited to use metal ladders near live lines or in live areas of
4 在带电的电气设备上进行作业或停电作业时,其安全技术措施应按《电
4 When working on live electrical equipment or cutting off power, the safety
technical measures shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions
of El ect ric P ower Safety Wor k Rules - El ectri cal Part of Power Pl ants an
Substations (GB26860-2011).
5 在220kV及以上电压等级运行区域进行下列作业时,应采取防止静电感
5 Safety technical measures shall be taken to prevent electrostatic induction
or electric shock when conducting the following operations in the 220kV and
above voltage level operation area:
1) 攀登构架或设备。
1) Climbing frame or equipment.
2) 传递非绝缘的工具、非绝缘材料。

第 20 页
2) Transfer non insulated tools and materials.
3) 拉临时试验线或其他导线。
3) Pull temporary test wire or other wires.
4) 拆装导线接头。
4) Remove and install the wire connector.
3.4 防腐、防火与防爆应符合下列规定:
3.4 Anti corrosion, fire prevention and explosion preventio
following requirements:
1 酸、碱、易燃易爆等危险物品应专库存放、专人保管,余料应及时归库
1. Dangerous goods such as acids, alkalis, inflammables and explosives shall
be stored in special warehouses and kept by special pers
materials shall be returned to the warehouse in time. It is strictly prohibited to
store corrosive, flammable and explosive materials in offices, tool
rest rooms, dormitories and other places.
2 在易燃、易爆区周围动用明火或进行可能产生火花的作业时,必须办理
2 When using open fire or carrying out operations that may produce sparks
around flammable and explosive areas, a hot work ticket must be obtained
and approved by relevant departments, and corresponding measures must be
3 施工现场应保持通风良好,现场的有毒、有害气体等不得超过国家现行
3 The construction site shall be well ventilated, and the toxic and harm
gases on the site shall not exceed the maximum allowable con
specified in the current national standards.
4 蓄电池室、油区等危险区域应悬挂“严禁烟火”等警示标识,严禁带入

第 21 页
4 Warning signs such as "No Smoking" shall be hung in the battery room, oil
area and other dangerous areas, and no fire shall be brought in.
5 在有爆炸危险的区域内施工,应采用防爆电气设备并接地良好。电源线
5 Explosion proof electrical equipment shall be used and well grounded for
construction in areas with explosion hazards. The power cord should not have
a connector. In special cases, explosion-proof junction box or junction box
shall be used for connection.
6 在有爆炸危险的环境内敷设电源线应采取防爆措施,装设的所有电气设
6 Explosion proof measures shall be taken when laying power lines in
explosive environment, and all electrical equip
7 酸性蓄电池室内照明线路应采用耐酸导线,并采取暗线敷设。检修用的
7 The lighting circuit in the battery room shall be acid resistant wire and laid
with concealed wire. The portable lamp used for maintenance shall be 12V
explosion-proof lamp.
8 进出酸性蓄电池室的电缆、电线,在穿墙处应用耐酸穿管进行保护,并
8 The cables and wires entering and leaving the battery
protected by acid resistant pipe at the place where they pass through the wall,
and the inlet and outlet ports shall be sealed with acid resistant materials.
9 蓄电池室发生火灾时,应立即停止充电,切断所有电源,采用二氧化碳
9 In case of fire in the battery room, the chargin
immediately, all power supplies shall be cut off
extinguisher shall be used to extinguish the fire.
10 蓄电池室及其附近严禁存放易燃易爆物品。在安装过程中应及时清理

第 22 页
10 Inflammables and explosives are strictly prohibited to be stored in
near the battery room. All packages shall be cle

第 23 页

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