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1)Discuss various components of computer hardware and software.

Computer Hardware and Software:


Hardware, which is abbreviated as HW, refers to all physical components of a computer

system, including the devices connected to it. You cannot create a computer or use software

without using hardware. The screen on which you are reading this information is also


Some of the commonly used hardware in your computer are described below:

1) Motherboard:

The motherboard is generally a thin circuit board that holds together almost all parts of a

computer except input and output devices. All crucial hardware like CPU, memory, hard

drive and ports for input and output devices are located on the motherboard. It is the biggest

circuit board in a computer chassis.

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It allocates power to all hardware located on it and enables them to communicate with each

other. It is meant to hold the computer's microprocessor chip and let other components

connect to it. Each component that runs the computer or improves its performance is a part of

the motherboard or connected to it through a slot or port.

There can be different types of motherboards based on the type and size of the computers. So,

a specific motherboard can work only with specific types of processors and memory.

Components of a Motherboard:

CPU Slot: It is provided to install the CPU. It is a link between a microprocessor and a

motherboard. It facilitates the use of CPU and prevents the damage when it is installed or

removed. Furthermore, it is provided with a lock to prevent CPU movement and a heat sink

to dissipate the extra heat.

RAM Slot: It is a memory slot or socket provided in the motherboard to insert or install the

RAM (Random Access Memory). There can be two or more memory slots in a computer.

Expansion Slot: It is also called the bus slot or expansion port. It is a connection or port on

the motherboard, which provides an installation point to connect a hardware expansion card,

for example, you can purchase a video expansion card and install it into the expansion slot
and then can install a new video card in the computer. Some of the common expansion slots

in a computer are AGP, AMR, CNR, PCI, etc.

Capacitor: It is made of two conductive plates, and a thin insulator sandwiched between

them. These parts are wrapped in a plastic container.

Inductor (Coil): It is an electromagnetic coil made of a conducting wire wrapped around an

iron core. It acts as an inductor or electromagnet to store magnetic energy.

Northbridge: It is an integrated circuit that allows communications between the CPU

interface, AGP, and memory. Furthermore, it also allows the southbridge chip to

communicate with the RAM, CPU, and graphics controller.

USB Port: It allows you to connect hardware devices like mouse, keyboard to your


PCI Slot: It stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect slot. It allows you to connect the

PCI devices like modems, network hardware, sound, and video cards.

AGP Slot: It stands for Accelerated Graphics Port. It provides the slot to connect graphics


Heat Sink: It absorbs and disperses the heat generated in the computer processor.

Power Connector: It is designed to supply power to the motherboard.

CMOS battery: It stands for complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor. It is a memory that

stores the BIOS settings such as time, date, and hardware settings.

2) Monitor:

A monitor is the display unit of a computer on which the processed data, such as text, images,

etc., is displayed. It comprises a screen circuity and the case which encloses this circuity. The

monitor is also known as a visual display unit (VDU).

Types of Monitors:

1. CRT Monitor: It has cathode ray tubes which produce images in the form of video

signals. Its main components are electron gun assembly, deflection plate assembly, glass

envelope, fluorescent screen, and base.

2. LCD Monitor: It is a flat panel screen. It uses liquid crystal display technology to

produce images on the screen. Advanced LEDs have thin-film transistors with capacitors and

use active-matrix technology, which allows pixels to retain their charge.

3. LED Monitor: It is an advanced version of an LCD monitor. Unlike an LCD monitor,

which uses cold cathode fluorescent light to backlight the display, it has LED panels, each of

which has lots of LEDs to display the backlight.

4. Plasma Monitor: It uses plasma display technology that allows it to produce high

resolutions of up to 1920 X 1080, wide viewing angle, a high refresh rate, outstanding

contrast ration, and more.

3) Keyboard:

It is the most important input device of a computer. It is designed to allow you input text,

characters, and other commands into a computer, desktop, tablet, etc. It comes with different

sets of keys to enter numbers, characters, and perform various other functions like copy,

paste, delete, enter, etc.

Types of Keyboards:

1. QWERTY Keyboards

2. AZERTY Keyboards

3. DVORAK Keyboards

4) Mouse:

It is a small handheld device designed to control or move the pointer (computer screen's

cursor) in a GUI (graphical user interface). It allows you to point to or select objects on a

computer's display screen. It is generally placed on a flat surface as we need to move it

smoothly to control the pointer. Types of Mouse: Trackball mouse, Mechanical Mouse,

Optical Mouse, Wireless Mouse, etc.

Main functions of a mouse:

o Move the cursor: It is the main function of the mouse; to move the cursor on the


o Open or execute a program: It allows you to open a folder or document and execute a

program. You are required to take the cursor on the folder and double click it to open it.

o Select: It allows you to select text, file, or any other object.

o Hovering: Hovering is an act of moving the mouse cursor over a clickable object.

During hovering over an object, it displays information about the object without pressing any

button of the mouse.

o Scroll: It allows you to scroll up or down while viewing a long webpage or document.

Parts of a mouse:
o Two buttons: A mouse is provided with two buttons for right click and left click.

o Scroll Wheel: A wheel located between the right and left buttons, which is used to

scroll up and down and Zoom in and Zoom out in some applications like AutoCAD.

o Battery: A battery is required in a wireless mouse.

o Motion Detection Assembly: A mouse can have a trackball or an optical sensor to

provide signals to the computer about the motion and location of the mouse.


Software, which is abbreviated as SW or S/W, is a set of programs that enables the hardware

to perform a specific task. All the programs that run the computer are software. The software

can be of three types: system software, application software, and programming software.

1) System Software

The system software is the main software that runs the computer. When you turn on the

computer, it activates the hardware and controls and coordinates their functioning. The

application programs are also controlled by system software. An operating system is an

example of system software.

i) Operating System:

An operating system is the system software that works as an interface to enable the user to

communicate with the computer. It manages and coordinates the functioning of hardware and

software of the computer. The commonly used operating systems are Microsoft

Windows, Linux, and Apple Mac OS X.

Some other examples of system software include:

o BIOS: It stands for basic input output system. It is a type of system software, which is

stored in Read Only Memory (ROM) located on the motherboard. However, in

advanced computer systems, it is stored in flash memory. BIOS is the first software

that gets activated when you turn on your computer system. It loads the drivers of the

hard disk into memory as well as assists the operating system to load itself into the


o Boot Program: Boot refers to starting up a computer. When you switch on the

computer, the commands in the ROM are executed automatically to load the boot

program into memory and execute its instructions. The BIOS program has a basic set

of commands that enables the computer to perform the basic input/output instructions
to start the computer.

o An assembler: It plays the role of a converter as it receives basic computer

instructions and converts them into a pattern of bits. The processor uses these bits to

perform basic operations.

o A device driver: This system software controls hardware devices connected to a

computer. It enables the computer to use the hardware by providing an appropriate

interface. The kernel of a Computer's CPU communicates with different hardware

through this software. Operating systems generally come with most of the device

drivers. If the operating system does not have a device driver for hardware, you have

to install the device driver before using that hardware device.

2) Application Software:

Application software is a set of programs designed to perform a specific task. It does not

control the working of a computer as it is designed for end-users. A computer can run without

application software. Application software can be easily installed or uninstalled as required. It

can be a single program or a collection of small programs. Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe

Photoshop and any other software like payroll software or income tax software are

application software. As we know, they are designed to perform specific tasks. Accordingly,

they can be of different types such as:

o Word Processing Software: This software allows users to create, edit, format, and

manipulate the text and more. It offers lots of options for writing documents, creating

images, and more. For example, MS Word, WordPad, Notepad, etc.

o Spreadsheet Software: It is designed to perform calculations, store data, create

charts, etc. It has rows and columns, and the data is entered in the cell, which is an

intersection of a row and column, e.g., Microsoft Excel.

o Multimedia Software: These software are developed to perform editing of video,

audio, and text. It allows you to combine texts, videos, audio, and images. Thus, you

can improve a text document by adding photos, animations, graphics, and charts

through multimedia software. For example, VLC player, Window Media Player, etc.

o Enterprise Software: These software are developed for business operational

functions. It is used in large organizations where the quantum of business is too large.

It can be used for accounting, billing, order processing and more. For example, CRM
(Customer Relationship Management), BI (Business Intelligence), ERP (Enterprise

Resource Planning), SCM (Supply Chain Management), customer support system,

and more.

3) Programming Software:

It is a set or collection of tools that help developers in writing other software or programs. It

assists them in creating, debugging, and maintaining software or programs or applications.

We can say that these are facilitator software that helps translate programming language such

as Java, C++, Python, etc., into machine language code. So, it is not used by end-users. For

example, compilers, linkers, debuggers, interpreters, text editors, etc. This software is also

called a programming tool or software development tool.

Some examples of programming software include:

o Eclipse: It is a java language editor.

o Coda: It is a programming language editor for Mac.

o Notepad++: It is an open-source editor for windows.

o Sublime text: It is a cross-platform code editor for Linux, Mac, and Windows.

2) How do rearrange in the worksheet in MS Excel and list out

various graphs available in MS Excel
Rearranging the worksheet:
How can I change the order of sheets in my spreadsheet?
You can move a sheet to a different position, click and hold the sheet tab at the bottom of
the screen with the mouse and drag it to its new position.
You can also move sheets (even across different documents) using the menu:
1. Right-click the sheet you want to move and select Move/Copy Sheet... from the popup
menu, or
select Edit → Sheet → Move/Copy from the main menu.
2. Specify the new position of the sheet in the dialog.
You can even move the sheet to a different document that is opened in Calc.
3. Click OK .
How to change the order of the tabs in your spreadsheet.
This is rather easy to do and makes your spreadsheets much easier to follow and
There are two ways to change tab order in Excel, and both are explained below.
Method 1 - Change Order of Tabs
This is the easiest method when you have only a few tabs in the workbook.
1. Left-click and hold the mouse button until you see a little black arrow appear next to
the tab and your mouse pointer should have a small "page" icon under it (this icon
didn't come through on the screenshot below).
2. Then, simply drag the sheet tab to whichever position you want.
You will see the small black arrow move with your mouse to show you where the tab
will be placed.
3. Let go of the mouse button where you want the tab to be placed and that's it.
This is the easiest method when you have only a few sheets in the workbook. If you have
many worksheets, the next method will be easier.
Method 2 - Change Order of Tabs
This method is the best for when you have a lot of tabs in your worksheet.
1. Right-click the tab you want to move and then select the option Move or Copy...
2. On the small window that opens, select the sheet BEFORE WHICH you want the
current worksheet to be moved. If I select Sheet3, then my sheet will be moved in
front of Sheet3.
3. Hit OK and that's it.

Excel provides you different types of charts that suit your purpose. Based on the type
of data, you can create a chart. You can also change the chart type later.
Excel offers the following major chart types −
 Column Chart
 Line Chart
 Pie Chart
 Doughnut Chart
 Bar Chart
 Area Chart
 XY (Scatter) Chart
 Bubble Chart
 Stock Chart
 Surface Chart
 Radar Chart
 Combo Chart
Each of these chart types have sub-types. In this chapter, you will have an overview
of the different chart types and get to know the sub-types for each chart type.
Column Chart
A Column Chart typically displays the categories along the horizontal (category) axis
and values along the vertical (value) axis. To create a column chart, arrange the data
in columns or rows on the worksheet.
A column chart has the following sub-types −
 Clustered Column.
 Stacked Column.
 100% Stacked Column.
 3-D Clustered Column.
 3-D Stacked Column.
 3-D 100% Stacked Column.
 3-D Column.
Line Chart
Line charts can show continuous data over time on an evenly scaled Axis. Therefore,
they are ideal for showing trends in data at equal intervals, such as months, quarters
or years.
In a Line chart −
 Category data is distributed evenly along the horizontal axis.
 Value data is distributed evenly along the vertical axis.
To create a Line chart, arrange the data in columns or rows on the worksheet.
A Line chart has the following sub-types −
 Line
 Stacked Line
 100% Stacked Line
 Line with Markers
 Stacked Line with Markers
 100% Stacked Line with Markers
 3-D Line
Pie Chart
Pie charts show the size of items in one data series, proportional to the sum of the
items. The data points in a pie chart are shown as a percentage of the whole pie. To
create a Pie Chart, arrange the data in one column or row on the worksheet.
A Pie Chart has the following sub-types −
 Pie
 3-D Pie
 Pie of Pie
 Bar of Pie
Doughnut Chart
A Doughnut chart shows the relationship of parts to a whole. It is similar to a Pie
Chart with the only difference that a Doughnut Chart can contain more than one data
series, whereas, a Pie Chart can contain only one data series.
A Doughnut Chart contains rings and each ring representing one data series. To
create a Doughnut Chart, arrange the data in columns or rows on a worksheet.
Bar Chart
Bar Charts illustrate comparisons among individual items. In a Bar Chart, the
categories are organized along the vertical axis and the values are organized along
the horizontal axis. To create a Bar Chart, arrange the data in columns or rows on
the Worksheet.
A Bar Chart has the following sub-types −
 Clustered Bar
 Stacked Bar
 100% Stacked Bar
 3-D Clustered Bar
 3-D Stacked Bar
 3-D 100% Stacked Bar
Area Chart
Area Charts can be used to plot the change over time and draw attention to the total
value across a trend. By showing the sum of the plotted values, an area chart also
shows the relationship of parts to a whole. To create an Area Chart, arrange the data
in columns or rows on the worksheet.
An Area Chart has the following sub-types −
 Area
 Stacked Area
 100% Stacked Area
 3-D Area
 3-D Stacked Area
 3-D 100% Stacked Area
XY (Scatter) Chart
XY (Scatter) charts are typically used for showing and comparing numeric values,
like scientific, statistical, and engineering data.
A Scatter chart has two Value Axes −
 Horizontal (x) Value Axis
 Vertical (y) Value Axis
It combines x and y values into single data points and displays them in irregular
intervals, or clusters. To create a Scatter chart, arrange the data in columns and
rows on the worksheet.
Place the x values in one row or column, and then enter the corresponding y values
in the adjacent rows or columns.
Consider using a Scatter chart when −
 You want to change the scale of the horizontal axis.
 You want to make that axis a logarithmic scale.
 Values for horizontal axis are not evenly spaced.
 There are many data points on the horizontal axis.
 You want to adjust the independent axis scales of a scatter chart to reveal
more information about data that includes pairs or grouped sets of values.
 You want to show similarities between large sets of data instead of
differences between data points.
 You want to compare many data points regardless of the time.
o The more data that you include in a scatter chart, the better the
comparisons you can make.
A Scatter chart has the following sub-types −
 Scatter
 Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers
 Scatter with Smooth Lines
 Scatter with Straight Lines and Markers
 Scatter with Straight Lines
Bubble Chart
A Bubble chart is like a Scatter chart with an additional third column to specify the
size of the bubbles it shows to represent the data points in the data series.
A Bubble chart has the following sub-types −
 Bubble
 Bubble with 3-D effect
Stock Chart
As the name implies, Stock charts can show fluctuations in stock prices. However, a
Stock chart can also be used to show fluctuations in other data, such as daily rainfall
or annual temperatures.
To create a Stock chart, arrange the data in columns or rows in a specific order on
the worksheet. For example, to create a simple high-low-close Stock chart, arrange
your data with High, Low, and Close entered as Column headings, in that order.
A Stock chart has the following sub-types −
 High-Low-Close
 Open-High-Low-Close
 Volume-High-Low-Close
 Volume-Open-High-Low-Close
Surface Chart
A Surface chart is useful when you want to find the optimum combinations between
two sets of data. As in a topographic map, colors and patterns indicate areas that are
in the same range of values.
To create a Surface chart −
 Ensure that both the categories and the data series are numeric values.
 Arrange the data in columns or rows on the worksheet.
A Surface chart has the following sub-types −
 3-D Surface
 Wireframe 3-D Surface
 Contour
 Wireframe Contour
Radar Chart
Radar charts compare the aggregate values of several data series. To create a
Radar chart, arrange the data in columns or rows on the worksheet.
A Radar chart has the following sub-types −
 Radar
 Radar with Markers
 Filled Radar
Combo Chart
Combo charts combine two or more chart types to make the data easy to
understand, especially when the data is widely varied. It is shown with a secondary
axis and is even easier to read. To create a Combo chart, arrange the data in
columns and rows on the worksheet.
A Combo chart has the following sub-types −
 Clustered Column – Line
 Clustered Column – Line on Secondary Axis
 Stacked Area – Clustered Column
 Custom Combination

3)Describe various features of MS Word application software

Features of MS Word
Now let us read more about the features and components of an MS Word doc file in detail.
The image given below shows the different elements and categories which are available in
MS Word doc:
 Home
The Home tab is the default tab in Microsoft Word. It has five groups of related commands;
Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, and Editing. It helps you change document settings like
font size, add bullets, adjust styles, and many other common features. It also helps you
to return to the home section of the document
 Insert
Insert Tab is the second tab in the Ribbon. As the name suggests, it is used to insert or add
extra features to your document. It is commonly used to add tables, pictures, clip art,
page number, etc. The Insert tab has seven groups of related commands; Pages, Tables,
Illustrations, Links, Header & Footer, Text, and Symbols.

 Design
The template or the design in which you want your document to be created can be selected
under the Design tab. Choosing an appropriate tab will enhance the appearance of your
 Page Layout
Under the Page Layout tab comes options like margins, orientation, columns, lines,
indentation, spacing, etc. It is the third tab in the Ribbon. This tab allows you to control the
look and feel of your
document, i.e. you can change the page size, margins, line spacing, indentation,
documentation orientation, etc. The Page Layout tab has five groups of related commands;
Themes, Page Setup, Page Background, Paragraph and Arrange.

 References
This tab is the most useful for those who are creating a thesis or writing books or lengthy
documents. Options like citation, footnote, table of contents, caption, bibliography, etc. can
be found under this tab.
 Review
Spell check, grammar, Thesaurus, word count, language, translation, comments, etc. can all
be tracked under the review tab. This acts as an advantage for those who get their
reviewed on MS Word.
Apart from all the above-mentioned features, the page can be set in different views and
layouts, which can be added and optimised using the View tab on the Word document.
Margins and scales are also available for the benefit of the users.
When compared with MS PowerPoint, MS Word is more of reading while PPT is more of
visual and graphical representation of data.
To know more about Microsoft Windows, visit the linked article.
For Govt exam aspirants, given below are links to the other subjects which are a part of the
competitive exam syllabus

4)Discuss the features of UNIX OS

Features of UNIX Operating System:
Let's discuss the features of UNIX OS one by one in detail.
Multitasking: A UNIX operating system is a multitasking operating system that allows you
to initiate more than one task from the same terminal so that one task is performed as a
foreground and the other task as a background process.
Multi-user: UNIX operating system supports more than one user to access computer
resources like main memory, hard disk, tape drives, etc. Multiple users can log on to the
system from different terminals and run different jobs that share the resources of a
terminal. It deals with the principle of time-sharing. Time-sharing is done by a scheduler that
divides the CPU time into several segments also called a time slice, and each segment is
assigned to each user on a scheduled basis. This time slice is tiny. When this time is expired,
it passes control to the following user on the system. Each user executes their set of
instructions within their time slice.
Portability: This feature makes the UNIX work on different machines and platforms with the
easy transfer of code to any computer system. Since a significant portion of UNIX is written
in C language, and only a tiny portion is coded in assembly language for specific hardware.
File Security and Protection: Being a multi-user system, UNIX makes special consideration
for file and system security. UNIX has different levels of security using assigning username
and password to individual users ensuring the authentication, at the level providing file
permission viz. read, write and execute and lastly file encryption to change the file into an
unreadable format.
Command Structure: UNIX commands are easy to understand and simple to use. Example:
"cp", mv etc. While working in the UNIX environment, the UNIX commands are casesensitive
and are entered in lower case.
Communication: In UNIX, communication is an excellent feature that enables the user to
communicate worldwide. It supports various communication facilities provided using the
write command, mail command, talk command, etc.
Open Source: UNIX operating system is open source it means it is freely available to all and
is a community-based development project.
Accounting: UNIX keeps an account of jobs created by the user. This feature enhances the
system performance in terms of CPU monitoring and disk space checking. It allows you to
keep an account of disk space used by each user, and the disk space can be limited by each
other. You can assign every user a different disk quota. The root user can perform these
accounting tasks using various commands such as quota, df, du, etc.

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