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DOI: 10.1002/mar.



The mitigating effect of matching regulatory focus with

arousal‐inducing stimuli in service failure situations

Gopal Das1 | Rajat Roy2 | Mark T. Spence3

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore,
Bangalore, India Abstract
Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia
Service failures are pivotal touchpoints that can reduce customer satisfaction, en-
Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia
courage negative word‐of‐mouth, and ultimately impact a firm's market share. We
Correspondence advance a novel perspective that after a service failure occurs, matching incidental
Gopal Das, Indian Institute of Management
Bangalore, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore, arousal‐inducing stimuli to one's regulatory orientation can make the negative ex-
Karnataka 560076, India. perience stemming from the service failure less deleterious. In three experiments
Email: gopal.das@iimb.ac.in
(two stock out scenarios and one involving a rude salesperson), after a service
failure, promotion‐focused and prevention‐focused individuals were exposed to high
versus low arousal‐inducing stimuli. Three approaches available to retailers were
used to manipulate arousal levels: background pictures (Study 1), colors (Study 2),
and music (Study 3). When high (low) incidental arousal‐inducing stimuli were pre-
sented to those with a promotion (prevention) focus, this raised satisfaction, loyalty,
and referral for brands compared to when promotion (prevention)‐focused in-
dividuals were exposed to low (high) arousal‐inducing stimuli. Changes in self‐rated
arousal and affect valence levels (arousal and valence levels were measured after
the service failure and then after exposure to the incidental arousal‐inducing stimuli)
mediated the effect on these consumer behaviors. These insights extend theory by
considering the combined effect of regulatory focus and affect. They also have
practical relevance.


arousal, prevention focus, promotion focus, service failure, valence

1 | INTRODUCTION 2007; Kim & Lennon, 2011). Ultimately, service failures have an ad-
verse impact on market share (Anderson, Fitzsimons, & Simester,
Imagine while browsing for a pair of headphones in a retail store, you 2006; Kim & Lennon, 2011).
experience a service failure incidence, such as a stock out situation or Prior research suggests strategies that a retailer can adopt to
a salesperson that ignores your request for product‐related assis- mitigate the negative effects of a service failure. For example, re-
tance. How do you react to these service failure scenarios? Con- tailers can provide financial compensation (Basso & Pizzutti, 2016),
sumers react negatively to service failures (e.g., Bolton & blame the supplier (Anderson et al., 2006), suggest a replacement
Mattila, 2015; Fitzsimons, 2000; Kim & Lennon, 2011; Schaefers & product (Breugelmans, Campo, & Gijsbrechts, 2006), and even im-
Schamari, 2016), the consequences of which can be substantial. prove responses to failures through corporate social responsibility
Service failures have been shown to hurt retailer's brand image, in- (Bolton & Mattila, 2015). However, these research efforts have not
crease expectations of future stock‐outs, reduce customer satisfac- examined changes in the negative affective state that is likely to be
tion, increase the probability that the shopper will switch to a triggered by a service failure. Highly charged negative emotional
competitor, and encourage negative word‐of‐mouth (Gaur & Park, states can motivate retaliatory responses from consumers (Schaefers

Psychology & Marketing. 2020;1–13. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/mar © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC | 1

2 | DAS ET AL.

& Schamari, 2016). Building on existing research of consumer moti- The regulatory focus literature has examined a wide range of
vation and affect regulation (Andrade, 2005; Di Muro & Murray, stimuli (such as product feature and message framing) to induce fit, a
2012; Gross, 1998), the present study proposes a novel way to “feeling right” experience (Chernev, 2004; Higgins et al., 2003; Lee &
dampen the adverse reactions one is likely to have from a service Aaker, 2004; Roy & Ng, 2012). The current research proposes an
failure; specifically, by matching consumer motivations (namely, their additional way of inducing fit, that is, by matching one's regulatory
regulatory focus orientation) with incidental arousal‐inducing stimuli. orientation with incidental arousal‐inducing stimuli. Considering the
Higgins (1997) proposed that self‐regulation involves two sepa- moderating effect of incidental arousing‐inducing stimuli on the
rate systems, a promotion system and prevention system. Promotion‐ regulatory focus orientations, consumer behavior link has not pre-
focused individuals emphasize needs for advancement while pursuing viously been considered, despite research showing that arousal levels
goals and deploy eagerness strategies to regulate their behavior. In can affect shopping experiences (Di Muro & Murray, 2012; Fedor-
contrast, prevention‐focused people incline toward security needs ikhin & Patrick, 2010), and this influence can be independent of mood
and deploy vigilance strategies to regulate their behavior. In situa- (Kim, Park, & Schwarz, 2010). Further, the two mediators studied in
tions when an individual's strategy of goal pursuit (eagerness vs. this research (i.e., changes in the levels of arousal and valence mea-
vigilance) fits with their regulatory focus (promotion focus vs. pre- sured after the service failure and then after exposure to the arousal‐
vention focus), they experience regulatory fit, a “feeling right” (Hig- inducing stimuli) provide a nuanced understanding of how consumers
gins, Idson, Freitas, Spiegel, & Molden, 2003; Lee & Aaker, 2004). react to service failures given different arousing‐inducing stimuli that
Prior research shows that regulatory fit influences consumers' eva- retailers can use to lessen the negative consequences.
luations and judgments in a variety of domains, including product and In sum, the current research studies the effect of matching one's
shopping decisions (Avnet & Higgins, 2003), social policies (Cesario, regulatory orientation with incidental arousal‐inducing stimuli after a
Grant, & Higgins, 2004), health‐related issues (Rothman, Bartels, service failure and shows that doing so can dampen the negative
Wlaschin, & Salovey, 2006), and reactions to advertisements (Pierro effects on satisfaction, loyalty, and referrals. Three studies test three
et al., 2013). For example, in a product persuasion context, matching different means to affect arousal and valence levels. The stimuli used
promotion (prevention) focus with information type (concrete vs. can be easily engaged by managers as part of retail atmospherics. To
abstract) enhanced persuasion (Avnet & Higgins, 2003). The current achieve fit, some product or service contexts can induce a specific
study broadens our understanding of factors driving a fit effect—in regulatory orientation. For example, a designer garment shop or
this case—matching a specific regulatory focus with high versus low luxury car showroom are likely to induce a promotion focus, while a
arousal‐inducing stimuli that is incidental to a service failure school uniform shop or hardware store are more likely to induce a
experience. prevention focus. Prior research has also argued that managers can
Prior research examining how consumers react to the adverse infer a consumer's regulatory focus orientation from their customer
emotions stemming from service failures is equivocal. For example, relationship management data (Das, 2016). Findings therefore pro-
Smith and Bolton (2002) found that consumers who react to vide practically relevant solutions to deal with service failures. The
service failures with negative emotions may be less satisfied with approaches advanced here have not been theoretically proposed and
service failure/recovery encounters; however, the adverse impact of empirically tested before. Therefore, the contribution of this study is
negative emotions were contingent on service type (e.g., significant twofold. First, the results of this study advance service failure lit-
for hotels but not for restaurants). Andreassen (2000) reports a erature (e.g., Bolton & Mattila, 2015; Schaefers & Schamari, 2016) by
nonsignificant impact of negative emotions on service recovery showing that differences in consumer motivations can play an im-
across a range of services (e.g., fast food, banks, and car dealers). Past portant role in mitigating service failure impacts. Second, the results
research reports that in the context of hotels and internet service of this study contribute to regulatory focus literature (e.g., Higgins
providers, certain interventions (e.g., apology compared to financial et al., 2003; Lee & Aaker, 2004) by showing that matching consumer
compensation) are more effective at reducing adverse reactions motivation with arousal‐inducing stimuli mitigates the negative
(Basso & Pizzutti, 2016). Missing from the current discourse is how consequences of service failures. Further, the service failure and
differences in consumers regulatory orientation affect reactions to consumer motivation literature have been extended by showing that
service failures, such as their satisfaction levels. This study effort changes in self‐rated arousal and valence levels (preincidental vs.
demonstrates that matching promotion (prevention)‐focused in- postincidental arousal‐inducing stimuli) mediated this effect. The
dividuals with high (low) arousal‐inducing stimuli dampens the ne- mediating role of consumer affect has not been studied by prior
gative affective state stemming from the service failure incident; this research in service failure and regulatory focus literature. From a
is shown across three different service failure contexts. The arousal‐ practical standpoint, we broaden the number of ways retailers can
inducing stimuli used pictures, colors, and music, which are simple yet address service failures.
effective techniques that can be added to the existing portfolio of In the next section, we review literature pertaining to arousal,
strategies used by retailers to deal with service failures, such as affect, and regulatory focus. These research streams are then in-
apologies, financial compensation, and replacing the product (Basso & tegrated to advance five hypotheses. Three laboratory experiments
Pizzutti, 2016; Breugelmans et al., 2006). We therefore broaden the are then presented to test the hypotheses. Studies 1 and 2 examine
toolkit available to retailers to address service failures. reactions to a core service failure—a stock out situation. Stock out
DAS ET AL. | 3

situations are the most frequently occurring service failures and advertising images (Chowdhury, Douglas Olsen, & Pracejus, 2008)
(Breugelmans et al., 2006). Study 3 examines a procedural service can all influence arousal levels in a shopping environment.
failure—reactions to an impolite salesperson. Incidental arousal‐ Researchers have reported beneficial effects of high levels of
inducing stimuli are manipulated using means readily available to pleasure and arousal in shopping environments. For example, studies
retailers, namely background pictures (Study 1), colors (Study 2), and have shown that high levels of pleasure and arousal in the retail
music (Study 3). Then, we discuss our major findings, implications for environment enhance approach behaviors like the desire to shop
theory and practice, and finally limitations and directions for future (Eroglu, Machleit, & Davis, 2003; Menon & Kahn, 2002), purchase
research. intentions (Babin & Babin, 2001; Fiore, Jin, & Kim, 2005), and sa-
tisfaction (Eroglu et al., 2003). Similarly, arousal induced by ambient
perfume or color can influence brand attitude and payment decisions
2 | A R O U S A L LE VE L A S A CO M P O N E N T O F (Bagchi & Cheema, 2013; Madzharov, Block, & Morrin, 2015).
AF FECT IVE EXPERIENCES Recent evidence shows that consumer motivations interact with
arousal levels to affect consumer decisions, albeit the studies considered
Two fundamental components of an affective experience are valence motivations different than regulatory orientation (Kaltcheva &
and arousal. Psychologists argue that valence can range from feeling Weitz, 2006). For example, high arousal increases intention to visit a shop
pleasant to unpleasant, while arousal can range from feeling quiet to when consumers have a recreation motivation. On the other hand, high
active (Di Muro & Murray, 2012; Kuppens, Tuerlinckx, Russell, & arousal has a negative impact on shopping behavior for task‐oriented
Barrett, 2013). Arousal is described as an affective dimension ranging consumers (Kaltcheva & Weitz, 2006). A number of studies argue that
from sleepy to frantic excitement and is often measured through arousal itself has a motivating influence (Andrade, 2005; Kim et al., 2010;
individual self‐report (Mehrabian & Russell, 1974). Supporting this Raghunathan, Pham, & Corfman, 2006). For example, Kim et al. (2010)
viewpoint, recent evidence describes arousal as a subjective experi- show that arousal level can influence product choices, while controlling
ence of energy mobilization (Di Muro & Murray, 2012; Kaltcheva & for affect. The current study considers the moderating effect of arousal‐
Weitz, 2006). This is in contrast to objective arousal which has been inducing stimuli on the regulatory orientation → consumer behavior link,
defined as the release of energy collected in the tissues, and when starting with the assumption that the two different regulatory orienta-
viewed this way, is measured using pulse rate and systolic blood tions have a natural inclination toward different arousal levels. The va-
pressure (Di Muro & Murray, 2012). For the current study, we em- lence of the arousal‐inducing stimuli will be held constant. Past evidence
brace subjective arousal. shows that arousal levels are affected by one's personality as well as the
Arousal can be subjectively experienced as both activating (e.g., situation (Kuppens et al., 2012; Noseworthy et al., 2014).
fast music) and deactivating (e.g., soothing music) by stimuli in the
environment (Noseworthy, Di Muro, & Murray, 2014). Both valence
and arousal dimensions of affective experiences have implications for 4 | RE GU LAT O RY F O CUS AND AROUSAL ‐
judgment and decision making (Kuppens, Champagne, & Tuer- TYPE INTERACTION
linckx, 2012; Kuppens et al., 2013). According to scholars, arousal
covaries positively with valence, such that people in high arousal Regulatory focus theory proposes that people approach their goals
states demonstrate a general preference for positive affect (Andrade, from two orthogonal motivational orientations—promotion or pre-
2005; Kim et al., 2010). Kuppens et al. (2013) posit that as arousal vention (Higgins, 1997). Promotion‐focused individuals are con-
changes from low to high, the accompanying level of affect also in- cerned with growth and advancement and are sensitive to gains and
creases. While arousal is a critical component of affect, prior research nongains in decision making, whereas prevention‐focused individuals
shows that its impact on consumers' evaluations can be independent are concerned with responsibility and security needs in their lives
of an individual's mood (Fedorikhin & Patrick, 2010; Gorn, Pham, & and thus respond to losses and nonlosses (Higgins, 2002; Pham &
Sin, 2001). Avnet, 2004). If one is promotion (prevention)‐oriented, they are
naturally inclined to pursue their ideal state of gains (vs. avoiding
losses). Past research shows that when those with a promotion
3 | SH OPPIN G SITU ATIONS AFFE CT (prevention) focus achieve their desired ideal states, they experience
AROUSA L LEVE LS emotions like cheerfulness (vs. calmness; Baas, De Dreu, & Nijstad,
2008; Higgins, 1997, 1998). Both cheerfulness and calmness have
According to Mehrabian and Russell's (1974) seminal paper on positive valence but differ in their level of arousal, with cheerfulness
stimulus–organism–response paradigm, consumers are exposed and being a relatively more aroused state (Kim et al., 2010). Thus, we
react to everyday physical shopping environment stimuli, such as color, advance that those with a promotion focus have a natural inclination
sound, temperature, and texture. These stimuli influence internal states to prefer more aroused states relative to prevention‐focused in-
such as pleasure and arousal. Cues like warm colors (Kueller & dividuals. Given that service failures are unwanted and often highly
Mikellides, 1993; Valdez & Mehrabian, 1994), fast tempo music charged—hence the negative consequences such as lower satisfac-
(Holbrook & Gardner, 1993), ambient scent (Di Muro & Murray, 2012), tion mentioned previously—we argue that incorporating in retail
4 | DAS ET AL.

atmospherics arousal‐inducing stimuli consistent with one's natural toward a more positive valence state; and (b) a state of high
arousal inclination can dampen the adverse reactions, thus leading to arousal that matches their regulatory orientation.
relatively higher levels of satisfaction, loyalty and referrals. It is
therefore hypothesized that: H4. In response to low (vs. high) arousal‐inducing stimuli (valence held
constant), prevention‐focused individuals initial level of valence
H1. In response to retail service failure, a promotion‐focused orientation and arousal resulting from the service failure experience will
combined with a high incidental arousal‐inducing stimulus (vs. low change, such that (a) prevention‐focused individuals will move
arousal‐inducing stimulus) will lead to relatively higher levels of (a) toward a more positive valence state; and (b) a state of low
satisfaction, (b) loyalty, and (c) referral for retailers. arousal that matches their regulatory orientation.

H2. In response to retail service failure, a prevention‐focused orientation H5a. Changes in arousal levels will mediate the relationship between one's
combined with low incidental arousal‐inducing stimulus (vs. high regulatory focus orientation and satisfaction, loyalty, and referrals.
arousal‐inducing stimulus) will lead to relatively higher levels of (a)
satisfaction, (b) loyalty, and (c) referral for retailers. H5b. Changes in valence levels will mediate the relationship between one's
regulatory focus orientation and satisfaction, loyalty, and referrals.
Service failures are likely to lead to a deviation from one's ideal
state for both promotion‐ and prevention‐focused individuals, hence The above hypotheses are tested with three laboratory experi-
resulting in a negatively charged, aroused state. Promotion and ments conducted across different service failure scenarios with dif-
prevention individuals' preferences after incidences of service failure ferent arousal‐inducing stimuli.
would be to return to their natural arousal state (Scholer & Higgins,
2013), and possibly make attitudinal adjustments in response to this
aversive arousal state (Raju & Unnava, 2006). We propose that ex- 5 | STUDY 1
posure to incidental high versus low arousal stimuli provides an op-
portunity for promotion‐focused individuals to move toward an Study 1 uses a stock out scenario to test H1 and H2. Stock‐outs have
arousal state they naturally prefer, that is, excitement (positively been shown to hurt retailers' brand image, increase expectations of
valence, high arousal) versus calmness (positively valence, low future stock‐outs, reduce customer satisfaction, increase the prob-
arousal), the latter of which would be preferred by those with a ability that the shopper will switch to a competitor, and reduce po-
prevention focus. To achieve this, both promotion‐ and prevention‐ sitive word‐of‐mouth (Fitzsimons, 2000; Gaur & Park, 2007; Kim &
focused individuals would need to move away from the negative Lennon, 2011; Schary & Christopher, 1979).
affective state caused by the service failure to a relatively more
positive affective state, while retaining their general preference for
high and low arousal level. This follows from the affect literature that 5.1 | Participants and design
a change in arousal level is normally accompanied by change in affect
level (Kuppens et al., 2013). It is therefore expected that matching Two hundred students from a large university (43% females; Mage =
one's regulatory focus with different levels of incidental arousal‐ 24 years) participated in Study 1 in exchange for partial course
inducing stimuli (holding the valence of the stimuli constant) will credit. Participants were randomly allocated to four conditions in a 2
trigger a change in both valence and arousal, which, in turn, will (regulatory focus: promotion vs. prevention) × 2 (arousal‐inducing
dampen the discomfort arising from the service failure. This is con- stimuli: high vs. low) between‐subjects design.
sistent with findings pertaining to regulatory fit. Fit has been shown Upon arrival at the laboratory, each participant was allocated a
to encourage positive attitudes and behaviors, even in response to cubicle equipped with a personal computer. Participants were then
negative events (Roy & Chatterjee, 2011); and that the effect of fit on informed that they will take part in two ostensibly unrelated studies.
consumers' evaluations and judgments is mediated by a feeling right The first study was related to the regulation focus manipulation,
experience (Lee & Aaker, 2004)—albeit both studies used message which was based on the procedure used by Pham and Avnet (2004).
framing to induce fit. In our case, we expect that changes in arousal Participants were primed with one of two regulatory focus manip-
and valence levels (pre‐ vs. post‐arousal‐inducing stimulus) will ulations. To stimulate a promotion focus, participants were asked to
mediate the interactive effects of regulatory orientation and arousal‐ think about their “current hopes and aspirations,” and after doing so,
inducing stimuli on consumer responses, namely satisfaction, loyalty, to write down two of them. In the prevention‐focus condition, par-
and referrals. Based on the above we propose: ticipants were asked to think about their “duties, obligations, and
responsibilities,” and then to write down two of them. After the
H3. In response to high (vs. low) arousal‐inducing stimuli (valence held prime, participants answered a manipulation check question used in
constant), promotion‐focused individuals initial level of valence prior research (Chatterjee, Roy, & Malshe, 2011; Keller, 2006): What
and arousal resulting from the service failure experience will is more important for you to do? Responses were provided on a 1
change, such that (a) promotion‐focused individuals will move (“something I ought to”) to 7 (“something I want to”) scale.
DAS ET AL. | 5

Next, participants were told that they would be completing an influence affect valence (M LA = 5.72 vs. MHA = 5.78, F[1,
unrelated study about online shopping. Participants were asked to 196] = 0.08; p = .78). Similarly, the manipulation of regulatory
imagine themselves shopping online for a pair of headphones from a focus resulted in significant differences between the promotion
fictitious company called “ABC” retailer. The store was given a fic- and prevention conditions (Mprom = 5.54 vs. M prev = 2.95, F[1,
titious name to remove the possibility of past experiences with the 196] = 200.31; p < .001) but did not influence valence (p > .05).
store, which can temper transaction‐specific reactions (Smith & Further, none of the manipulation check items was influenced by
Bolton, 2002). The scenario indicated that after browsing for a few the two‐way interaction between the independent variables
minutes, they found a pair of headphones they liked. However, when (all p's > .5).
they clicked to add the chosen headphones to the online shopping MANOVA was also used to test our key hypotheses. Findings
cart, they got a stock out message informing them that the pair was show that arousal manipulation has a significant effect on satisfaction
currently unavailable. (MLA = 4.23 vs. MHA = 4.73, F[1, 198] = 10.76; p < .001), loyalty
To manipulate incidental arousal levels (high vs. low), different (MLA = 4.04 vs. MHA = 4.52, F[1, 198] = 6.21; p < .05), and referral
background images were used to display the stock out messages. (MLA = 3.90 vs. MHA = 4.26, F[1, 198] = 4.67; p < .05). We also found
International Affective Picture System (IAPS) images were used (see that regulatory focus has a main effect on satisfaction (Mprev = 4.18
Appendix). Two pictures were drawn from the IAPS that were mat- vs. Mprom = 4.78, F[1, 198] = 15.49; p < .001), loyalty (Mprev = 3.99 vs.
ched in valence but differed significantly in arousal level, based on Mprom = 4.57, F[1, 198] = 9.07; p < .05), and referral (Mprev = 3.89;
the IAPS ratings (Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert, 1999). Consistent with Mprom = 4.27, F[1, 198] = 5.20; p < .05).
prior research, the respective pictures were presented to the parti- More importantly, findings support a significant interaction be-
cipants for 6 s (Noseworthy et al., 2014). After this, participants re- tween regulatory focus and arousal‐inducing stimuli on the key de-
ported their satisfaction (“How satisfied are you with your shopping pendent variables (DVs): satisfaction (F [1, 196] = 342.11; p < .001),
experience at the retail store?”), loyalty (“How likely are you to shop loyalty (F[1, 196] = 163.20; p < .001), and referral (F[1,196] = 210.85;
at the retail store the next time you want to purchase earphones?”), p < .001). The means for the DVs appear in Table 1. Follow‐up con-
and referral (“How likely are you to refer the retail store to a friend or trast analyses supported the hypotheses for satisfaction (Mprom_-
colleague?”; Reichheld, 2003). Each response variable was measured high = 6.44 vs. Mprom_low = 3.15, t[193] = 14.95; p < .001;
with single item on a 9‐point scale ranging from 1 = “Not at All Mprev_low = 5.34 vs. Mprev_high = 3.02, t[193]= −10.71; p < .001), loyalty
Satisfied/Likely” to 9 = “Extremely Satisfied/Likely” (Bergkvist & (Mprom_high = 6.04 vs. Mprom_low = 3.66, t[193] = 10.76; p < .001;
Rossiter, 2007; Drolet & Morrison, 2001). Finally, as a manipulation Mprev_low = 4.98 vs. Mprev_high = 3.00, t[193] = −7.27; p < .001), and re-
check, participants completed the Affect Grid (Russel, Weiss, & ferral (Mprom_high = 5.66 vs. Mprom_low = 2.89, t[193] = 11.48; p < .001;
Mendelsohn, 1989). The 9 × 9 Affect Grid is a widely used graphical Mprev_low = 4.92 vs. Mprev_high = 2.86, t[193] = −8.68; p < .001). These
instrument that simultaneously measures valence (horizontal axis) results therefore support H1 and H2.
and arousal (vertical axis) with the endpoints 1 (low) and 9 (high) on
each dimension.
5.3 | Discussion

5.2 | Results Results from Study 1 support the hypotheses that after a service
failure, there will be higher levels of satisfaction, loyalty, and referrals
To verify that the manipulations were successful, we subjected when promotion (prevention)‐focused individuals are matched with
arousal level, valence, and the regulatory focus manipulation high (low) arousal‐inducing stimuli relative to low (high) arousal sti-
checks to a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The muli. The induced regulatory fit thus helps to counteract negative
regulatory focus and arousal stimuli used served as the in- consumer responses to a stock out situation. In the next study, we
dependent variables. Findings show that as expected, IAPS ima- replicate this effect, albeit using a different product category and
ges produced a significant difference between arousal levels different arousal manipulation. In addition, we introduce a control
(M LA = 4.69 vs. M HA = 6.11, F[1, 196] = 66.82; p < .001), but did not condition for the arousal variable.

T A B L E 1 Dependent variables as a
Promotion Prevention
function of regulatory focus and arousal‐ Regulatory focus
inducing stimuli DV/arousal Low arousal High arousal Low arousal High arousal

Satisfaction 3.15 (1.08) 6.44 (1.26) 5.34 (1.06) 3.02 (0.89)

Loyalty 3.66 (1.07) 6.04 (1.41) 4.98 (1.52) 3.0 (1.38)

Referral 2.89 (1.0) 5.66 (1.39) 4.92 (1.34) 2.86 (0.93)

Note: Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations.

6 | DAS ET AL.

6 | STUDY 2 promotion and prevention‐oriented conditions (Mprom = 5.35 vs.

Mprev = 3.14, F[1, 294] = 220.98; p < .001), but did not influence va-
In Study 2, incidental arousal was manipulated through different lence (p > .05). Finally, manipulation checks for regulatory focus and
background colors. In this case, a blue background was used to en- arousal were not affected by the two‐way interaction between the
courage low levels of arousal and red for high levels of arousal independent variables (all p's > .05).
(Bagchi & Cheema, 2013). A white background was also included to
establish a baseline condition against which the effect of arousal‐
inducing colors can be estimated. Color is a simple and practical 6.3 | Hypotheses tests
means by which a retailer can influence a consumer's arousal state
(Gorn, Chattopadhyay, Yi, & Dahl, 1997), both on‐ and off‐line. This Hypotheses were tested using MANOVA with the three DVs and
study also used a stock out scenario, albeit for a different product manipulated regulatory focus and arousal‐inducing stimuli as the
category—mobile phones. independent variables. The main effects of regulatory focus on sa-
tisfaction (F[1, 294] = 7.30; p < .05), loyalty (F[1, 294] = 4.54; p < .05),
and referral (F[1, 294] = 10.44; p < .05) are significant. The main ef-
6.1 | Participants and design fects of arousal on satisfaction (F[1, 294] = 34.36; p < .001), loyalty
(F[1, 294] = 31.26; p < .001), and referral (F[1, 294] = 13.63; p < .001)
Three hundred participants (45% females; Mage = 23 years) from a are also significant.
large university participated in Study 2 in exchange for partial course Results of MANOVA found that the interaction between reg-
credit. They were randomly allocated within a 2 (regulatory focus: ulatory focus and the arousal manipulation had a significant effect on
promotion vs. prevention) × 3 color (white vs. red vs. blue) between‐ satisfaction (F[2, 294] = 133.84; p < .001). Promotion‐focused in-
subjects full‐factorial design. dividuals provided higher satisfaction ratings in the high vs. low
Upon arrival, each participant was allocated in a small cubicle arousal condition (Mpromo_red = 6.10 vs. Mpromo_blue = 3.0, t
equipped with a personal computer. Participants were asked to [294] = 13.43; p < .001), and the high over the white control condition
participate in two ostensibly unrelated studies. The study followed (Mpromo_red = 6.10 vs. Mpromo_white = 3.16, t[294] = 12.73; p < .001). No
the same regulatory focus priming procedure as in Study 1, followed significant difference was observed between the low and control
by the same manipulation check. Next, participants were told that condition (Mpromo_blue = 3.0 vs. Mpromo_white = 3.16). In the case of
they would be completing an unrelated study about the purchase of a prevention‐focused individuals, satisfaction ratings were higher in
mobile phone from “ABC” retailer. They were asked to imagine that low compared to the high arousal condition (Mprev_blue = 5.10 vs.
they were browsing at an online store for a mobile phone. After Mprev_red = 2.9, t[294] = −9.53; p < .001), and also for the low over the
browsing for a few minutes, they could select a mobile phone they white control condition (Mprev_blue = 5.10 vs. Mprev_white = 3.18, t
liked. While they were browsing, depending on their treatment [294] = 8.31; p < .001). No significant difference was observed be-
condition (i.e., white, red, or blue), the mobile phones appeared on a tween the high and control condition (Mprev_red = 2.9 vs.
different background colors. When they clicked to add the chosen Mprev_white = 3.18).
mobile phone to their shopping cart, they got a stock out message Similar results were obtained for the DV loyalty (F[2,
informing them that the phone was currently unavailable. Then, 294] = 103.86; p < .001). Promotion‐focused individuals provided
participants reported their satisfaction, loyalty, and referral using the higher ratings in the high over low arousal condition (Mpromo_red =
same scales from Study 1. Finally, like Study 1, participants reported 5.68 vs. Mpromo_blue = 2.68, t[294] = 12.58; p < .001), and high over the
their valence and arousal levels on the Affect Grid (Russel control condition (Mpromo_red = 5.68 vs. Mpromo_white = 2.88, t
et al., 1989). [294] = 11.74; p < .001), but not between the low and control condi-
tions (Mpromo_blue = 2.68 vs. Mpromo_white = 2.88). For prevention‐
focused individuals, loyalty measures were higher for low over high
6.2 | Manipulation checks arousal (Mprev_blue = 4.62 vs. Mprev_red = 2.8, t[294] = −7.63; p < .001)
and low over control (Mprev_blue = 4.62 vs. Mprev_white = 2.94, t
MANOVA was used to check arousal, valence, and regulatory focus, [294] = 7.05; p < .001) conditions, but there was not a significant
with the regulatory focus manipulation and color type as the in- difference between the high and control conditions (Mprev_red = 2.8 vs.
dependent variables. First, color influenced arousal level only (F[1, Mprev_white = 2.94).
294] = 10.87; p < .001); it did not influence valence (p > .05). Pairwise The interaction between regulatory focus and the arousal ma-
comparison showed significant differences across colors. There were nipulation for referral was also significant (F[2, 294] = 52.54;
significant differences between blue and red (Mblue = 3.53, vs. p < .001). Promotion‐focused individuals provided higher ratings in
Mred = 5.05, t[297] = −5.19; p < .001), red and white (Mred = 5.05 vs. the high over low arousal (Mpromo_red = 5.08 vs. Mpromo_blue = 2.8, t
Mwhite = 4.16, t[297] = 3.04; p < .01), and blue and white (Mblue = 3.53 [294] = 8.73; p < .001) and high over the control conditions (Mpro-
vs. Mwhite = 4.16, t[297] = −2.15; p < .05). Further, the regulatory focus mo_red = 5.08 vs. Mpromo_white = 2.94, t[294] = 8.20; p < .001), but did
manipulation produced the expected differences between the not discriminate between low and control (Mpromo_blue = 2.8 vs.
DAS ET AL. | 7

Mpromo_white = 2.94). On the other hand, prevention‐focused in- 7 | STUDY 3

dividuals once again preferred the low over high (Mprev_blue = 4.02 vs.
Mprev_red = 2.56, t[294] = −5.59; p < .001) and low over control Study 3 examines H3, H4, H5a, and H5b, while trying to lend further
(Mprev_blue = 4.02 vs. Mprev_white = 2.78, t[294] = 4.75; p < .001), but did support for H1 and H2. Once again, the same regulatory focus ma-
not report significant differences between high and control nipulation was used as in Studies 1 and 2. However, this time around,
(Mprev_red = 2.56 vs. Mprev_white = 2.78). Table 2 reports the cell means. we manipulated arousal using music (high arousal vs. low arousal
music). Prior literature show that music has both arousal and valence
properties and it affects consumer behavior (Kim et al., 2010;
6.4 | Discussion Thompson, Schellenberg, & Husain, 2001). Impacts of music have
been evidenced in the practical contexts also. For example, Milliman
Results from our second experiment provided a more rigorous (1986) demonstrated that low (vs. high) arousal music led to higher
test of H1 and H2 by using a different product category and payments in a retail and beverage outlet. Based on the findings from
including a control condition. Once again, in support of H1 Study 2, we also dropped the control condition. Finally, Study 3
and H2, findings show that promotion‐focused individuals re- controls for mood and involvement (Roy & Ng, 2012; Wang &
ported higher satisfaction, loyalty, and referral when they were Lee, 2006).
exposed to the high versus low arousal‐inducing stimulus. They
also reported higher means on the three DVs when the high
arousal condition was compared to the control condition. 7.1 | Pretest
Promotion‐focused individuals did not distinguish between low
arousal and the control condition. As arousal‐inducing stimuli, two Bollywood music selections used by
On the other hand, prevention‐focused individuals reported Das and Hagtvedt (2016) were used for the arousal manipulation. To
higher satisfaction, loyalty, and referral in response to low over confirm that these were appropriate, these were tested on a sample
high arousal stimuli as well as for the low compared to the control that did not participate in the main study (n = 40, females = 50%;
condition. Mirroring their counterpart, they did not distinguish Mage = 21.26). “Subha Hone Na De” from the Bollywood movie Desi
between the high arousal and control condition. Based on our Boyz was selected as the high arousal music and “Jhuki Jhuki Si Na-
findings, regulatory focus appears to act like a filter, yielding zar” performed by Jagjit Singh was selected as the low arousal music.
benefits from arousal‐inducing stimuli, that is, consistent with the Analysis of variance (ANOVA) results revealed an expected main
arousal level that naturally aligns with their regulatory orienta- effect on arousal levels (MHA = 6.85 vs. MLA = 3.25, F[1, 38] = 48.14;
tion. While an entirely different stimulus was used (background p < .001), but not on valence (M = 5.20 vs. M = 5.10, F[1, 38] = 0.08;
color vs. message framing), these findings bear similarity to the p = .78). Thus, the arousal manipulation (high vs. low) pretest for
regulatory fit literature (Lee & Aaker, 2004; Wang & Lee, 2006). music was successful.
Further, there was no difference in the DVs in the “nonfitting”
stimuli (e.g., between low arousal and control stimuli for
promotion‐focused individuals). 7.2 | Participants and design
A few limitations may be noted for this study. There is some
evidence that the regulatory focus effect on product decisions can be A total of 180 participants (45% females; Mage = 22.8 years) from a
influenced by involvement (Wang & Lee, 2006), although other stu- large university participated in Study 3. Subjects were randomly al-
dies report that “fit effects” are independent of mood and involve- located to a 2 (regulatory focus: promotion vs. prevention) × 2
ment (Motyka, Puccinelli, Grewal, & Andrzejewski, 2014; Roy & (arousal‐inducing stimuli: high arousal vs. low arousal music)
Ng, 2012). Nevertheless, both mood and involvement are controlled between‐subjects design. A pen of ~$0.75 was given to each parti-
for in Study 3. cipant to encourage participation.

T A B L E 2 DVs as a function of regulatory

Promotion focus Prevention focus
focus and arousal‐inducing stimuli
Low High Low High
DV arousal arousal Control arousal arousal Control

Satisfaction 3.0 (0.73) 6.1 (0.91) 3.16 (1.2) 5.1 (1.33) 2.9 (1.47) 3.18 (1.12)

Referral 2.68 (1.04) 5.68 (1.2) 2.88 (1.1) 4.62 (1.67) 2.8 (0.88) 2.94 (1.09)

Loyalty 2.8 (1.01) 5.08 (1.39) 2.94 (1.28) 4.02 (1.61) 2.56 (1.19) 2.78 (1.25)

Note: Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations.

Abbreviation: DV, dependent variable.
8 | DAS ET AL.

On arrival in the laboratory, participants were informed that midpoint. Results showed that subjects considered the salesperson to
they were taking part in several ostensibly unrelated studies. The be disrespectful (M = 2.15, t[179] = −44.7; p < 0.001) and non-
“first study” comprised the regulatory focus manipulation used in responsive (M = 3.84, t[179] = −8.72; p < .001).
Studies 1 and 2. Following the regulatory focus manipulation, parti- To assess the relevance of the control variables mood and in-
cipants were told to complete an unrelated study about a shopping volvement, a 2 (regulatory focus) × 2 (arousal manipulation) MAN-
incident. Participants were asked to imagine themselves shopping for OVA was used. Regulatory focus did not have a significant effect on
clothing in a fictitious shop “ABC” located inside a shopping mall. The mood (F[1, 176] = 0.61; p = .43) or involvement (F[1, 176] = 0.00;
scenario described a situation in which the shopper requested for p = 1.0). Similarly, arousal did not have a significant influence on
help to access a product on the shelf, which she/he could not reach. mood (F[1, 176] = 1.31; p = .25) or involvement (F[1, 176] = 0.87;
Despite acknowledging the customer's request for help, the sales- p = .35). Finally, the interaction between regulatory focus and arousal
person chose to ignore the customer and continued talking to their condition did not influence mood (F[1, 176] = 0.05; p = .82) or in-
colleague (see Appendix; scenario adapted from Madzharov volvement (F[1, 176] = 0.00; p = 1.0). Given these findings, the control
et al., 2015). Then, participants' perceptions regarding the sales- variables were dropped from further analyses.
person's impolite behavior were elicited by asking two questions,
“The salesperson was respectful” and “The salesperson was re-
sponsive” (1 = strongly disagree and 9 = strongly agree). They then 7.4 | Hypotheses tests
reported both their arousal and valence levels using the Affect Grid
(Russel et al., 1989). A MANOVA was used to test H1 and H2. Findings supported a sig-
After this, subjects were introduced to the music manipulation. nificant interaction between regulatory focus and the arousal‐
Subjects were asked to rate different types of music as part of a inducing music on the key DVs: satisfaction (F[1, 176] = 129.46;
separate study. After listening to the music relevant to their treat- p < .001), loyalty (F[1, 176] = 79.95; p < .001), and referral (F[1,
ment condition (high vs. low arousal music), participants were again 176] = 84.11; p < .001). Follow‐up contrast analyses supported the
asked to complete the Affect Grid. Then, the subjects were asked to hypotheses for satisfaction (Mprom_high = 6.22 vs. Mprom_low = 3.36, t
think back to shopping experience scenario and answer the key DVs, [176] = 9.56; p < .001; Mprev_low = 5.24 vs. Mprev_high = 3.29, t
satisfaction, loyalty, and referral. Finally, the control variables “mood” [176] = −6.53; p < .001), loyalty (Mprom_high = 5.87 vs. Mprom_low = 3.24,
and “involvement” were measured using two single items “Currently, t[176] = 8.77; p < .001; Mprev_low = 4.60 vs. Mprev_high = 3.44, t
I am in a good mood”, and “I am interested in clothing” using the [176] = −3.87; p < .001), and referral (Mprom_high = 5.64 vs. Mprom_-
endpoints 1 = “strongly disagree” and 9 = “strongly agree” (Bergkvist low = 2.89, t[176] = 8.37; p < .001; Mprev_low = 4.38 vs. Mprev_high = 2.87,
& Rossiter, 2007; Gabbott, Tsarenko, & Mok, 2011). t[176] = −4.59; p < .001). These results provide support for H1 and
H2. Cell means appear in Table 3. The interaction effects for sa-
tisfaction and loyalty are represented in Figures 1 and 2.
7.3 | Manipulation checks Recall that participant's level of valence and arousal was mea-
sured twice, immediately after experiencing the service failure (time
Similar to the previous studies, we ran manipulation checks for = t 1) and then after exposure to the arousal manipulation (time = t 2).
arousal, valence, and regulatory focus using MANOVA. Regulatory H3 and H4 predicted a change in valence and arousal levels on ex-
focus and arousal‐inducing stimuli served as the independent vari- posure to the arousal‐inducing stimuli. Based on this, we calculated
ables. As expected, music had a significant effect on arousal the change in “valence” and “arousal” scores pre‐exposure versus
(Mhigh = 5.93, vs Mlow = 5.2, F[1, 176] = 26.69; p < .01), but not on postexposure to the music. We subjected this “arousal change” and
valence (p > .05). Similarly, the manipulation of regulatory focus also “valence change” to a between‐subjects ANOVA. Regulatory focus
produced the expected differences between different types of reg- and arousal condition served as the independent variables.
ulatory focus (Mprom = 3.74 vs. Mprev = 2.44, F [1, 176] = 104.24; First, with “valence change” as the DV, we obtained a significant
p < .01). To check whether subjects perceived the salesperson as two‐way interaction (F[1, 176] = 6.56; p < .05). Mean comparison with
impolite, a one‐sample t‐test was performed with respect to the scale contrast analyses showed that on exposure to high (vs. low) arousal

T A B L E 3 DVs as a function of regulatory

Promotion Prevention
Regulatory focus focus and arousal‐inducing stimuli
DV/arousal Low arousal High arousal Low arousal High arousal

Satisfaction 3.36 (1.21) 6.22 (0.97) 5.24 (1.64) 3.29 (1.73)

Loyalty 3.24 (1.32) 5.87 (1.54) 4.6 (1.27) 3.44 (1.52)

Referral 2.89 (0.86) 5.64 (1.48) 4.38 (1.86) 2.87 (1.83)

Note: Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations.

Abbreviation: DV, dependent variable.
DAS ET AL. | 9

F I G U R E 1 Satisfaction as a function of regulatory focus and F I G U R E 2 Loyalty as a function of regulatory focus and arousal‐
arousal‐inducing stimuli [Color figure can be viewed at inducing stimuli [Color figure can be viewed at
wileyonlinelibrary.com] wileyonlinelibrary.com]

stimulus after the service failure, promotion‐focused subjects chan- have focused on when desired ideal states are achieved (Baas
ged their affective state to a relatively more positive level; however, et al., 2008; Higgins, 1997, 1998), not when such individuals are
this change was not significant across different types of stimuli reacting to undesirable situations. In retrospect, calming down fol-
(Mvalence change_high = 1.22 vs. Mvalence change_low = 1.07, t(176) = 0.60; lowing such events (a service failure) seems advantageous to both
p > .05). However, as predicted, in terms of direction, high arousal (vs. consumer and retailer, which could explain the lack of support
low arousal) stimulus resulted in a higher positive (1.22 being higher for H3.
than 1.07) change in affect valence for promotion focus. Similarly, for
prevention‐focused people, we found that exposure to low (vs. high)
arousal stimulus following service failure, resulted in significantly 7.5 | Mediation analysis
higher change in valence level (Mvalence change_low = 2.29 vs. Mvalence
change_high = 1.51, t(176) = −3.02; p < .01). In other words, as predicted, To test H5a and H5b, a moderated mediation analysis was executed
exposure to low (vs. high) arousal music after a service failure seems (Hayes, 2013). Regulatory focus served as the independent variable
to help prevention‐focused people move toward a relatively more (X), while manipulated arousal (the different musical pieces) was the
positive affect state. Based on these findings, H4a is supported, while moderator (W). The changes in reported arousal (M1) and valence
H3a is not. (M2) states were included as possible mediators. The DVs were sa-
A two‐way ANOVA was then run with “arousal change” as the tisfaction, loyalty, and referral.
DV. Once again, the two‐way interaction for this DV was significant Following Hayes (2013), a PROCESS model 7 with 5,000 boot-
(F[1, 176] = 9.76; p < .01). On exposure to high‐arousal music, strapped samples was run to test three different models for sa-
promotion‐focused people retained their preferred high arousal tisfaction, loyalty, and referral. The two‐way interaction between
state, although as discussed previously, moving toward a more po- regulatory focus and the arousal manipulation had a significant in-
sitive affect level. Interestingly, promotion‐focused people lowered fluence on the mediators “arousal change” (p < .01) and “valence
their arousal level when exposed to low (vs high arousal) music change” (p < .05) for all the three DVs, that is, “satisfaction,” “loyalty,”
(Marousal change_high = 0.00 vs. Marousal change_low = −3.2, t(176) = 11.36; and “referrals.” The indirect effects of the independent variable
p < .01). Similarly, for prevention‐focused people, exposure to low (vs. (through both the mediators) for different levels of the moderator
high) arousal music, resulted in lower arousal level (Marousal change_- are significant for “satisfaction” (arousal change: 95% confidence
high = −0.84 vs. Marousal change_low = −2.80, t(176) = 6.94; p < .01). Once interval [CI] = 0.14–0.43; and valence change: 95% CI = 0.04–0.47).
again, based on the findings, only H4b is supported. To sum up, However, for the DV “loyalty,” only arousal change mediates the
findings for valence and arousal provide support for prevention‐ effect for different levels of the moderator (95% CI = 0.09–0.36),
focused people (i.e., H4a and H4b) only. while valence change does not (95% CI = −0.14 to 0.27). Finally, for
Our findings indicate that following a high‐arousal negative ex- the DV “referrals,” both the mediators mediate the effect (arousal
perience arising from service failure, prevention‐focused individuals change: 95% CI = 0.13–0.42; and valence change: 95%
moved toward a calmer state, especially when exposed to low (vs. CI = 0.02–0.46) for different levels of the moderator. Based on the
high) arousal music. However, for individuals that normally prefer a findings, it seems the joint effect of regulatory focus and the arousal
more excited state (a natural tendency for promotion‐focused in- manipulation had an influence on satisfaction and referrals, through
dividuals), when the high arousal level stems from a service failure both mediators, that is, arousal and valence change. The effect on
experience, soothing music appears to help them calm down from the loyalty was, however, only mediated through change in arousal. Thus,
aversive event. Prior research that has concluded that promotion‐ H5a and H5b are fully supported for “satisfaction” and “referrals,”
oriented individuals generally prefer more excited arousal states and partially supported for “loyalty.”
10 | DAS ET AL.

7.6 | Discussion using other acknowledged strategies like offering a matching apology
message. The fit mechanism proposed and tested shows that this can be
Study 3 examined a service failure scenario involving a rude sales- used independent of existing options like offering compensation or
person. Findings provide further support for H1 and H2, that dif- blaming suppliers. Further, while extant literature shows that the effect
ferent arousal levels induced by incidental stimuli—in this case, two of fit induces a “feeling right” experience, this study effort shows for the
musical pieces—that match the natural arousal levels corresponding first time that changes in both valence and arousal levels play a med-
to the different regulatory foci positively affect satisfaction and be- iating roll between service failure and consumer behaviors.
havioral intentions. This study also lends support for H4a and H4b, The present study also contributes to the arousal literature. Our
and H5a and H5b. Importantly, Study 3 delved into the underlying findings contribute to a limited body of literature that has explored
processes that help rectify the negative impact of service failure. the role of arousal and motivation on shopping behavior (e.g.,
When promotion (prevention)‐focused individuals were exposed to Kaltcheva & Weitz, 2006). Our results show that depending on one's
high (low) arousal‐inducing music, they moved toward a more posi- motivational state (regulatory focus), there are differential pre-
tive valence state. Furthermore, the change in arousal and valence ferences for high versus low arousal stimuli. Further, the current
mediated the effect of regulatory match or fit on the three DVs. study also verifies that aversive arousal states can be mitigated by
These effects were independent of mood and involvement. inducing fit in response to a negative event, and thus extends the
study by Raju and Unnava (2006). These findings also show that fit
can induce changes in arousal levels and move valence toward a
8 | G E N E RA L D I S C U S S IO N more positive state, which adds to the existing literature about the
influence of affective experiences on shopping behaviors.
Across three experiments, we used different retail service failure
scenarios and engaged different ways to manipulate arousal readily
available to retailers, namely through images, colors, and music. 9 | MANA GE RIAL IMPL IC ATION S
Findings consistently show that a fit or match between regulatory
focus and arousal level can mitigate negative reactions to service The findings have managerial implications. Our findings regarding
failures. Specifically, when promotion (prevention)‐focused in- natural preferences for low versus high arousal stimuli depending on
dividuals are exposed to high (low) incidental arousal‐inducing sti- one's regulatory orientation can be incorporated into retail atmo-
muli, they experience fit; as a result, they move toward a level of spherics, especially in the context of service failure. Some retailers
arousal that more naturally matches their regulatory orientation. The can reasonably estimate the regulatory focus orientation from their
subsequent changes in arousal are also accompanied with positively offerings; for example, a designer garment shop or luxury car
valenced affect state. This in turn helps to ameliorate the adverse showroom are likely to induce a promotion focus, while a school
impact of the service failure. Our findings show that the effect of fit uniform shop or hardware store are more likely to induce a pre-
on consumers' satisfaction, loyalty, and referral was mediated by the vention focus. In some instances, music/color/images within areas of
change in arousal and valence levels. Demonstrating the unique role the store can be varied to match customers' regulatory focus just in
that fitting one's regulatory focus to arousal‐inducing stimuli to the event there may be a service failure. For example, a car dealer
dampen the adverse reactions to a service failure has not been tested can play high arousal music for customers in the showroom where
in the literature before. customers are likely to be in a promotion‐focused mindset, whereas
The findings therefore extend the current state of knowledge the servicing area of car dealer would likely benefit from low arousal
several ways. As argued in Section 1, the findings help address an issue music. Similarly, if an online retailer chose to deliver a stock out
raised by scholars who recommend more inquiries to understand the message, a background color (e.g., blue for prevention and red for
impact of arousal regulation on shopping behaviors, including unearth- promotion) may have a more beneficial effect on consumers and
ing boundary conditions to this effect; providing causal evidence for the negate some of the adverse impact from the service failure. Retailers
role of arousal; and finally studying different shopping contexts, in this may even combine an appropriate color with matching music for their
case, undesirable service failure situations. The current study therefore atmospherics as findings from our study show that different types of
addresses these gaps and extends both regulatory focus and arousal‐ stimuli (e.g., images, color, and music) can independently negate ad-
related literatures. Second, the role of arousal‐inducing stimuli as a verse impact from service failure.
moderator to regulatory focus effects extends the fit literature as there
is no earlier precedence that has proposed and tested congruency be-
tween one's regulatory motivation and different levels of arousal. We 10 | LIMITATIONS AND FUT URE
also contribute to the limited literature about the role of fit to counter RES EA RC H
negative incidences and show that there are strategies available in
addition to message framing (Roy & Chatterjee, 2011). Specifically, we The current study is not without limitations. Given that service fail-
show that matching regulatory focus to arousal level can help negate ure literature often considers “trust” as a key construct, future work
the adverse impact of a service failure on consumer behaviors without may study the impact of key variables studied in this study on “trust.”
DAS ET AL. | 11

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High and low arousal images used as background images to the stock
out message in Study 1

Low arousal image High arousal image

Scenario presented to participants in Study 3 help from a salesperson near you who was busy talking to a
Imagine that you are shopping for an item of clothing in the colleague. The salesperson acknowledges your request but con-
“ABC” shop inside a mall. You see something on the shelf behind tinues to carry on with his personal conversation. This goes on for
the counter that you cannot reach on your own. You would like to some time. You say “excuse me” to get his attention, but he
inspect the item and need help from a salesperson. You requested continues to ignore you.

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