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Samuel Kenneth Binanggal


Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.

1. We encouraged her to succeed in (succeed in ) becoming (become) a top player.

2. It's no good forcing (force) him to go with us.

3. I promised to care (care) for the cat but I'm not much good at babysitting (babysit).

4. The people thanked me for offering (offer) to help (help) them.

5. I begged her not to accuse me (not accuse) me of ruining (ruin) her hairstyle by trying(try) to kiss
(kiss) her.

6. It is not worth helping(help) him do(do) the job.

7. I let him choose(choose) between flying (fly) and taking(take) the train.

8. The film was really worth seeing (see) so we made Mary go (go) to the movies with us.

9. Her forced us to accept (accept) his offer by raising (raise) it by 5 %.

10. Normally I enjoy going (go) out but today I'd prefer to stay (stay) indoors.

11. She promised not to object (not object) to his smoking (smoke).

12. They continued to eat (eat) after the interruption.

13. I am not in the habit of smoking (smoke) in the car.

14. Ann reminded me to finish (finish) my work on time.

15. He'd better get (get) used to working (work) harder.

16. I am capable of standing (stand) on my head and playing (play) the saxophone.

17. You'd better start (start) digging (dig) the garden.

18. I expected someone to pick up (pick) up these papers.

19. The Romans were quite happy about Hannibal not attacking (not attack) Rome.

20. It was interesting to watch (watch) our cat play (play).

21. We have taught our children to wash(wash) their hands before eating (eat).

22. Writing (write) letters is more boring than phoning (phone).

23. Jack decided to have (have) a break from work.

24. I refused to speak (speak) with them.

25. We agreed to meet (meet) them at the airport.

26. There is no sense in earning (earn) more money than you can spend (spend).

27. They made us leave (leave) the campsite after making (make) such a mess.

28. "Do you mind working (work) overtime ?, " asked the boss

29. She has never known how to fry (fry) a steak.

30. The doctor made him promise (promise) to reduce (reduce) his smoking (smoke)

Intelligent Business

Unit 8 Finance Review Questions from the Intermediate Coursebook

Answer in Red Bold

1) What do auditors do?

a) They look after a company’s financial matters.

b) They check a company’s financial documentation.

c) They report financial results to the company.

2) What is another word for income?

a) outgoings

b) expenditure

c) revenue

3) What is gross profit?

a) what the company earns after deducting all costs

b) what the company earns before deducting all costs

c) what the companies pay out to shareholders

4) What are liabilities?

a) money that the company owes to others

b) money that is owed to the company

c) money that the company needs to make each month

5) Which word is a synonym for discounts?

a) rebates

b) dividends

c) interest

6) What is the opposite of in debt?

a) in the black

b) in the red

c) overdrawn

7) Which of the following describes a dramatic and sudden fall in figures?

a) profits peaked

b) profits rose steadily

c) profits plunged alarmingly

8) For what reason might a company overstate its earnings?

a) to save taxes

b) to push up share prices

c) to avoid bankruptcy

9) What are fixed assets?

a) land, buildings and machinery owned by the company for company use

b) cash and investments belonging to the company

c) everything that a company possesses

10) What are financial irregularities?

a) making false statements on balance sheets

b) overspending budgets

c) making risky investment

Intelligent Business

Unit 9 Recruitment Review Questions from the Intermediate Coursebook

Answer in Red Bold

1) Which of the following does not mean recruiting new personnel?

a) taking on

b) employing

c) dismissing

2) Which part of a Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) gives information about your past work record?"

a) Skills

b) Experience

c) Qualifications

3) Which word is a synonym for candidate?

a) applicant

b) interviewer

c) employer

4) What is a cover letter?

a) a letter from your former boss to your new employer

b) a letter that you send with your CV to apply for a job

c) a letter informing you that you have been unsuccessful at interview

5) Which word means to make a request for a job?

a) to apply

b) to hire

c) to interview

6) Out of 400 applications, 10 candidates were … for interview.

a) collected

b) rejected

c) selected

7) Applicants are asked to supply … from past employers.

a) qualifications

b) references

c) requests

8) What does to screen candidates mean?

a) to invite them for interview

b) to examine their education and work background

c) to inform them whether or not they got the job

9) What are routine tasks?

a) special jobs

b) ordinary work

c) difficult jobs

10) In an interview, what are behavioural questions?

a) questions about the candidates paper qualifications

b) questions about their current position

c) questions about how candidates react in certain situation

Intelligent Business

Unit 10 Counterfeiting Review Questions from the Intermediate Coursebook

Answer in Red Bold

1) A picture or symbol associated with a certain brand is called …

a) a trademark.

b) a label.

c) a copyright.

2) Which statement is true?

a) Counterfeit goods are often more expensive and better than branded goods.

b) Counterfeiting causes branded goods to become cheaper.

c) Counterfeiting takes advantage of other companies’ research, advertising etc.

3) What is the opposite of fake?

a) imitation

b) copy

c) genuine

4) What is a patent?

a) legal protection for inventions

b) legal protection for artwork

c) legal protection for words and symbols

5) If we had patented the design, it would have been safe from counterfeiters.

Which statement is true?

a) The design might be copied.

b) The manufacturer didn't take out a patent.

c) The manufacturer plans to protect his design.

6) What is piracy?

a) stealing other people’s ideas

b) copying CDs and DVDs illegally

c) buying counterfeit goods

7) To file a lawsuit means …

a) to protect a brand

b) to take someone to court

c) to register a product name

8) What is infringement?

a) breaking laws and regulations

b) selling counterfeit goods

c) using the law to protect brands

9) Which of the following is a definition of exclusivity?

a) a position in the market which is shared by many

b) holding a special position in the market

c) being pushed out of the market by others

10) What are damages?

a) the negative effect of counterfeiting on companies

b) badly-made imitation goods

c) sums of money paid to people who have been affected by copying

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