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Jazira Butler, Lianna Joseph, Preah Leslie

Strengths: This group objectives followed blooms taxonomy and it was meet at the end of the lesson.

Weaknesses: Activity could have been a little more engaging.

Recommendation: Always ask students questions to ensure they are listening.

Melisha Barrow, Dejuan Hyde

Strengths: The content was very, clear, relevant, accurate and well researched.

Weaknesses: Introduction could have been a little more engaging.

Recommendation: Remember Introduction should always be linked to the previous knowledge and
grabs the student’s attention

Romanni Herrera, Mirna Guerra

Strengths: The content was organized, well-structured and the objectives was adequately developed
and align

Weaknesses: Lesson was a little too long so student became a little distracted.

Recommendation: Always insure to top a run through so you can know your teaching pace.

Alexandria Wallace, Risa Elliott, Kathleen Choco

Strengths: Very good use of teaching aids as they were durable, clear and appropriate for class level.

Weaknesses: The activity chosen could have been a lilt bit more student centered.

Recommendation: Try to activities where student would want to be engaged and have fun

Aracely Amaya, Christy Alba, Neydi Melendez

Strengths: Students are engaged most of the time. Activities are interesting, relevant and meaningful to
class level.

Weaknesses: The volume of this group was a little low.

Recommendation: Ensure to project your voice when speaking.

Julie Pop, Rebecca Kal

Strengths: Introduction on was captivating relevant and basked on the previous knowledge. Lesson was
consistent with lesson development.

Weaknesses: Content of the lesson could have been a little more engaging

Recommendation: Choose activities that students will enjoy.

Florita Botes , Eleanor Cobb, Melissa Tun

Strengths: This group did a good job when it cokes to their development. They moved from known too
unknown. Presentation was clear and they used step by step instructions. They also included adequate
examples and provided questions appropriate from student’s level.

Weaknesses: The lesson took too long and once a lesson is too long students tent to not pay attention.

Recommendation: Have a mini rehearsal, to practice time management.

Katherine Espadas, Catherine Ico

Strengths: This group did a great job when it comes to the closure and conclusion. Their closure
adequately wraps up the main concept’s skills and attitudes in a creative and engaging way.

Weaknesses: voice projection.

Recommendation: Always speak loudly so students can hear.

Shantia Ferguson, Vivian Martinez, Mellissa Elrington

Strengths: This specific group did a great job with the use of the English language and voice projection.
The teachers use the English language accurately where necessary to enhance students understanding.

Weaknesses: Time management.

Recommendation: Practice lesson with partners before teaching.


Strengths: Very great use of technology. Also, the conclusion assessed the objectives in her lesson.

Weaknesses: Introduction could have been a little more exciting.

Recommendation: ensue to use methods that will grab students attention.

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