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Direction: Answer the following questions that correspond to your answer.
Multiple Choice Type
1. Which of the following best define research?
A. A gathering data process
B. A careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or problem using scientific
C. Collection of data
D. Formulation of research problem

2. Which of the following characteristics of research shows of observations and experimentation?

A. Empirical B. Systematic C. Controlled D. Employs hypothesis
3. A ______________ research characteristics shows an orderly and sequential procedure.

A. Controlled B. Systematic C. Analytical D. Objective, Unbiased and Logical

4. A_______________ research characteristics shows all variables except those that are
tested/experimented upon are kept constant.
A. Controlled B. Systematic C. Analytical D. Objective, Unbiased and Logical

5. A_______________ research characteristics shows proper guides in the investigation process.

A. Employs hypothesis B. Analystical C. Objective, Unbiased and Logical D.


6. Which of the following address the environmental problems such as air pollution, oil spill and

A. Business research B. Scientific research C. feasibility study D. social science research

7. Which of the following category of research which concerned on the application of science
concepts such innovation and invention?

A. Life science
B. Applied science
C. Medical science
D. None of the above

8. What is ISEF?

A. International Science and Engineering Fair

B. International Social Science and Exhibit Fair
C. International Society and Expo Fair
D. International Science and Experiment fair

9. What is the category of research that utilize the application of microcontroller such Arduino,
raspberry pi and others?

A. Applied Science B. Life Science C. Robotics D. none of the above

10. What is the category of research that focus on the theoretical concept and involves living things
as the subject of the experiment?

A. Applied science B. Life science C. Robotics D. none of the above

11. It is a form of a questions statements.

A. Research title B. Research Questions C. Research objectives D. None of above

12. Which of the following part of chapter 1 that discusses the aim of the research?
A. Rationale B. Research objectives C. Significance of the study D. none of the above

13. Which of the following is the correct criteria of choosing a research problem?

A. Simple, Measurable, Attainable, Resources, and Time bounded

B. Simple, Meaningful, Achievable, Researchable, and Time bounded

C. Simple, Measurement, Attainable,Resources, and Time bounded

D. None of the above

14. Which of the following is verry useful method in research?

A. Scientific Method

B. Didankin Method

C. Trial and error

D. Serendipity

15. What is the approval body for life science research studies in particular the used of vertebrate




D. None of the above

16. Why we need for us to state the main and sub problem?

A. In order to have a clear research questions

B. To make our research more understandable

C. To determined the variable of the study

D. All of the above

17. A _____________ that is the diary of the experiment conducted in the particular study.

A. Research logbook B. Research anecdotal record C. Research Files D. None of the above
18. What is the ISEF form that contains the information of the researchers and the adult sponsors?
A. ISEF form 1 B. ISEF form 1A C. ISEF form 1B D. Research plan

19. What is the ISEF form that contains the research title of the student researchers?

A. ISEF form 1 B. ISEF form 1A C. ISEF form 1B D. None of the above

20. What is the ISEF form that contains the names of the experts’ research consultants?

A. ISEF form 1 B. ISEF form 1A C. ISEF form 1B D. None of the above

21. What is the ISEF form that contains the self-assessment of the expert’s research consultant?

B. ISEF form 1 B. ISEF form 2 C. ISEF form 1B D. None of the above

22. What is APA?

A. American Psychological Association

B. American Physical Assessment
C. American Pathological Association
D. None of the above

23. What is the latest intext citation and bibliography citation that currently used for science

A. APA B. MLA C. Chicago D. none of the above

24. What is the part of chapter 1 that discusses the importance of the study?

A. Significance of the study B. research hypothesis C. Research objectives D. Scope and


25. What is the part of chapter 1 that discusses the gap of the study?

A. rationale B. research hypothesis C. Research objectives D. Scope and limitation

26 . What is the part of chapter 1 that discusses the assumptions of the study?

A. Significance of the study B. research hypothesis C. Research objectives D. Scope and


27. What is the part of chapter 1 that discusses the duration of the study and place of the study?

A. Significance of the study B. research hypothesis C. Research objectives D. Scope and


28. What is the part of chapter 1 that defines all terms that are highly technical?

A. Significance of the study B. definition of terms C. Research objectives D. Scope and


28. What is the part of chapter 1 that discusses the purpose of the study?

A. Significance of the study B. rationale C. Research objectives D. Scope and


29. What is the part of chapter 2 that discusses the related research studies conducted within our
country ?
A. Local B. Foreign C. International D. None of the above

30. Most of scientific research are using _______________.

A. Alternative hypothesis

B. Null hypothesis

C. all of the above

D. none of the above

31. Which of the following research question is irrelevant?

A. Does the spiciness occur

B. What are the composition of malunggay leaves extract

C. Is there any significant difference between commercial and organic fertilizer

D. None of the above

32. Why we need to read and understand the ISEF rules and guidelines?

A. In order for us to acquainted of the different information’s regarding the proper protocol in
conducting the research study.

B. For us to aware about accredited research institutions.

C. all of the above

D. none of the above

33. What is SRC?

A. School Research Committee

B. Division Research Committee

C. Regional Research Committee

D. National Research Committee

34. What is DRC?

A. School Research Committee

B. Division Research Committee

C. Regional Research Committee

D. National Research Committee

35. What is RRC?

A. School Research Committee

B. Division Research Committee

C. Regional Research Committee

D. National Research Committee

36. What is NRC?

A. School Research Committee

B. Division Research Committee

C. Regional Research Committee

D. National Research Committee

37. What is the part of chapter 2 that discusses related research studies conducted outside the

A. Local B. Foreign C. None of the above D. all of

the above

38. What is the part of chapter 3 that enumerate the needs before the conduct of the study?

A. Research materials B. Research design C. Research procedure D. Research plan

39. What is the part of chapter 3 that discusses the nature of research if it is qualitative or

A. Research materials B. Research design C. Research procedure D. Research plan

40. What is the part of chapter 3 that discusses the correct flow of the study?

A. Research materials B. Research design C. Research procedure D. Research plan

40. ______________ is carefully plan and the tense of words used is present tense.

A. Research materials B. Research design C. Research procedure D. Research plan

41. Which of the following situation shows fair conduct of experiment?

A. same amount of water used in all experimental group

B. same amount of fertilizer in all experimental group

C. all of the above

D. none of the above

42. A statistical treatment used to compare the significant difference between two groups?

A. T-test B. ANOVA C. Chi Square D. Post hoc

43. Which of the following statement is true?

A. Relevant research question is measurable

B. Post hoc is used to compare the significant difference between the two groups

C. None of the above

D. all of the above

44. A diagram that shows relationship of the different variables.

A. Conceptual framework

B. research design

C. research methodology

D. none of the above

45. Which among the following variables are common in quantitative research?

A. Independent and dependent

B. interval and ratio

C. nominal and ratio

D. extraneous and Confounding

46. Anything that has a quantity or quality that can take on different values of different
subjects in each research.
A. Hypothesis B. Topic C. Variable D. Problem
48. A variable that can be manipulated by the researcher and causes change to another
A. Dependent B. Confounding C. Extraneous D. independent
49 Quantitative research is important because it is reliable and _____________________.
A. Special
B. Descriptive
C. Bias
D. Objective
50. A type of research that utilizes numbers and statistical analysis.
A. Qualitative
B. Quantitative
C. Educational
D. inquiry
A. resistor B. battery C. multimeter D. none of the above

20. A system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines.

A. Internet of Things B. Arduino System C. Raspberry Pi System D. none of the


21. Sensors that produce analog voltages as an output.

A. Sensors B. Digital Sensor C. Analog Sensor D. None of the


22. Sensors that have only 2 values, either 0V or 5V.

A. Sensors B. Digital Sensor C. Analog Sensor D. None of the


23. Is the condition when the circuit is larger than the intended current and exits in the conductor.

A. Overcurrent B. insensitive sensors C. defective sensors D. None of the


24. What is the first step in the troubleshooting?

A. Check all connections in circuit before connecting it with the power source

B. Check the defective components

C. Connect your voltage supply to the correct polarity

D. None of the above

25. ____________ is the process of testing out an idea by creating a preliminary model from
which other forms are developed or copied.

A. Testing B. Model C. idea D. Develop

26. A test for device efficiency.

A. Testing B. Model C. Idea D. Develop
27. Brainstorm or thinking of robotics research title.

A. Testing B. Model C. idea D. Develop

28. Which of the following programming language commonly used for Internet of all things
A. Java script B. Phyton C. C++ D. Algorithm

29. A programming language that is more compatible to Arduino microcontroller.

A. Java Script B. Phyton C. C++ D. Algorithms

30. When was the first real robot made?

A. 1961 B. 1900 C. 2003 D. 2000 years ago

31. What makes robot a special kind of machine?

A. Follows instructions from the maker or programmer

B. It moves
C. It process data
D. None of the above

32. Which of these gives the best use of robot?

A. to help make a sandwich

B. to help tie shoes
C. to help read a book
D. All of the above

33. What is the commonly used microcontroller in an automated weather monitoring device?

A. Arduino Uno B. Rassbery Pi 4 C. Rasberry Pi 5 D. none of the above

34. What is the commonly made of brand from microntrollers?


35. What is the area science research is robotics do belong?

A. Life Science B. Applied Science C. Medical Science D. none of the above

36. Does a robot come from the Czech word ‘’robota’’ which means forced work or labor?

A. No

B. Yes

C. Maybe

D. None of the above

37. The military are researching exoskeletons that are controlled by ______________.

A. Batteries
B. An on board computer which is pre programmed
C. Artificial Intelligence
D. Signals from the brain
38. What is meant by adroid?
A. A software program used to control a robot
B. A robot with a human like appearance
C. A type of operating system
D. A human with a robot like appearance
39. If a robots output is typically carried out by actuators, what input devices are found on a

A. Google Glasses B. Sensors C. keypads D. VR headsets

40. Which of the following is not an advantage of robots?

A. They can be used in dangerous environments

B. They can replace jobs

C. They can assists human with disabelities

D. They don’t get tired or require a break

41. A programming language that is more compatible to raspberry pi 4 microcontroller.

A. Java Script B. Phyton C. C++ D. Algorithms

42. The study of the mechanical laws relating to the movement or structure of living organisms,
is called??

A. Biomechanics B. Biotechnology C. Biomachinery D.

43. What is the first step in in executing programming for Arduino ide?

A. Download the Arduino IDE software

B. Run the software
C. Make codes
D. Make repository of database

44. What is the first step in the setting up the hardware of the Raspberry Pi?

A. Take the initialized microSD card and insert it into the SD card slot at the bottom of
the Raspberry Pi
B. Get the LCD screen and its peripherals
C. Insert the HDMI cable into the HDMI port of the LCD.
D. All of the above

45. What is the third step in the setting up the hardware of the Raspberry Pi?

A. Take the initialized microSD card and insert it into the SD card slot at the bottom of
the Raspberry Pi
B. Get the LCD screen and its peripherals
C. Insert the HDMI cable into the HDMI port of the LCD.
D. All of the above

46. What is the Fourth step in the setting up the hardware of the Raspberry Pi?

A. Take the initialized microSD card and insert it into the SD card slot at the bottom of
the Raspberry Pi
B. Get the LCD screen and its peripherals
C. Insert the HDMI cable into the HDMI port of the LCD.
D. All of the above

47. What is VNC?

A. Virtual Network Computing

B. Visual Neural Computers
C. Virtual National Computers
D. All of the above

48. What is Flame sensor?

A. Designed to detect and respond the presence of fire

B. Designed to detect and respond the presence of smoke
C. In
D. All of the above

49. What is the appropriate sensor used to detect the distance proximity?

A. Infrared reflective sensor

B. Flame sensor
C. Smoke sensor
D. All of the above

50. What is light sensor module?

A. Detects the intensity of light

B. Detects the intensity of UV light
C. Detects the intensity of heat
D. All of the above

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