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Avoid Overthinking
One of the most common issues that almost every one faces today is Overthinking and to be

honest, We all overthink from time to time primarily because we are curious beings and we are

always looking for answers. However, If it starts affecting your daily life, It's time to work on it.

This worksheet can help you work on your overthinking! Fill in the worksheet whenever you are

disturbed by it. It would be better to do it before you go to sleep every night.

Down below, Write down all the thoughts that are troubling you!

Thought 1:

Thought 2:

Thought 3:

Thought 4:

Thought 5:

@shivamnow +91-7992474341 for personal sessions.


Avoid Overthinking
One of the most common issues that almost every one faces today is Overthinking and to be

honest, We all overthink from time to time primarily because we are curious beings and we are

always looking for answers. However, If it starts affecting your daily life, It's time to work on it.

This worksheet can help you work on your overthinking! Fill in the worksheet whenever you are

disturbed by it. It would be better to do it before you go to sleep every night.

Now, Write down what can you do about it. 

What can I do about Thought 1:

What can I do about Thought 2:

What can I do about Thought 3:

What can I do about Thought 4:

What can I do about Thought 5:

@shivamnow +91-7992474341 for personal sessions.


Avoid Overthinking

Once you have written down all the thoughts that trouble you, and what you are going to do about it,

Try dividing it into two different segments, one which you can control and the one which you can't

control. For example, You had a fight with your best friend and you are stuck in the overthinking loop

of what they are thinking of you. In this case, you can simply call them and resolve the issue and your

overthinking would end. So, this is what you can do for things you can control. For things you can't

control like some past memory or anxiousness about better, Just write down in the previous worksheet

that "It's not something in my control but I am preparing myself for it".

Your thoughts might be a mix of emotional thoughts, depending on the mindset that led to the

overthinking. Then, locate the negative thoughts and those that are far-removed from reality, and

write down a more positive counter thought to combat each. For instance, if you first wrote about

how you’ll never finish a project, you might follow that with, "Yes, this is a lengthy project, but the

payoff in residual income makes the effort worthwhile," or even, "Shakespeare didn't complete his

great works overnight!"Writing negative thoughts down and following them with positive, or at least

more realistic, ones to combat them takes the power out of your overthinking.

Once you've made a final decision, create a ritual to help you accept it and move on. You might write

down the choice you made on a slip of paper and toss it into the fireplace or tear it up and scatter it

in the wind. 

Drop me a WhatsApp message on 7992474341 to book a session on be Emotionally Intelligent and in

charge of your decisions.

@shivamnow +91-7992474341 for personal sessions.

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