Mid Test Speaking (Essay)

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Name : Andi Rifqy Wira Zaky

NIM : 200502501021
Class : B/2020

My Favorite Method for Teaching Speaking

Language plays the important role in education. By using language, the process of

education could runs smoothly. As an international language, English is getting more and more

important. It is used in many aspects of life such as communication, knowledge, education,

technology, culture, and many That is why in many countries English have been the second

language. other aspects.

As a second language or in other word is foreign language, English has been taught in the

schools as the compulsory subject for academic purpose especially to use to communicate. The

problem that mostly students face when they are communicating in English that they do not

know the right words to say because they cannot speak well.

There are many English experts considered if speaking is the important point in language

teaching. As McDonough and Shaw opinions, in many contexts, speaking is often the skill upon

which a person is judged at face value. In other words, speaking skill is the major criterion to

judge the English student's competent are good or lack.

Method and technique are important to use by the teacher in the classroom, they should

choose the best model depending on the difficulties that faced by students cause there are many

problems that occur in teaching speaking, it make them unable to say the words during speaking,

the students afraid of making mistake, it make them shy to speak and the students rarely practice

their English, so they are SO strange in speaking. They cannot make communication actively and
spontaneously with others. Although they have enough vocabulary to express their ideas and

feeling but they do not know how to say and what should they say then. Therefore, the students

cannot improve their conversation into great communication.

I chose material from group two, namely Teaching Speaking Through Conversation. The

reason I selected this video is because of the approach used in it. Group two videos adopt a

teaching strategy based on conversation, which intrigues me since, when it comes to teaching

speaking, dialogue is, without a doubt, the most essential and most bound thing. Because it

focuses on activities that students can generate continually when there is conversational material,

the pursuit stages employing this conversation strategy can also be pretty simple.

The second step indicated by the speaker, namely emphasizing significance above

perfection in class at first, was the step that piqued my attention the most. When you initially

begin, let the kids know that your primary goal will be to convey meaning. Correctness is

crucial, but it's much more important if everyone can comprehend what the individual is saying.

In practice, this may imply that you do not interrupt a discussion just because someone's syntax

is incorrect.

The short conversation is have a contribution to increase students speaking mastery. It

can be provided by the research of data analysis showed that there are significant difference

between the pre-test and post-test.

The last, when I teach some day, I will employ a more dominating mixing of English and

Indonesian so that students may gradually acquire and comprehend English without the element

of assignment. When I speak English, I will also give the Indonesian translation so that the

students realize that the phrase or sentence I said previously was the translation. Students will be
able to increase their speaking knowledge through discussion using the steps I pick, even if it is

only a little and intangible part of the process, but it will have a positive influence.

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