US Government Branches

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The video will go downward and explore each branch overall.

Use the right image as Example.
The United States is governed by the Constitution which is the Supreme Law of the Land.
Remake those icons in Monkey Go, Color Schemes.
Add American flag then the icon for "Constitution".

This law divides the federal goverment into 3 branches with the concept of check and balance so No branch can have
Symbol and icon for check and balance. Maybe a scale?
too much power.

The 3 branches are Legislative, Executive. and Judicial. Each of the branch pops up.

Go down the Legislative icon branch, divides into 2 lines for Representative and Senate.

The Legislative branch, also known as Congress, is made up the House of Representatives and the Senate. Congress's show texts ("make laws") underneath Congress.
most important power is to make laws.
For House of Representative animation, show the chart on the right but load up the points at a
black color from left to right until it's full and the sentence "California has 53 representatives" is
For The House of Representatives, they have 435 elected members, which are divided among the 50 states in finished.
proportion to their total population. Some states will only have 2 if their population is small. In 2021, California has 53
representatives. Then show a gender-neutral icon and text underneath with bullet points:
. Ruler (icon) 2-year term. Unlimited Term.
. Representative serves for a 2-year term. And there's no limit to the number of terms an individual can serve. . Clock (icon): 25 years old.
. To be elected as a Representative, you need to be at least 25 years old, a U.S citizen for 7 years, and an inhabittant of . American flag(icon) US Citizen.
the state you represents. . Map pin (icon) Inhabitant of the state.

For the Senate. They have 100 senators consists of 2 senators from each state. For Senate, show the map of the U.S, then drop 2 pins down on each state. Doesn't need to be
exactly 100 pins. Just need to visually look like we drop 2 pins on all the big states. :)
. Senators serves for a 6-year term. And there's no limit to the number of terms an individual can serve.
. To be elected as Senator, you need to be at least 30 years old, a U.S citizen for at least 9 years, and a residency in the Then show a gender-neutral icon and text underneath with bullet points:
state that you represents. . Ruler (icon) 6-year term. Unlimited Term.
. Clock (icon): 30 years old.
. American flag(icon) US Citizen.
. Map pin (icon) Inhabitant of the state.

For The Executive branch led by the President of United States. Move to the right to the top of the Executive Branch, use gender neutral icon similar to above.

The executive branch carries out and enforces the law. We have Underneath this icon as the audio goes,

The President - who leads the country, command the U.S army, and appoint Cabinets members who supports the icon for "leading" pops up,
President. Cabinet members includes icon for "military" pops up below,
The Vice President - whose job is to well... uhmm supports the Presidents and if the President dies, the Vice President, another human icon pops below, then move this icon to up to represent "the VP will become the
will become the president. The Vice President is also the leader of the Senate. Vice President", then move this icon to the left of Congress and put the "halo" icon top of its head
to represent "leader of the Senate".
Cabinet Members also include individuals who lead important U.S Department agencies like:
Then move them back to the original place in the executive branch.
U.S Department of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health, Homeland Security, Justice, Labor, and Below them, show "multiplying effects" to show more human icons.
many more.
Then Underneath each of these icon, you can show icons that represents Agriculture,
Cabinet Members (excluding the Vice President) needs to be confirmed by the majority of the Senate meaning at least Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health, Homeland Security, Justice, Labor,
51-49 votes. In there's a tie of 50-50 vote, the Vice President's vote will break the tie.
Then move up top to the human icon of the President, text shown underneath with bullet points:
So, how do you become the president of the United States, you need to be: natural born citizen of the U.S, be at least 35 . Ruler (icon) 4-year term. for 2 Terms max.
years old, and have been a resident of the U.S for 14 years. . Clock (icon): 35 years old.
. American flag with a baby (icon) next to it (icon) US born Citizen.
. Map pin (icon) resident of the U.S.

The last branch of the federal government is the Judicial Branch. The judicial branch interprets the laws according to the
Consitution. And only hear cases that have issues related to the Constituion. Show icon of the legislative.
Move up to the "Constitution" icon really quick every time it is mentioned.
This branch headed by the Supreme Court consisted of 9 Justices with one of them being the Chief Justice.
Show human icons of 9 Justices. Enlarge on of them in the middle to present "Chief Justice"
The Justice is appointed by the President and needs the Senate's majority(51-49) to confirm similar to the Cabinet
members. Show number 51-49 below.

Unlike other branches with term limits, Justices are appointed for life, unless they resign, retire or die. Show bullet points with:
. Infinity (icon) for terms
For a Case to go to the Supreme Court, the case needs to starts at either:

the scenic route throught the state with the State Trial Court -> to State Court of Appeals -> then to one of the 50 States Use image on the right as reference- Then show a car driving through state trial court to the next
Supreme Court -> and then to the U.S Supreme Court icon to the next icon
Then the car disappear in smoke/dust effect. (vertically)
Show another car going through the second route. (vertically)
at the Federal Trial Court -> to Federal Appeals Court -> then to the Supremem Court

And there you go, the United States of America. Show American flag waving with fireworks and Statue of Liberty.
that’s Monkey Go for today.
See you in the next video. Show white background with Monkey Go logo.

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