Biggest Game

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200 word story

What could be worse than embarrassment in front of a live audience? Assault and battery in front

of millions. On our famous talk show, I took the microphone from MY co-host. To my surprise

they flew off the hook. They couldn’t handle it apparently and snatched the mic out of my hands,

and threw it to the ground. To my horror, they then stomped on it, shattering it to pieces. My

heart was shattered into billions of pieces, just like microphone. They weren’t done yet though.

They then punch me in the mouth, and then slap my face. In front of a live audience, i was

assaulted. I nearly cried. My lip busted, my face burning, I got up from the ground. The

recording crew grew silent. I walked off set defeated. MY set, it was a travesty. I hung my head

in shame, what did I do so wrong? The producers weren’t happy… my co-host was soon charged

and arrested for assault. I almost lost my job, but I didn’t even want it anymore. What was I to

do now? No co-host.. I was publicly shamed, I couldn’t show my face they’re again! In the end, I

quit my job. And sometimes visited my cohost they still hated me.

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