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Lesson 4: Psychosocial Perspective Dimensions of Well-being: Physical, Emotional, Mental,

in Gender and Sexuality Material, Social

Psychosocial is a term pertaining to psychological and *In MVC you will find the following:
social factors and the interaction of these factors.
Love. A complex phenomenon characterized by an
Psychology is a field of science which concerns itself affective and cognitive inclination to someone and a set
with how people think and how thoughts and feelings of social behaviors geared towards cohesion.
interact and lead to behavior.
Intimacy. The psychosocial component of love; knowing
There are three primary psychological domains: affect, and being known by someone in a deeply personal
behavior, and cognition. level; emotional closeness and connection.

Affective domain pertains to people’s emotions and Passion. The emotive and physical component of love;
feelings. drive towards sexual and romantic attraction.

Behavioral domain pertains to people’s actions, both Commitment. Decision to engage and maintain a loving
observable and not readily observable. relationship.

Cognitive domain pertains to people’s thought process Relationship. This bond may be biological or
such as memory, perception, and information- determined by social contracts such as social consensus
processing. or laws.

*Hence our sexual behaviors as well as gender related Romantic love is characterized by intense passion, “a
behaviors originate from what we sense, think, and feel. state of intense longing for union with your partner.”

*Whereas, sociology is a field of science which concerns Companionate love is characterized by intense
itself with the human person’s realities and experiences intimacy, emotional closeness, which is also
as part of groups and institutions, including the characteristic of liking.
structures and functions of these institutions, and the
E.G.W. on True Love
dynamics of human relationships within them.
True love is a high and holy principle, altogether
*Our experience of gender and sexuality is generally a
different in character from that love which is awakened
relational experience.
by impulse and which suddenly dies when severely
*As individuals we have our own affect, cognition, and tested.
behavior to be aware of…
*True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. On
*but we are also viewing ourselves in relation to others the contrary, it is calm and deep in its nature. It looks
who also have their own personal preoccupations. beyond mere externals and is attracted by qualities
alone. It is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is
*Our gendered self is best viewed in an ecological
real and abiding.
context; physical and social environment.
*Love is a precious gift, which we receive from Jesus.
Pure and holy affection is not a feeling, but a principle.
Human relationship is a bond formed between two or Those who are actuated by true love are neither
more people, manifested through communication and unreasonable nor blind.
*Mildness, gentleness, forbearance, long-suffering,
The process of knowing others and allowing others to being not easily provoked, bearing all things, hoping all
know us is intimacy. things, enduring all things—these are the fruit growing
upon the precious tree of love, which is of heavenly
The process by which we learn cultural norms and growth. This tree, if nourished, will prove to be an
traditions is referred to as socialization. evergreen. Its branches will not decay, its leaves will not
Well-being is objective and subjective.
wither. It is immortal, eternal watered continually by *Queers are people who celebrate all gender identities,
the dews of heaven. can also mean someone who do not want to be
restricted as Lesbian, Gay, or Bi.
Lesson 5: Stereotype, Prejudices and
Discrimination Intersex is a person who was born with sex genitals or
chromosome patterns that do not fit the typical male or
Stereotype is an extremely generalized belief about a female body.
group of people. can be explicit or implicit.
Asexual are people who do not feel sexual attraction to
Prejudice is an unjustified or incorrect attitude towards anyone, but it does not mean that they do not engage
a person. in romantic or sexual relationships.
Discrimination when stereotypes and prejudice Plus (+) refers to all sexualities that do not fit in the
translate into a negative act towards a person. LGBTQI spectrum.
Article I of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights SOGIE In the Philippines
(UDHR) states that “all human beings are born free and
equal in dignity and rights.” (1948) SOCGIE Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and
“inherent dignity and of equal and inalienable rights of
all members of the human family is the foundation of *The Anti-Discrimination Bill is a proposed legislation
freedom, justice, and peace in the world.” before the Philippine Congress intended to prevent
various economic and public accommodation-related
Summary acts of discrimination against people based on their
*Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination is a SOGIE.
sensitive issue for many people since it can be traced to Effect of State Discrimination
our history, culture, tradition, and religion.
Homophobia is the stigma and prejudice toward LGBT
*However, with the internet and technology, we now persons, it creates a dangerous climate of hostility
live in a world that seems to have no borders. toward LGBT people.
*It is important to create a society that respects the Discrimination by the Catholic Church
uniqueness of every being and uphold everyone’s
dignity and rights. The inclusion of SOGIE will only “create problems
regarding ethics, marriage, the family and religious
Lesson 5: Political-Legal Perspective freedom” and reasons that “the difference in sex or
in Gender and Sexuality gender does not belong to the same level as the
difference in race, color, religion, or ethnicity.”
The LGBT. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender; an
acronym used to refer to different genders. Discrimination in the Military
*Lesbians are women who are emotionally and sexually The generalized negative stereotyping of LGBT persons
attracted to women. and the misconception that a person’s sexual
orientation defines one’s gender expression are most
*Gays are men who are emotionally and sexually
evident on the common position of the AFP, PNP, and
attracted to men.
PMA towards gay and effeminate behavior.
*Bisexuals are men or women who are emotionally and
Discrimination of people based on SOGIE is widespread
sexually attracted to men and women.
in the Philippines. International and local policies are in
*Transgenders are those whose gender identity is place to address this prevailing issue yet some
different from their physical sex. institutions still spread this ill issue. What is clear is that
everyone, including students, must act to resolve this

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