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Activity 6

1. Do you agree or disagree with RBV theorists that internal resources are more
important for a firm than external factors in achieving and sustaining competitive
advantage? Explain your position.

The resource - based view describes that in the field of strategic management , the key
aspects and drivers for companies ' competitive advantage and high performance are
mainly related to the dimensions of their resource and capabilities , which are priceless
and high - priced - to - imitate . RBV theorists claims that internal resources are more
important than external factors for a firm in achieving and sustaining competitive
advantage ( Harrison & John , 2013 ) .

I do n't agree with this as a firm 's resources and capabilities may help it in attaining
competitive advantage , but to sustain competitive advantage it is crucial to consider
external factors such as social , economic , political , technological , legal , and
environmental aspects . With increasing globalization and firms operating in an
international business environment it is critical for firms to keep analyzing and adapting
external factors and business environment trends . Without considering external factors ,
it is not possible for firms to sustain their competitive advantage in long run as well as
attain a global position .

2. Among the four characteristics of assets as organization’s sustainable competitive

advantage, which one for you is the most important? Why do you think so?

The idea is that a firm to maintain sustainable competitive advantage , it must control a
set of exploitable resources that have four critical characteristics . These resources must
be valuable , rare , imperfectly imitable , and ( 4 ) non-substitutable . Having all four
characteristics is key . Miss value and no one cares what you 've got . Without rareness ,
you do n't have something unique . If others can copy what you have , or others can
replace it with a substitute , then any seemingly advantageous differences will be
undercut . So , I think all are important .

3. Explain in your own words the meaning of ‘isolating mechanisms’.

Isolating mechanisms is something ( as a geographical , ecological , physiological ,

anatomical , or psychological barrier ) that limits interbreeding between groups and is
thereby a major factor in the differentiation of biological units ( as races or species )

4. Write bonus on your answer sheet :)


5. What strategies do you believe can save newspaper companies from extinction?

The newspaper industry has always been cyclical through the past years , wherein
information 's were all provided by editors and journalists . But as time goes by this
industry is on its verge of extinction due to the television and the internet being able to
offer immediate information to viewers unlike newspapers which takes time just to write
and mass produce . In order to survive this phenomenon they need to acknowledge the
presence of the internet and the social media . The Internet because of its immediate
result can be a good avenue for newspaper writers to publish their articles . Moreover , it
can help promote the newspaper company they are in . The social media gives any
business an interactive channel to communicate with its current and future customers .
The newspaper companies should also target the reader 's interests . Readers are loyal
to print publications because they provide high - quality content about specific interest
areas . With this kind of strategy the writers may be able to increase the chances of
survival since this can help strengthen the bond created by the relationship of the
readers and the writers which is the very heart of publishing .

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