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Quiz 4 Prelims

1. How do you describe uniqueness? Cite an example by relating your

services as real estate practitioner among other real practitioner.

Uniqueness is the quality of being unlike anything else of its kind or being solitary
in type or characteristics in short you have something others don’t have. For me,
one unique characteristic that I have which I presumed to be unique among
others is my strong virtues in life. I may not be the best in talking with clients,
best in wearing fashion trends etc. but I do value and uphold the word respect.
As they have said, money is the root of all evil and there will be many
temptations ahead and at the end of the day come to think of it, was it worth it
doing things like this and like that and you know yourself something is not right
and this is not good. You may take advantage of someone but your conscience
will and always hunt you that you know yourself, you did something bad.

2. Give an example of a value proposition statement and explain the idea it

conveys. (Any existing value proposition statement of a known company).

KFC – Finger Linkin’ Good

In my opinion, from the word Finger Linkin’ Good, it is a service or a product that
is something to do with food or an enterprise in the food industry. This value
proposition or tagline is trying to convey that their products, their menu or food is
that kind of good or super delicious in the sense that even you yourself can’t
control yourself to the extent of licking your fingers because you simply can’t get
enough of what has been offered/served. Such value proposition also conveys a
mind tickling tagline to target market that one must ask themselves, shall we try if
does really finger linkin’ good. 

3. What is the significance of assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a

developer project? Does it have an impact on its marketability? Why?

Strengths and weakness is/are internal to an organization or individual.

Assessing one’s strengths and weaknesses is significant and important because
one will be able to enhance and improved further its strengths and build a
competitive advantage. On the other hand, one may realize its weaknesses and
find a way or make some necessary adjustments to reduce or improve the same
to make it as a contributing factor to achieve set objectives. And yes, assessing
strengths and weaknesses of a developer project has an impact on its
marketability. How? Bearing in mind and being aware of what your strength and
weaknesses are make you aware of what external factors you should be
considering before diving into some major project. In terms of marketability,
having good assessment means you had already planned of what suitable
business strategies would best fit to your target market and this is where you will
capitalize your strengths and reduce your weaknesses to achieve set objectives
making your product/service appetizing to the market.

4. What particular opportunities do you see for real estate service despite of
economic meltdown?

In my opinion, despite of economic meltdown. Real estate services such as

brokers, appraisers, salesperson, and consultants will still be in demand in
market. Why, because basically home/shelter is a basic need for survival. For
instance, major and progressive cities where influx of people tend to increase in
number exponentially, there is an opportunity for investors and project
developers to invest in real estate to cater the increasing demand for shelter and
this is where I think real estate service will continue to be in demand. Another
thing is that, population growth not only in the Philippines but globally tends to
increase significantly yet our land supply remains. This is where reclamation
projects and other similar projects emerged to cater the continuing demand for
land/real estate and I think considering such situation, real estate services which
I have mentioned earlier would still be open as opportunities.

5. How will you manage threats to prevent its detrimental effect on company’s
Threat includes anything that can negatively affect a business from the outside.
So what strategies should be done to prevent or mitigate its detrimental effect on
company’s performance. First is the transfer strategy, sample of which is
selecting the right business insurance because doing so will definitely save ones’
investments. Second is avoidance, sample of which is organizing a risk
management team, this is to ensure that all of your strategies are well calculated
and within the level of your risk appetite. Third is through mitigation, sample of
which is through testing and analyzing to ensure high-quality service/products to
prevent negative feedback from target consumers in case of poor quality
management which might lead to reduction of sales.

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