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1. Relative clauses with WHO/ WHICH / THAT (có chức năng Subject)

Eg. The girl who/that (S) sits over there is my classmate.

2. Relative clauses with WHOM/ WHICH / THAT (có chức năng Object)

Eg. The girl whom/that (O) I talked to this morning is my classmate.

3. Relative clauses without WHO/WHOM/ WHICH / THAT (làm Object nên có thể lượt bỏ)

Eg. The girl I talked to this morning is my classmate. ( = (whom/that) I talked to this morning)

4. Relative clauses with WHOSE + NOUN và THE NOUN + OF WHICH

Eg. The girl whose mother is working in this company wanted to talk to you.

Eg. The table needs repairing. The legs of the table have broken down.
- The table /the legs of which have broken down/ needs repairing.

5. Restrictive /defining relative clauses (không có dấu phẩy tach khoi main clauses: xem Eg. 1,2,3,4)

6. Non-restrictive/ non-defining relative clauses (có dấu phẩy; dung sau dt riêng/dt đã xác định voi cac tu
my /his/your…; this /that…)

Eg. Lan, who is my classmate, is a good student.

Eg. I love my mom, who is very caring.

7. Relative clauses following prepositions (chú ý : Preposition + WHOM / WHICH )

Eg. The girl to whom I talked this morning is my classmate. (= …whom I talked to this morning…)

8. WHICH bổ nghĩa cho toàn bộ mệnh đề chính (có dấu phẩy tach main clause & relative clause )

Eg. My students have made a lot of progress. I am really happy about this.

- My students have made a lot of progress , which I am really happy about.

9. Relative clauses with ONE / TWO / THREE…/ ALL /SOME / MOST…OF WHOM / WHICH (có dấu phẩy)

Eg. There are many universities in this city. Some of them offer special classes.
- There are many universities in this city, some of which offer special classes.

* Chú ý:
1. Vị trí mệnh đề quan hệ : sau danh từ mà mệnh đề quan hệ đề cập đến/ bo nghia.
2. THAT: - không đứng sau giới từ
- không dùng trong các loại mệnh đề quan hệ 6, 7, 8 & 9 (không đứng sau dấu phẩy)
- thường đứng sau các cụm dt : the first / second /…/ only / next / last/ biggest / most
beautiful /……….+ Noun
- thường đứng sau các đại từ bất định : someone / anyone / no one / nothing /

3. Đối với các loại mệnh đề quan hệ 6, 7, 8 & 9 : không được lượt bỏ WHOM / WHICH (mặc dù các đại từ quan
hệ này có chức năng object)

- come after indefinite nouns - come after definite nouns (proper nouns; nouns
with possessive adjectives; nouns with
- give necessary information to the indefinite nouns THIS/THAT/THESE/THOSE; Nouns with
- cannot be omitted because this makes Main prepositional phrases)
clauses become unclear. - give more information to the definite nouns
- can be omitted without causing confusion
- are separated from main clauses by one comma
or two commas



a. Active verbs in Relative clauses => PRESENT PARTICIPLE PHRASE: (VERB-ING)

b. Passive verbs in Relative clauses => PAST PARTICIPLE PHRASE : (pp. / VERB-ED )

Eg. The girl who sits next to me is Lan. => The girl sitting next to me is Lan.
Eg. The girl who was given the scholarship is Lan. => The girl who was given the scholarship is Lan.
a. THE + (only/last/next…)
b. THE + (biggest/most beautiful/…) + NOUN + Relative clause => To infinitive phrase
c. THE + (first/ second/ third…)
d. …decision /way/method/work/…. + Relative clause => To infinitive phrase
e. S + HAVE + N/Indefinite pronoun + Relative clause => To infinitive phrase
f. THERE + BE + NOUN + Relative clause => To infinitive phrase
*Note : e & f refer to a duty, necessity, or a purpose.
- Indefinite pronouns : everyone, someone, no one, anyone, everything…

a. The only girl who got 10 marks is Lan. => The only girl to get 10 marks is Lan.

b. The best girl who won the scholarship is Lan. => The best girl to win the scholarship is Lan.

c. The first person who came to the party was Lan. => The first person to come to the party was Lan.

d. The villagers were furious about the decision (to close/closing/closed) the railway station.

e. I have a lot of homework to do today. ( = I…homework which I have to do today.)

f. There are a lot of problems to be solved. (= There….problems which will be solved.)

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