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Name: Geneva Lyn A. Bodiongan Professor: Mr. Ronald B.

Course & Section: BSOA-1st year/Modular Date: Dec. 5, 2022


A. Read and analyze each scenario. If you are the person in the
scene, how will you handle each situation? Type your answers on the
given space.

1. You are a new student in class. After dismissal time, you saw two
of your female classmates outside the school building talking to
each other. You wanted to ask about the classes you missed and
how you could cope with the lessons. You approached them but
they suddenly turned and whispered to each other. How will you
initiate a conversation with them without showing that you are
offended by their actions?
The first thing that I would do is to say hello to the both of them.
Even though I am offended by their actions, I will not show it to them but
instead I’ll ask them in a good way. And because I am the one who needs
their help, I should talk to them properly. I told them that I am a new
student and I just wanted to ask about the classes I missed and how I could
cope up with all the lessons that they already discussed in class. If they will
ignore me, I will just accept it without any hatred against them. But if they
will answer me, I will be happy and say thank you to the both of them.

2. It was your first time to fly to a foreign country and the trip took
about eight hours. You wanted to know how to get to your
destination from the airport. You were fortunate to be seated
beside a foreign national. He is not so proficient in English and
you have difficulty understanding his accent. How will you start a
conversation with him?
In this scenario, since I am the one who wants to talk to the person
beside me, I will start the conversation by saying hello. And told that person
that this is my first time to travel in their country. And then I will start to
ask about how to get to my destination from the airport. But unfortunately,
I’m having trouble understanding his accent because he is not so proficient
in English. And so, I will just tell him that he will just show me the directions
on the map, in order for me to go to my destination.

3. You are scheduled for a job interview. When you arrived at the
place, there was a long queue of applicants. You were the tenth to
be interviewed and you wanted to have an idea about the
questions that were asked. To arrest your fear, you decided to
talk with the other applicants before you. How will you start the
For me, first of all I just want to say hi to them (referring to the
applicants before me). I will start the conversation of asking, how are they?
Are they feeling nervous about the interview or not? And then making
friends with them is the next step. And after that, if I have the chance to ask
questions, I would start asking them about the questions that were asked
to them by the interviewer, so that I have the idea on how to answer the
questions that were going to ask by the interviewer.

B. Check your understanding of the input by answering the following

1. What is the importance of intercultural communication?
2. Are you familiar with some English varieties? If so, what are some
vocabulary words, present in these varieties but are not present
in the variety that you speak? Aside from lexicon, are there other
features that you are familiar with?
3. How do you become more aware of the language features of the
post-colonial varieties?
4. How do you think can you begin to communicate with people
from other cultures and avoid conflicts and misunderstandings?
5. Have you talked to people of diverse linguistic and cultural
backgrounds? Have you ever experienced any difficulty? If so, how
did you manage the conversation? What strategies did you
6. How do formal and informal registers affect the way one speaks?
How do they affect one’s way of writing?
7. What are the other communicative situations in which one uses
formal and informal registers? Why do you think so?
8. Do you know of other types of registers similar to legalese and
textese? How do they differ from each other?
9. Have you been immersed in a foreign land or culture? As a result
of this experience, what changes has it brought you?
10. How can you become more intercultural without having to
immerse first-hand in a foreign culture?
11. Has there been a time when you have offended someone of
a different linguistic and cultural background? What was the
situation? How was the conflict resolved?
12. What factors can increase your effectiveness in
communicating with people from other cultures?

Grading Criteria:
Fullness of detail ………….………………………… 15 pts
Conciseness..……………………………………..…… 15 pts
Clarity of discussion …………………..…………… 20 pts
Total ………………………………………………………. 50 pts

Submit your output through sharing your Google drive


Activity 2: Broadcast my own perspective.

Direction: Create a vlog discussing your own perspective from the
given questions. Post your outputs on our FB page.

1. Humans are always selfish, no matter where they live. Agree or

Disagree? And why?
2. Are the richest nations in the world home to the happiest people
in the world? And how do you define rich in your own

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