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For your eyes only

My personal opinion and idea and response are as follows.

1. The position of Rumel as Chairman and President is OK, but why not
give to other Directors. Chairman leads and open the BOT meetings
and breaks the deadlock of the voting. He is not an executive.
2. Why not expand the member of the BOT to seven (7) in order to
accommodate new and fresh ideas, policies and suggestion into the
governing and administration of the organization.
3. That pastoral meeting I believe must have a minutes of the meeting? If
not taken, I suggest it is a must and required by law to put it on record
every meeting big or small.
4. Personal Question is not appropriate. It must on a one and one Q & A.
must stick to the agenda of the meeting, and other matters must be in
line with the church objective, administration and operation.
5. People questioning the set up of BOT leadership? That is the essence of
official member of the ACCI. ACCF church is a different set up.
Authority and rules is given by BOT base in the By-Laws of the Inc. to
functions within the frame work of the letter.
6. Email and/or Message of invitation thru internet are accepted as
memorandum to its respective attendees. It is official and be sanction
for an explanation.
7. Pastors and leader not attending could have a valid reasons, but not all
the time. As leaders of BOT personally anyone can reach out privately
and communicate their reason, grievances, opinion and ideas.
8. In an area of not accepting BOT leadership it is because of issues of
power struggle, and disrespecting the office of a local church pastor.
The process of nomination and election for BOT leadership could be
administered annually or Bi-annual. That is why it is important the
role of the member it is their sole right to nominate and elect leaders to
the BOT ( install as Directors).
9. There is no such thing as successor or succession. In the event of death,
resignation or vacancies, an immediate call of official BOT meeting to
fill up vacancies, that is the role of Secretary or Chairman. To form a
new set of Directors or Trustees.
10.Again about other local pastor not attending the meeting whether
reasonable or unreasonable don’t matter, the important thing is the
issues. Must address it carefully with understanding, my thought is it
might be the drastic decisions and unfavorable action, and without
consultation and confirmation.
11.What is M&L committee??? Extending hands to others is very OK
move. The way and how to do it must be constructive and edifying to
the Body of Christ.
12.Program as mention are good and right direction ( Education,
Discipleship, caring for ministry).

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