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Coach : Good morning, everyone. So, how are you guys?

Everyone : We are fine, Coach.

Coach : You don't sound fine to me. Andre, did you have enough sleep during the holiday?
You look tired.

Andre : Not really, Coach. My mom was in the hospital. I had to take care of her.

Coach : I see. So sorry to hear about your mom, Andre. How is she?

Andre : She is much better now. Thank you, Coach.

Coach : What about the others? Any stories that you want to share before practice? Steffi?

Steffi : Not really, Coach. I just spend my holiday with my family. We took a short trip to
my dad's hometown.

Coach : Nice, Steffi. Anyone else?

Everyone : No, Coach.

Coach : Ok, great. Now, let's start our practise this morning. I want to start with light
physical activities to make your body get used to our training again, after the

Everyone : Alright, Coach.

Coach : Dion, lead your friends to do our usual stretching.

Dion : Ok, Coach. Everyone, follow my leads.

Dion : The first we start from the feet

Everyone counts

Dion : Next we move to the hands

Everyone counts

Dion : And finally to the head

Everyone counts

Dion : ok, coach it's finished

Coach : Ok, guys. This series is to recalm our body, after our series of practise. Make sure
that you don't do the move too fast, or you will be injured.

Everyone : Alright, Coach.

Coach : Ok, guys. I think today's practise is enough and we shall continue the practise
tomorrow morning. I want to take the training seriously, since our next tournament
is getting closer. I see some of you got carried away with the holiday vibes and
forgot to maintain their weight. Kiky, Lita, you need to work harder. You still have a
lot to catch up. Dion, you help the girls.

Kiky, Lita, Dion : Alright, Coach.

Coach : Yudi, you have to work on your backhand. You can practise with Reza.

Yudi : I will, Coach. Thank you for the lead.

Coach : And as for the others, I didn't mention your names, but it doesn't mean that you
are free. Practise more and harder, because we will have a very tight competition
next month. We practise hard, and so do the other clubs. No more playing around
start from now, if you want to be a winner.

Everyone : Alright, Coach.

Coach : Rama, lead us to prayer.

Rama : Alright, Coach. Guys, let's pray. May God give us strength and power, so we can be
our best. Prayer begin... Prayer end.

Coach : Ok, guys. Have a good rest and prepare for tomorrow practise. Good day, all.

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