Basic Microsoft Word (Exercise 1) 2022

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Part 1:

1) Open up Microsoft Word

2) Type in the following:
Technology for Innovators Inc.
767 Bath Road
Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica
(767) 445-7581
3) Make font edits to the information that was typed from Question #2:
o Change the font style of all the text written to Comic Sans MS

o Change the font size to 16 point

o Bold all the text
o Centre all the text
o Change the font colour to dark blue
4) Change the size of the entire first line to size 13
5) Change the size of the entire third line to size 12
6) Underline the second line
7) Save document in the MS WORD folder as “Exercise 1 - Editing”

Part 2:
1) Create a new Microsoft Word document
2) Go to Home Ribbon and to the section “Styles”; select the “Title” style
3) Choose either to type in the word “Forest” or “Wildlife”
4) Select and format your title to ALL CAPS (instructions below)
o Highlight the word by holding down the left mouse, at the beginning
of the word and drag the cursor to the end of the word.
o Right click on the selected word and go to Font OR click the small
icon to the bottom right of Font (Home Ribbon)
o Select the effect ALL CAPS
5) Search the internet and Insert an image:
o Search for either a picture about the forest or wildlife
Dean Vidal
o Download the image (right click; download)
o Insert the picture (instructions below)
▪ Go to the Insert Ribbon
▪ Select Pictures
▪ Browse through the computer for your downloaded image and
select the image to insert (the image would most likely should
be in the Downloads folder)
6) Resize the picture to height 4 (instructions below)
o Click on the picture
o Select “Picture Tools” Ribbon at the top and then select “Format”
7) Go to the INSERT ribbon, select Header, and add a “Three-Column Header”
which contains:
o COMP123-ClassLetter Office Applications [Your Name]
8) Whilst in the Insert Ribbon, select Page Number and add a Page Number to
the bottom-right of the page
9) Go to a New Page (whilst in the Insert ribbon, select Page Break)
o Use Styles to add a Subtitle
o Write “What I learnt Today” as your subtitle
10) Enter bullet forms to categorize what you learnt and enter sub-bullets
to explain what you did. Example:
▪ How to change the font colour
• First select the word...
• Then right click on the selected word (etc...)
o To enter sub-bullets, simply use any bullet format, press enter at the
end of your main bullet and press the TAB key on your keyboard to
create a sub-bullet
11) Save document as Forest (if you used a forest image) or Wildlife (if
you used a wildlife image) in the Exercise 1 folder.
12) Zip the folder (instructions below)
o Right click on the folder
o Select Send To >
o Select Compressed (zipped) folder
13) Email the zipped folder to: with the subject:
COMP123-[CourseLetter] [YourName] Exercise 1

Dean Vidal

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