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Lesson 3.4: Further Simplification of a Force

and Couple System

Lesson Summary

For a system of forces and couple systems, it is important to simplify these

systems into one resultant force acting on a certain point. In this lesson, we are
about to learn how to further simplify force and couple systems.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this topic, the students should be able to:

1. Simplify coplanar force systems into one single force acting about a
certain point on a known distance.


In this section, we have developed a way to further reduce a number of forces

and couple moment that is acting on a rigid body into an equivalent resultant
force 𝐹𝑅 that acts on a specific point O and a resultant couple moment (𝑀𝑅 )𝑂 .
The force system can be further reduced to an equivalent single resultant force
provided the lines of action of 𝐹𝑅 and (𝑀𝑅 )𝑂 are perpendicular to each other.
Because of this condition, concurrent, and coplanar force systems can be
further simplified.

Concurrent Force Systems

Since a concurrent force system is one in which the lines of action of all the
forces intersect at a common point O, then the force system produces no
moment about this point. As a result, the equivalent system can be represented
by a single resultant force 𝐹𝑅 = 𝛴𝐹 acting at O.

Figure 12. Concurrent force system

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34 ESci 123 – Statics of Rigid Bodies

Coplanar Force Systems

In the case of a coplanar force system (Figure 13a), the lines of action of all the
forces lie in the same plane, and so the resultant force 𝐹𝑅 = 𝛴𝐹 of this system
also lies in this plane. Furthermore, the moment of each of the forces about any
point O is directed perpendicular to this plane. Thus, the resultant moment
(𝑀𝑅 )𝑂 and resultant force 𝐹𝑅 will be perpendicular to each other (Figure 13b).
The resultant moment can then be replaced by moving the resultant force 𝐹𝑅 a
perpendicular distance d away from point O such that 𝐹𝑅 produces the same
moment (𝑀𝑅 )𝑂 about point O (Figure 13c). The distance of d can simple be
determined from the scalar equation (𝑀𝑅 )𝑂 = 𝐹𝑅 𝑑 = 𝛴𝑀𝑂 or 𝑑 = (𝑀𝑅 )𝑂 /𝐹𝑅 .

Figure 13. Simplification of coplanar force systems

Example 3.7

Replace the force and couple system shown in Figure 3–7a by an equivalent
resultant force and couple moment acting at point O.

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Figure 3-7. Simplify the concurrent force systems


Force Summation. The 3 kN and 5 kN forces are resolved into their x and y
components as shown in Figure 3–7b. We have

Using the Pythagorean theorem, Figure 3–7c, the magnitude of FR is


Its direction 𝜃 is


Moment Summation. The moments of 3 kN and 5 kN about point O will be

determined using their x and y components. Referring to Figure 3–7b, we have

↺ + (𝑀𝑅 )𝑂 = ∑𝑀𝑂 ;

(𝑀𝑅 )𝑂 = (3 kN) sin 30° (0.2m) − (3kN) cos 30° (0.1m) + ( ) (5kN)(0.1m)
− ( ) (5kN)(0.5m) − (4kN)(0.2m)
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36 ESci 123 – Statics of Rigid Bodies

= −2.46 kN ⋅ m = 2.46 kN ⋅ m ↻


This clockwise moment is shown in Figure 3–7c.

NOTE: Realize that the resultant force and couple moment in Figure 3–7c will
produce the same external effects or reactions at the supports as those
produced by the force system, Figure 3–7a.

Example 3.8

Replace the force and couple system acting on the member in Figure 3–8a by
an equivalent resultant force and couple moment acting at point O.

Figure 3-8. A system subjected to forces


Force summation. Since the couple forces of 200 N are equal but opposite,
they produce a zero-resultant force, and so it is not necessary to consider them
in the force summation. The 500-N force is resolved into its x and y
components, thus,

From Figure 3–8b the magnitude of FR is


And the angle 𝜃 is

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Moment Summation. Since the couple moment is a free vector. It can act at
any point on the member. Referring to Figure 3–8a, we have


This clockwise moment is shown in Figure 3–8b.

Reduction of a Simple Distributed Loading

Sometimes, a body may be subjected to a loading that is distributed over its
surface. For example, the pressure of the wind on the face of a sign, the
pressure of water within a tank, or the weight of sand on the floor of a storage
container, are all distributed loadings, commonly they are also referred to as
pressures. The pressure exerted at each point on the surface indicates the
intensity of the loading. It is measured using pascals Pa (or 𝑁 ⋅ 𝑚2 ) in SI units
or 𝑙𝑏 ⋅ 𝑓𝑡 2 in the U.S. Customary system.

Figure 14. A simple distributed loading simplified into a single force

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38 ESci 123 – Statics of Rigid Bodies

Loading Along a Single Axis

The most common type of distributed loading encountered in engineering

practice can be represented along a single axis. For example, consider the
beam (or plate) that has a constant width and is subjected to a pressure loading
that varies only along the x-axis as shown in Figure 14a. This loading can be
described by the function 𝑝 = 𝑝(𝑥) 𝑁/𝑚2 . It contains only one variable x, and
for this reason, we can also represent it as a coplanar distributed load. To do
so, we multiply the loading function by the width b m of the beam, so that
𝑤(𝑥) = 𝑝(𝑥)𝑏 𝑁/𝑚. The resultant force FR acting on a specific location of this
coplanar parallel force system can then be determined through integration.

Magnitude of the Resultant Force

From our knowledge on the previous topics, we know that the magnitude of a
resultant force can be determined through 𝐹𝑅 = 𝛴𝐹, applying the same principle
for simple distributed loading, the magnitude of 𝐹𝑅 is equivalent to the sum of
all the forces in the system. In this case, integration must be used since there
is an infinite number of parallel forces dF acting on the beam. Since dF is acting
on an element of length dx, and w(x) is a force per unit length, then 𝑑𝐹 =
𝑤(𝑥) 𝑑𝑥 = 𝑑𝐴. In other words, the magnitude of dF is determined from the
colored differential area dA under the loading curve. For the entire length L,

Therefore, the magnitude of the resultant force is equal to the area A under
the loading diagram (shaded in gray in Figure 14c).

Location of the Resultant Force

Applying the equation (𝑀𝑅 )𝑂 = 𝛴𝑀𝑂 , the location x of the line of action of 𝐹𝑅
can be determined by equating the moments of the force resultant and the
parallel force distribution about point O (the y-axis). Since dF produces a
moment of 𝑥 𝑑𝐹 = 𝑥 𝑤(𝑥) 𝑑𝑥 about O, Figure 14b, then for the entire length,
we get

Solving for x̄, we have,

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This coordinate x̄, locates the geometric center or centroid of the area under
the distributed loading. In other words, the resultant force has a line of action
which passes through the centroid C (geometric center) of the area under the
loading diagram. In many cases, however, the distributed-loading diagram is in
the shape of a rectangle, triangle, or some other simple geometric form. The
centroid location for such common shapes does not have to be determined
from the above equation but can be obtained directly using derived equations.

Example 3.9

The jib crane shown in Figure 3–9a is subjected to three coplanar forces.
Replace this loading by an equivalent resultant force and specify where the
resultant’s line of action intersects the column AB and boom BC.

Figure 3-9. A jib crane subjected to coplanar forces


Force Summation. Resolving the 250-lb force into x and y components and
summing the force components yields

As shown by the vector addition in Figure 3–9b,

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40 ESci 123 – Statics of Rigid Bodies

Moment Summation. Moments will be summed about point A. Assuming the

line of action of FR intersects AB at a distance y from A, Figure 3–9b, we have


By the principle of transmissibility, FR can be placed at a distance x where it

intersects BC, Figure 3–9b. In this case we have


Example 3.10

Replace the force and couple moment system acting on the beam in Figure 3–
10a by an equivalent resultant force, and find where its line of action intersects
the beam, measured from point O.

Figure 3-10. A beam subjected to forces


Force Summation. Summing the force components,

From Figure 3–10b, the magnitude of FR is

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And the angle 𝜃 is


Moment Summation. We must equate the moment of FR about point O in

Figure 3–10b to the sum of the moments of the force and couple moment
system about point O in Figure 3–10b. Since the line of action of (FR)x acts
through point O, only (FR)y produces a moment about this point. Thus,


Example 3.11

Determine the magnitude and location of the equivalent resultant force acting
on the shaft in Figure 3–11a.

Figure 3-11. A beam subjected to a distributed loading


Since w = w(x) is given, this problem will be solved by integration.

The differential element has an area dA = w dx = 60x2 dx. Applying integration,

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42 ESci 123 – Statics of Rigid Bodies


The location x of FR measured from O, Figure 3–11b, is determined by,


NOTE: These results can be checked by using the table on the inside back
cover, where it is shown that the formula for an exparabolic area of length a,
height b, and shape shown in Figure 3–11a, is

Instructions: Solve the following problems in a 1 whole sheet of long bond

1. In each case, determine the x and y components of the resultant force

and the resultant couple moment at point O.

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2. In each case, determine the x and y components of the resultant force

and specify the distance where this force acts from point O.

(a) (b)

3. Replace this loading by an equivalent resultant force and specify its

location, measured from point O.

(a) (b)

References and Additional Resources

Hibbeler, R. C. (2016). Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics.
Pearson Prentice Hall Pearson Education, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey
Singer, F.L. 1979. Engineering Mechanics. Statics and Dynamics Harper
and Row publishers, New York. 3rd Ed.

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