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Cell Structure/Function & Transport Study Guide

Use the Kahoot review game in Canvas to make sure you have the correct answers for this study guide. This is
linked on the same page as the study guide or is also linked here.

Cell Parts Review

1. What does the nucleus do for a cell?
Controls cell and holds dna
2. What do the ribosomes do for a cell?
Produces protien
3. What do the lysosomes do for a cell?
Get rid of waste
4. What does a vacuole do for a cell?
Stores materials for a cell
5. What do chloroplasts do for a cell?
Turn sunlight into energy
6. What does the cell membrane do for a cell?
Allows certain things in
7. What does the cell wall do for a cell?
Gives support and structure to the cell
8. What does the cytoplasm do for a cell?
Hold organelles in place
9. What does the mitochondria do for a cell?
Provides energy
10. What are the main differences between plant cells and animal cell? (HINT: there are 3 main differences)
Chloroplast vacoule and cell walls
11. What is a prokaryotic cell?
No nucleus
12. What is a eukaryotic cell?
Has a nuclues
Cell Membrane Review
13. What are the two main macromolecules in the cell membrane?
Proteins and lipids
14. What does selectively (semi) permeable mean?
Only lets certain thing out or in
15. How are hydrophilic and hydrophobic molecules different from one another?
Hydrophillic loves water hydrophobic hates it
16. How do the phospholipid molecules form the lipid bilayer?
Heads out tails in
17. Why do phospholipids arrange themselves as they do?
tails are hydrophobic and heads are hydrophilic

Cell Transport Review

18. How are osmosis and diffusion the different?
Movement of water diffusion is anthing
19. How are osmosis and diffusion same?
When molceuels move to more of less

20. What is a concentration gradient?

Different amount of concentration in a substance
21. How are passive and active transport different from each other?
passive is osmosis and diffusion and active is not
passive moves more to less/active moves less to more
passive needs no energy and active does require energy

22. What is equilibrium?

All molecules spread out evenly
23. What is a hypertonic solution?
Water moves out
24. What is a hypotonic solution?
Water moves in
25. What is an isotonic solution?
Stays the same
26. What happens to a cell in a hypertonic solution?
27. What happens to a cell in a hypotonic solution?
28. What happens to a cell in an isotonic solution?
Stays the same
✶ Review the Cell Transport Problems packet and make sure you know how to do these problems - there will
be some like these on the test.

Variables Review
29. Which variable is the one that the scientist changes on purpose to test something?
30. Which variable is the one that is the results of what the scientist changed?
31. What are the factors that are kept the same in an experiment called?

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