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Developing personal SMART goals for your chosen Sustainable Development Goals

In the beginning of this topic, we discussed renewable and non-renewable resources. We worked in
groups to break down the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations Educational
Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). These were:
Goal 6 - Clean Water
Goal 12 - Responsible consumption and production
Goal 13 - Climate Action
Goal 14 - Life Below Water
Goal 15 - Life on Land

These goals are quite large, far-reaching, and long-term. They can be hard to think about on a large
scale as the big picture. It is important to keep in mind that big changes come from little changes and
your choices do matter.
In this task, you will take a step back from these large goals and focus on small things you can do
every day to make a difference.

You need to develop three SMART Goals based on the SDGs. Choose one of the goals listed above,
choose one or more of the targets for the goal and then develop your SMART goals.

UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals:

Smart goal 1: By the end of the year I want to understand how to Protect marine ecosystems
SDG: Protect marine ecosystems
Specific This is specific to me because my mum’s boss once asked if u ever wanted to go
diving in Sydney, I quickly said yes but I was 10 at the time. I would be old enough
to do so but that has been ruined by people who can’t follow rules.
Measurabl This is indeed measurable in a way for example there could be funding out how
e many kilos of rubbish was puked out of the ecosystem the more that us pulled
means can lead to the ecosystem healing.
Attainable This can be attainable by protecting the marine ecosystems, making sure that
people don’t try can take and species or things part of the ecosystem back home
and removing rubbish from it.
Relevant This is relevant to me because I would really like to try new things out, diving being
one of them. That is way it is relevant to me that I learn out if protect the marine
ecosystem and save it for future generations with the same passion.
Time- This timebound to the end if the year. This gives me the right amount of time that is
bound needed to research on how others are protecting the marine ecosystem, how we
cab protect ours and what I can do as an individual.

Smart goal 2: by the end of the year, I want to be prepared for heatwaves or any climate related natural disasters.
SDG: Prepared for climate related natural disasters
Specific This goal is very specific because our air con is automatic which means that when its
summer it will automatically only let cold air flow out of the vents. When its winter
it’s the same but only that it will only let out hot air. However, on some days the
weather can be unpredictable, which leads it being cold in the summer because of
climate change.
Measurabl This is measurable by looking at things like the BOM (Bureau of Meteorology)
e statices, recent news and interviews. Another way is to simply be in front of the
weather outlets like checking if it changes ever few hours.
Attainable This goal is attainable because of the BOM and weather news outlets. The BOM
would live out news like: ‘there is a 63.7% that there will be a heatwave’. This helps
others like myself, to be prepared for that heatwave.
Relevant This is relevant to me because I would be much happier if I was able to set the right
temperature to the air con myself, and because I want to live in a world where I
don’t need to worry about heat strokes because I didn’t have the supplies to be
prepared for a heatwave.
Time- This goal is time bound until the end of the year, which is reasonable because by
bound the end of the year, I could have things like notes on what to do in case of a
heatstroke, what to be prepared for, what to use and what sources to look at if u
need if help.

Smart goal 3: by the end of the term, I want to be able to be prepared for water shortages.
SDG: Prepared for water shortages
Specific This is specific to me because in the previous few years there were electrical
outages which lead to water shortages. We did have people from the electrical
company giving us water because the water lines were shut but there was only one
box. Which ran out quickly because we had it use to cook dinner, along with the fact
that there was 7 of us.
Measurabl This is measurable by simply storing enough water. The amount of water that would
e be enough was to figure out how much water does each person in the family drink
on average. Then to find out how much water is typically used to create dinner.
Attainable This is attainable by creating specific areas to store water that had a purpose. Like
stirring water that is to be used for cooking in the kitchen. Then there’s area where
the water used for hydration is stored that way people don’t go using water that is
meant to be used for a different purpose.
Relevant This is relevant to me because sometimes we couldn’t have dinner because there us
no water, then there’s no water to drink which forces us to go to a relatives’ house
late at night which is something my family tries to avoid.
Time- This is time bound by the end of the term which is reasonable because by then of
bound term there will be water storages, notes, what to do etc.

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