Derivatives Market

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AE18 - Financial Markets

Table of

1. Derivative Securities 2. Forwards and Futures

3. Options 4. Swaps

5. Caps, Floors, and Collars

01. Securities
An agreement between two parties
to exchange a standard quantity of an
asset at a predetermined price at a
specified date in the future.

Derivative Securities Markets

The markets in which derivative
securities trade.
and Futures
Spot Markets
Spot Contract is an agreement to transact

02. Forwards involving the immediate exchange of assets and

and Futures

Forward Markets
Forward Contract is an agreement to transact
involving the future exchange of a set amount
of assets at a set price.

Futures Markets
Futures Contract is an agreement to transact
involving the future exchange of a set
amount of assets for a price that is settled
03 Options
03. Options
A contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the
underlying asset at a specified price within a specified period of time.

Call Option Put Option

An option that gives a purchaser the An option that gives a purchaser the
right, but not the obligation, to buy the right, but not the obligation, to sell the
underlying security from the writer of underlying security to the writer of the
the option at a prespecified exercise option at a prespecified price on or
price on or before a prespecified date. before a prespecified date.
Option Values Option Markets
Black-Scholes Model: The Chicago Board of Options
1. The spot price of the underlying Exchange (CBOE) opened in 1973.
asset It was the first exchange devoted
2. The exercise price on the option
solely to the trading of stock
3. The option’s exercise date
4. Price volatility of the underlying options.
5. The risk-free rate of interest
04 Swaps
Currency Swaps

04. An agreement between two
A swap used to hedge against
exchange rate risk from mismatched
currencies on assets and liabilities.
parties to exchange assets or
a series of cash flows for a
specific period of time at a Credit Swaps
specified interval
Total Return Swap involves swapping an
obligation to pay interest at a specified fixed
or floating rate for payments representing the
Interest Rate Swap total return on a loan of a specified amount.
An exchange of fixed interest payments for Pure Credit Swap is the alternative swap,
floating-interest payments by two without the interest rate.
Caps, Floors,
and Collars
05 Caps, Floors,
and Collars Floor
A put option on interest rates,
often with multiple exercise
A call option on interest rates,
often with multiple exercise Collar
dates. A position taken simultaneously
in a cap and a floor.
Thank You!
Chapter 10 - Derivative Securities Markets
Financial Markets and Institutions Fifth Edition
Anthony Saunders & Marcia Millon Cornett

Karol Elaine R. Bercero AE 18 - Financial Markets October 26, 2021

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