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Lớp : 9A__ NĂM HỌC 2022-2023
Họ tên : ___________________ Môn : ENGLISH 9
SBD: PHÒNG:_____ Ngày kiểm tra: 17/10/2022
Thời gian: 60 phút
(Đề kiểm tra này gồm có 6 trang) ( Không kể thời gian phát đề )

Điểm thống nhất Chữ ký của Giám khảo Giám thị Mã số

Bằng số Bằng chữ Giám khảo 1 Giám khảo 2
1- ............................
2- ............................


Part 1. Listen to the recording twice. Choose the correct answers to the questions. (2,0 ms)
1. Where is the man going?
A. to a museum B. to a movie theater C. to a musical D. to a park

2. How long will it take to get to his destination?

A. under five minutes B. under ten minutes C. under fifteen minutes D. under twenty minutes

3. What time does the place in Question 1 close?

A. at 4:30 PM B. at 5:00 PM C. at 6:00 PM D. at 6:30 PM

4. Where is the man going later downtown?

A. to a party B. to a restaurant C. to a play D. to a business meeting

5. How much will the fare be for the taxi ride, not including a tip?
A. between five and ten dollars B. between ten and fifteen dollars
C. between fifteen and twenty dollars D. more than twenty dollars

Part 2. Complete The form below. Write no more than two words or a number for each answer. (2,0ms)
Student Union Registration Form
Name: Stefan Unger

Degree programme: (1) ……………………………………………………………

Department: (2) ……………………………………………………………………………

Leisure activities: (3) …………………………………………………………………………

Languages (apart from English): (4) …………………………………………………………

Type of accommodation: (5) …………………………………………………………………………

Contact number: (6) …………………………………………………………………………….……………

When can students use the photocopier? (7)………………………………………………………

Where are events usually held? (8) …………………………………………………………………………………

Which Union officer is responsible for van hire? (9) ……………………………………………………………………

What will Union members be able to get a discount on? (10) …………………………………………………………

I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. Circle
the letter A, B, C or D next to the answer. (1m)
1. A. foot B. food C. bamboo D. afternoon
2. A. voyage B. carriage C. massage D. dosage
3. A. rose B. practise C. mouse D. house
4. A. factory B. fortify C. fortieth D. fortunate
5. A. palace B. necklace C. surface D. purchase
II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. Circle the letter A, B, C or D. (1m)
1. A. ignorant B. descendant C. torlerant D. immigrant
2. A. employee B. referee C. committee D. refugee
3. A. European B. unforgettable C. nationality D. photography
4. A. industrialize B. introspective C. alternative D. informative
5. A. linguistics B. introduce C. understand D. correspond


I. Use the correct form of the word in parentheses to complete the sentence: (1m)
1. They are selling these toys at a ________________________ price. (COMPETE)
2. It was quite ________________________ to order so much food, we were too tired to eat. (NECESSITY)
3. The schoolgirl was too _______________________ when she made the stupid mistake. (SHAME)
4. He felt ________________________ when he saw he had failed the exam again. (COURAGE)
5. We can’t help worrying. Travelling in our city is becoming ____________________ every day. (TROUBLE)

II. Use the words in the brackets to combine the following sentences. (1m)
1. This student failed his exams several times. He performed carelessly in his exams. (SUCH …THAT)
→ _________________________________________________________________________________________
2. “If you don’t take it easy, you’ll have another heart attack”. The doctor said to the patient so. (WARNED)
→ __________________________________________________________________________________________
3. The man had made up his mind. He nerver changed it because he was a self-opinionated person. (HAVING)
→ __________________________________________________________________________________________
4. People have chopped down plenty of trees in the forests. The environment has been badly affected. (MORE)
→ __________________________________________________________________________________________
5. I would like to express my thanks to you. You have done everything for me. (THANKFUL)
→ __________________________________________________________________________________________

III. Rewrite each of the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same: (1.m)
1. The man lost his money simply because he wasn’t careful.
→= If__________________________________________________________________________________________
2. In spite of the doctor’s warning, the patient keeps on smoking.
→= Although ___________________________________________________________________________________
3.Though my house was cheaper than Norman’s, it is bigger and more attractive.
→= Norman’s house may___________________________________________________________________________
4. People in Spain are very friendly with visitors but we weren’t able to speak Spainish when we stayed there .
→= We regret ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. The Presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill.
→= So many_____________________________________________________________________________________

IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following passage.(1m)
Judith Nelson (1. presently, work) _______________________________ in the international sales division at an electronics firm.
He (2. just, return) ______________________________ from a trip to Japan. He (3. be) ___________________ asked to go there
because he (4. be ) __________________able to speak Japanese. Four three years, he (5. never, have) _______________________
the opportunity to use his Japanese until he (6. go) _____________ to Tokyo last month. While he (7. stay) ____________________
there, he (8. speak) ___________________ Japanese everyday and (9. enjoy) __________________very much of it. He said he
wished he (10. travel) ______________________ to other countries the next year.

V. Circle the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence: (1m)
1. Mary is talking to her professor in his office.
- Professor: “Congratulations on your award.” - Mary: “____________________________________________”
A. I like it that you understand. B. I do appreciate your supervision.
C. I can’t agree more with yours. D. I feel sorry for you, professor.
2. “Hello, I’d like to speak with Mr. Smith.” - “______________________________________________________.”
A. Sure. B. Who are you? C. Of course you can. D. Hang on, please. I’ll put you through.
3. The reason for the traffict accident was _____________________ one of the drivers had lost control of his car.
A. why B. when C. that D. how
4. Prior to our conference, the executive director had requested that everyone _____________________ well prepared.
A. be B. is C. was D. will be
5. Many ___________ items are turned in to the railroad officials every week.
A. lose B. lost C. losing D. loss

VI. Choose and circle the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that is wrong and correct it. (1 m)
0. Almost of trees in this plantation have had to be cut down and burned as a result of the infestation.
-->_A: Almost of → Most_______________________________________________________________________
1. Suddenly, Katherine gave a shriek and rushed into the kirchen, where she could smell her cake burn.
2. It is very possible that the horses will frighten if there is suddenly a loud noise.
3. As you know that water is a compound produced from the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen.
4. In no other country there are as many people as in China.
5. If man were less greedy, more animal species could be avoided extinction.


I. Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each of the
blanks. (1m)
Just more English is being taught in primary schools worldwide, so there are a (1).................. number of language schools in
English-speaking countries that are (2) ................ courses for younger learners. In Britain, most young learners' courses are
(3).................. to 11-year-olds and upwards, with a few that cater for children as young as seven. But what is a sensible age to start
sending children abroad to study? (4)..............., even adult learners find the experience of travelling to a strange country and
encountering people who speak a barely comprehensible language challenging.
A great deal depends on how a child has been (5) ................... up. For example, if they have been exposed to new things and
have already started to learn independence, then they are (6) ………… to enjoy the experience. (7)...................., children who have
previously travelled abroad with their parents will be well prepared to undertake a study (8)................. in an English-speaking
country on their (9)……………. Getting (10) the idea that other countries have different customs and cultures is an
important stage in the process of teaming a foreign language.

1. A. rising B. raising C. increasing D. growing

2. A. granting B. offering C. setting D. studying
3. A. suit B. fit C. open D. access
4. A. After all B. At the end C. At last D. Finally
5. A. brought B. turned C. put D. grown
6. A. about B. likely C. possibly D. easily
7. A. In addition B. More of C. Further on D. On the other hand
8. A. travel B. journey C. voyage D. trip
9. A. lonely B. own C. alone D. self
10. A. to know B. aware C. used D. on well

II. Read the following passage carefully and fill in each blank with a suitable word. Use only one word for
each blank. (1m)
British parents are always complaining that their children spend too much time glued to the TV and do not have enough time
on other activities (1)…………….......sports and reading. A survey recently (2)............................out on people's viewing habits does
not approve this. It shows that young people in Britain spend on average 23 hours a week in front of the television
(3).......................... works out at over three hours a day.
(4) surprising, however, is the fact that the average adult watches even more: an incredible 28 hours a week.
We (5) have become a nation of addicts. Just about every household in the country has a television set and over
half have two or more. According to the survey, people nowadays don't just watch television sitting in their living-rooms, they watch
it in the kitchen and in bed (6).............................well.
The Education Minister said a few weeks ago that Britain's pupils (7)...............................spend more time reading.
Unfortunately, parents are not setting a good example: adults do (8).............................. reading than young people. In fact, reading
is at the (9)........................... of their list of favourite pastimes. They would (10).......................... listen to the radio, go to the
cinema or hire a video to watch on their televisions at home.

III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the questions. (2ms)
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has 150 member countries. They are looking to improve trade. Trade means the buying
and selling goods. The WTO provides a place where these countries can talk about what they need. The goal of the WTO is to make
trade grow by removing legal barriers between countries.

The WTO helps trade in several ways. First, it asks countries to treat each other equally. They should not give special trade
deals to one country and not to another. Also, these countries should not try to stop foreign products from any one country. The idea
is that goods and services should be able to cross borders easily. A second way to improve trade is to lower tariffs. These are
special taxes for things bought and sold. A third way to strengthen trade is to make sure that the rules will stay the same. In order
for people to invest their money, they need to feel secure for the future. A fourth way in to allow greater competitions between
countries. The central belief is that competitions make for a stronger economy. The last way to improve trade is to help countries
thai are poor. The need help coming up to the level of modem countries. They can be helped by allowing them extra time to get
their systems in order. They can be given priority in making deals with other countries.
Free and easy trade is the WTO's goal. It supports rich countries and helps poor ones get ahead. It is one way of improving the
lives of more people in the world. It asks countries to make laws that help this process. Every year, more countries apply to be in the
WT0. They see membership as a good thing.

- Notes: make for sth = to help to make something possible (đem lại).

1. According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT ____________________________________________
A. The WTO wants to improve trade by lowering taxes. B. poor countries are not given priority.
C. The WTO wants to make trade better. D. Trade means the buying and selling of goods.

2. It can be inferred from the passage that _____________________________________________________________

A. The WTO helps remove political barriers between countries
B. The WTO's goal is to trade with other organizations
C. The WTO is a multi-national organization
D. Few countries want to become a member of the WTO

3. The word "barriers" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______________________________________________

A. borders B. documents C. obstacles D. bans

4. Why does the author give details about how the WTO helps trade? - ________________________________________
A. To illustrate how the WTO improves international trade. B. To distinguish between the WTO and the banks.
C. To promote discussion about the WTO. D. To complain about the actions of the WTO.

5. The word "tariffs" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________________________________________________

A. taxes B. goods C. incomes D. expenses

6. The word "priority" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____________________________________________
A. diversion B. fundamentalist C. infiltration D. importance

7. Paragraph 2 lists the ways in which the WTO helps trade. How many ways are mentioned?
A. 6 B. 5 C. 3 D. 4

8. Which of the following is NOT correct?

A. The goal of the WTO is to improve trade. B. The WTO supports poor countries.
C. Many countries apply to be in the WTO every year. D. Rich countries are given priority.

9. According to paragraph 3, the WTO _______________________________________________________________

A. asks rich countries to help poor ones B. helps improve the lives of more people in the world
C. helps rich countries get ahead D. gives poor countries lots of food

10. Which of the following does NOT support the idea that the WTO provides a way for countries to improve trade?
A. Countries should allow goods and services to cross borders easily.
B. Countries should be fair to one another and help poor members.
C. Countries should lower tariffs and make investors feel secure.
D. Countries should allow time to raise taxes.


I. Use the cue words to make each sentence in the passage below. (2ms)
Dear Peter,
1. I / feel / very happy / get / letter / after / such / long time.
2. It / be / absolutely / ages / since / I hear / you.
3. What / happen / you / some years? Why / not / write / us earlier?
4. You / like / come / stay / us / countryside ?
5. You all / be / very welcome / you / come / visit.
6. What about / come / end / next month//
7. My parents / miss / you both / often / talk / you.
8. They / remember / time / you / be / small.
9. Write soon / let / know / when / you / come.
10. We / looking forward / see / you / nearest time..
Sincerely yours,

II. Secondary school students need no more self study at home because of their enough hard-working at
school.” Do you agree with this saying or not? Write a paragraph about 120-150 words to express your ideas
about it. (2.0 points)


NĂM HỌC 2022-2023
Part 1. Listen to the recording twice. Choose the correct answers to the questions. (2,0 ms)
→ 0.4 m for each sentence
1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B
Part 2. Complete The form below. Write no more than two words or a number for each answer. (2,0ms)
→ 0.2 m for each sentence
(1) postgraduate
(2) engineering
(3) computer games
(4) German
(5) in Hall
(6) 02950659003
(7) in the mornings
(8) Round Theatre
(9) Transport Secretary
(10) newspapers
I. Sound. (1m): 0.2 m for each sentence
1. A. 2. C. 3. B. 4. D. 5. C.

II. Stress. (1m): 0.2 m for each sentence

1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4. B. 5. A.


I. Use the correct form of the word in parentheses to complete the sentence: (1m)
0.2 m for each sentence
1. competitive 2. unnecessary 3. ashamed 4. discouraged 5. troublesome
II. Use the words in the brackets to combine the following sentences. (1m)
0.2 m for each sentence
1. → He was such a careless student that he failed his exams several times.
2. → The doctor warned the patient that if he didn’t take it easy, he would have another heart attack..
3. → Having made up his mind, the self-opinionated man nerver changed it.
4. → The more trees in the forests people chopped down, the worse affected the environment has been.
(→ =The more trees people chopped down in the forests, the worse affected the environment has been.)
5. → I would like to say thankful words to you for everything you have done for me.
(→ = I’d like to say how thankful I am for everything you have done for me.)

III. Rewrite each of the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the
same: (1.m)
0.2 m for each sentence
1. →= If the man had been careful, he wouldn’t have lost his money simply.
2. →= Although the doctor has warned the patient, he keeps on smoking.
3.→= Norman’s house may have been more expensive but it is smaller and less attractive than mine.
4. →= We regret not being able to speak Spainish when we stayed in Spain, where people are friendly with visitors.
5. →= So many people turned out to see the president that all traffic came to a standstill.
(→= So many people were attracted by the presidential visit that all traffic came to a standstill.)
(→= So many people crowed streets to see the president that all traffic came to a standstill.)

IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following passage.(1m)
0.1 m for each sentence
1. is presently working 2. has just returned 3. was 4. was 5. had never had

6. went 7. stayed 8. spoke 9. enjoyed 10. would travel

V. Circle the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence: (1m)
0.2 m for each sentence
1. B. I do appreciate your supervision. 2. D. Hang on, please. I’ll put you through 3. C. that
4. A. be 5. B. lost

VI. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.(1 m)
0.2 m for each sentence
1. D: burn → burning 2. B : will frighten → will be frightened 3. A: that → O

4. C: there are → are there 5. D: be avoided → avoid


I. Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each of the
blanks. (1.0m)
0.1 m for each blank
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A
6. B 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. C

II. Read the following passage carefully and fill in each blank with a suitable word. Use only one word for each
blank. (1.0m)
0.2 m for each sentence
1. like 2. carried 3. which 4. What 5. seem
6. as 7. should 8. less 9. bottom 10. rather
III. Read the passage and choose the correct answer. (2.0ms)
0.2 m for each sentence
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. A
6. D 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. D
I. From the following sets of words and phrases, write a complete letter. (2ms)
0.2 m for each sentence
Dear Peter,
1. I feel very happy to get your letter after such a long time.
2. It has been absolutely for ages since I heard from/of you.
3. What have happened to you for some years? Why didn’t you write to us earlier?
4. Would you like to come and stay with us in the countryside ?
5. You all will be very welcome if you come to visit us.
6. What about your coming at the end of next month.
7. My parents miss you both a lot and they often talk about you.
8. They remembered the time you were still small.
9. Write soon to let me know when you will come.
10. We are looking forward to seeing you again in the nearest time.
Sincerely yours,
II. II. Secondary school students need no more self study at home because of their enough hard-working at
school.” Do you agree with this saying or not? Write a paragraph about 120-150 words to express your ideas
about it. (2.0 points)
Introduction: 0,25m
Body: 1,5ms
Conclusion: 0,25m


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