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Beginning ActionWhen Camus was a young man, he has been the houseboy of a Germanhaciendero.

German is a Bachelor and he often told Camus that hispunishments were for his own good became he
must learn to shed hisindolent and clumsy ways if he ever hoped to amount to anything.Camus and his
wife were themselves becoming people of consequence.They now owned best in the barrio which other
lakeside Village lay atthe base of a high chit which the people called Munting Azul because aperpetual
haze clung to its summit. Meding, his wife leaved the harddriving manners of towns folk. It constantly
amazed her how she couldmake idle time yield profit, and even more astonishing, how havingmade
profit she held on to it.Rising ActionAll their life sentiment had very little meaning perhaps becauseLove
had never figured in the courtship. Camus married Medingbecause his father and her father had agreed
on the union

They found out that they are getting old but they are not happy in their life and they are not even enjoy
their existence


Camus - Meding's husband who was once a houseboy of a bachelor German


Meding - Camus' wife; she used to be the servant of the mayor's family in

Señor Lehniann - young Camus' employer. As a great reader, he owns a thick

which he always read but would never let Camus touch. Except for the

book, he is generous with other things


Camus and his wife Meding owned the best house in Barrio Cuenco. Meding, in

her own adolescence, lived in the Capitolyo for almost four years as servant of the

Mayor's family. It was there that she learned the hard-driving manners of townsfolk.

Camus, is a hard worker; he was at his fishing long before the dawn, and back later in the

day to mending his nets on the pier. It was his father's life he had learned, and after he

came from being a houseboy of the German haciendero, Señor Lehniann, he saw no

cause and no way to change.

By frugality and a little savings, the couple managed to turn their hut into

Meding's dream house - two big bedroom-house of galvanized roofing, capiz windows

and all the accoutrements of town houses, hardware, varnished walls, a spacious sala, and

carved narra furniture. Since they do not have a child, the house only become rain-stained

with every passing season and the bedrooms and furniture were used by no one except

the guests.

As their life is becoming convenient day by day, Camus felt that he knew his wife

less and less. All their life, sentiment had had very little meaning perhaps because love

had never figured in the courtship. In the first place, Camus married Meding because his

father and her father had agreed on the union.

One day, Meding asked Camus to join the young men in the barrio to go to the

Capitolyo for the fiesta. As he put on his suit and looks at himself in the mirror, he was

dismayed at what he saw; he scarcely knew the reflection he caught sight of.

Still, Camus went to the Capitolyo with the young men and the chickens caged in

stripped baskets. After he pocketed the money from selling the chickens, he was
awestricken by the tinkling sound from an ice cream vendor. Hesitant, he slowly drew the

money from his pocket, picked the bill most frayed and gave it to the vendor. As he

licked the ice cream, savoring the taste, he stretched out his hand for the change.


The story meaning is heavily centered on its char

A person of consequence is able to change, because the context changes, but has a purpose, has a
strategy. She wants to be the author of her life. And that's really I feel the secret of understanding how
to live through the change in a way that helps us understand the consequences

In the People of Consequence, Cammayo determines that striving hard is necessary but striving too
much to be accepted in a high social status can sometimes lead to unhappiness and less appreciation of
the simple things around. The main theme of the story is enjoying and valuing every moment of living
and to never forget the simple things. In the text, both Meding and Camus became people of
consequence or people of value and significance in the society. From just being a houseboy for a
German landlord and a maid for the town mayor’s family, they rise up and become powerful. Camus
worked so hard not only as a chicken raiser, to going into fishing, truly a determined and smart in what
he does. Meding, Camus’ wife does crochets, peddles carabao milk, occasional fruits from the backyard,
her hard work is twice as much as the effort of Camus. These actions show how much they value their
work, how much want to be in the social status they want to be that they fail to see how much they
have changed and how they have disregarded the things around worth appreciating.

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