Assertion Journal 1 A

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Assertion Journal #1

“…we can only realize the promise of this institution’s founding — to replace
the ravages of war with cooperation — if powerful nations like my own accept
constraints...I am convinced that in the long run, giving up some freedom of
action — not giving up our ability to protect ourselves or pursue our core
interests, but binding ourselves to international rules over the long term —
enhances our security...We are all stakeholders in this international system, and
it calls upon all of us to invest in the success of institutions to which we
belong." Riely, 2016).
Quote is from Barack Obama’s final speech to the United Nations. This speech was
given by President Obama to call all the leaders together to work for the global integration
rather than rejecting global integration. In these particular lines, he is of the view that it is
true that The powerful nations are stakeholders in the international system and along with
taking care of oneself, the powerful nations like United States should also work for global
peace harmony and integration.  According to Obama, it does never mean to give up freedom
of action or to give up their own protection which is considered by the supporters off realisms
theories,  but Obama seems to we suggesting the we which is supporting vote that is
protecting own interests and working for global integration (Riely, 2016).
 In these lines of the quote I can identify that the speaker is supporting liberalism
international relations theory as he is trying to say that it is important to work for the global
integration rather than to think about oneself only. I support Obama’s view point, as it is
totally true to show power or to gain more power it is not necessary to use direct force such
as military force, rather it is necessary to enhance international security, individual nation’s
power there should be work towards the global integration (Key theories of international
relations 2017).
 The speech of Obama reflects the liberal internationalism. The focus of liberalism is
on the belief that the today there are many forces that are challenging for the peaceful world
order. so in order to face those challenges, instead of completely relying on the military
action, liberalism provides us with a framework to work on these issues in order to promote
on international cooperation as a weapon that can be used to further each nation’s respective
interests. According to the Liberals, the negative consequences of using force, such as
military action, could outweigh the benefits (Key theories of international relations 2017).
The negative consequences could include economic losses for nations as well as civilian
casualties. For all of these reasons, liberals advocate the use of power to improve global
cooperation. This is possible through tactics such as globalised society, economic treaties
such as bilateral trade agreements, and international diplomacy, which can be more effective
than threatening force in advancing political interest (Key theories of international relations

Riely, K. (September 20, 2016) Read Barack Obama's Final Speech to the United Nations as
President. Time Magazine. Retrieved from
Norwich University online. (2017, October 16). Key theories of international relations. |.
Retrieved July 18, 2022, from

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