Railway Questions

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Tech (Civil) VIII Semester

CVE-404L Railway and Airport Engineering

2 Marks Questions:-

Q1. Define Creep in Sleepers?

Q2. What is grade compensation?

Q3. Define coning of wheels?

Q4. Define Automatic block system?

Q5. What do you mean by crossing?

5 Marks Questions:-

Q1. Compare the different type of Sleepers used in Indian Railway.

Q2. A branch line of 8° (Degree) curve Diverges in opposite direction from Broad Gauge main line with 5°
curve. The speed on the branch line is 30km /hr. calculate the Supper elevation and permissible speed
on the main line.

Q3. What is point and crossing? Draw a neat Sketch of right hand turnout and Explain.

Q4. Define Super Elevation .list of the factors considering in design of super elevation.

Q5. Discuss the function and requirements of various elements of railway permanents way.

10 Marks Questions:-

Q1. Write in detail the any eight types of fixtures and fastening in Railway construction with its


Q2. Drive an expression for relationship between super elevation, gauge and curve in Railway track.

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